Tagged Twice

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Hello my otaku lovelies. (I've always wanted to say that!). I was tagged by RainingStorms twice to answer these questions and answer tell you a few things you don't know about me. Btw, I'm really sorry this took me so long but life happened (aka tests). I'll start with the things you don't know about me.

I really like to play cards. My dad has taught me a lot of games and we bet on them sometimes which makes it even more fun.

I'm related to and named after a civil war general called Robert Taylor Burton. He had 3 wife's and 27 children! (Note fake enthusiasm)

I crack myself up sometimes.

I have a seriously loud laugh.

I'm very clumsy and hurt myself more than I get hurt by others. Yet somehow, I can totally rock heals! I can even jump rope in them.

Ummm..............oh yea! I can't believe I forgot. My favorite number of all time is 3. Everything about 3 is good. It's an odd number, there are 3 Olympian major Gods in Greek Mythology, 3 on a quest in Percy Jackson and so much more!

Now onto the questions......

1. What keeps you awake at night apart from Wattpad and the Internet?

Watching anime, definitely, Pintrest and reading or rereading Percy Jackson.

2. If you were an animal, what would you be?

I would be a fox because they're very sneaky but agile as well. They can be caring animals as well.

3. If you were given a chance to go to you favorite place, where would you go?

With no second thought, Japan. I've always wanted to go but I'm stuck at home.

When you have free time, what are things you do often?

Ugh, I rarely get free time. But when I do I usually am hanging out with friends or on my iPad. I also play this game called Rin Gimmy with my dad. I doubt anyone's ever heard of it, it's not very popular.

If you were a fictional character, who would you be?

Um........I'd probably be Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. She's a blond and really smart and has a lot of common sense. She's a strong character and I know that I am, physically and mentally. If she were real, I might die.

Are you a fan of of K-pop or J-pop?

Probably J-pop just because I listen to it more often. Also, some K-pop stuff creeps me out.

What movies make you laugh so hard/cry so hard?

Well I've never really cried while watching a movie but the Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp in it made me laugh historically. I'll do that in practically any Johnny Depp movie cuz he's awesome.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Oh boy.......I'm not sure I can do that but I guess I'll try. Let's see..........Smiley, smart, crazy

If you here a creepy sound, what is the first thing you think of?

One of my friends is probably trying to scare me. They've all tried and it has never worked because they're too loud. I also don't get scared that easily (unless it's a spider) so I probably wouldn't think too much about it.

Ok! Hope you guys enjoyed and now I'm going to tag some people........and I apologize in advance is RainingStorms already tagged you cuz she had a lot of people tagged and if she did don't feel like you need to do it again.


And JCWine I already new that you were tagged so I didn't do it again but I included you so you didn't feel left out!

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