About Me

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Hey guys! I'm really bored at the moment cuz I'm over at families and watching my cousin, dad and uncle play a game that makes no sense to me. So I'm gonna do 20 random facts about me! This will not include personal things btw so don't go looking for credit card numbers in here.

P.S. I don't have a credit card

1. I have long blond hair that goes to about my mid back and blue eyes

2. I play soccer and am the goalie

3. My favorite subject in school is Social Studies

4. I want to be a Mythology professor when I'm older and yes I'm aware that I have to go through at least 8 years of college to get there

5. Most of my friends are guys at school so others see me as a flirt but I see it as my overly friendly personality

6. I have never broken a bone

7. I've had one concussion in my whole life but get hit in the head with a ball at practically every soccer practice

8. My favorite book series is both the Percy Jackson series. (Hate the movies. The acting is great but the plot is awful blah blah blah blah blah blah blah)

9. I snow ski and just got my own this Christmas! They're blue

10. I solemn ski which is water skiing but you only have one ski instead of two

11. I don't have a favorite anime or anime character. I haven't watched enough shows to determine that but I'm getting there

12. My favorite band is Nickleback (now bring on the hate but I'm not gonna change my mind)

13. My favorite song is Let's See How Far We've Come by Matchbox 20

14. I play the flute

15. Am a Virgo

16. I'm more of a night person than a day person. Stars are my thing

17. I kill at double Solitaire

18. I have no luck whatsoever so I work for most of the stuff I have

19. I hate tight clothes so overly big sweaters are my life

20. I have two piercings in each of my ears and want a third one but don't know if I should get it on my lobe (that sounds so weird) or up on my cartilage

So those are some facts about me! Hope you enjoyed!

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