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Hi my name is Gabe, and my nick name is rainbow-kitty. This is Tay's Ipad, and she is playing the flute.

There's a story behind this so let me explain. I had an extra band practice after school today and had to take the late bus home. (If you don't know what that is, it's the bus you take if your parents can't pick you up after school hours are over and you can't go home on your regular bus) I was supposed to take that but............I kinda got out of school late and by the time I was outside the late busses were already gone. So I waited outside with the other guy who had missed it.
Luckily for me, Gabe plays the trumpet and was at the practice. He's in walking distance of school so he waited with me. He also likes the keyboard I have so I let him type something. Thus the quote above was born.

Hope you liked my story and possibly got a good laugh out of my little mistake. Byeeee

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