Sleeping Beauty

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I want to look like that when I sleep! So peaceful with long pretty blond hair.

By the way, I'm sick today but I actually get to stay home from school this time. (I'm missing a Spanish test which isn't good but oh well) My mom and I went to the doctor this morning for two hours and I had to wear this silly mask thing over my nose and my mouth. Also, this guy who had bronchitis stuck a pen in his mouth! It's like "way not spread germs smart one"! I also had to get my throat swabbed which makes me gag but the nurse who did it was pretty nice and wasn't one of those people who doesn't talk to you at all. When we left they gave me a blue Popsicle and teenage mutant ninja stickers. My mom said I looked like a four year.

So since I have all this time on my hands does anyone want me to update again? If so, just leave a comment and tell me what I should do.

Bye now!

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