Watever Many Tags

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So RainingStorms tagged me in this big tag thing. I think there were four but I combined two of them because they were practically the same thing. Ok, let's get started.

First one......Here are the rules. Btw, most of this stuff will just be repeats. I'll tag people at the end

1. I have long blond hair that I don't plan on cutting any time soon and blue eyes

2. I play the flute and am currently 4th chair out of ten (Btw, chairs are like ranking)

3. I also play soccer, as the goalie, and am having trouble with the coach right now cuz he's being a jerk. Don't worry, I won't make you go through the whole story.

4. I have two piercings in each ear and plan on getting more although the I don't know where yet

5. Most of my friends are guys

6. I'm scared of spiders, confined spaces and ovens

7. My favorite type of cupcake is blue velvet (yes I meant blue)

8. I write stories and fanfiction. Go check them out! Names of books in other chapters

9. I'm loud practically all the time

10. I cuss sometimes........a lot.........just not on Wattpad cuz I don't know how old the people who read this stuff are

11. Sadly, I get cold really easily and I get sick easily too if I'm not careful......it sucks

12. Due to my oh so pale skin I don't tan, I burn

13. I love playing with people's hair and braiding it and doing fun stuff with it. I can cut hair too without it looking bad!

14. I snow ski and solemn ski (water skiing with one ski instead of two)

15. My favorite bands are Fall Out Boys, Panic! At The Disco and Green Day

Second tag

1. What do you think if my stories? (person question of RainingStorms )

They are great and I can't wait to read more of them!

2. Pink or blue?

Blue is my all time favorite color!

3. Cat or dog?


4. Do you wear glasses?

Nope, I have 20/20 vision

5. What subjects do you like?

I like English Language Arts and History

6. What number do you like?


7. When is your birthday?

I'm just gonna say it's in August

8. Would you rather be married or not?

I'm probably one of the only girls (idk if this is true for guys) who say they don't want to get married.

9. Ever went on a date?

Kinda, I went on a few with one of my current best friends, Gabe if you guys remember him from a previous chapter, when we dated for six months but I always had to take a friends and we're not dating anymore so..........

10. Kawaii potatoes or Nyan cats?

Nyan Cats

11. Attack on Titan or Death Note?

I haven't watched either but I know how they end and I can't choose. Lots of people die in both

12. Japan or Korea?


13. Homework or Wattpad?

Homework..............JK! Wattpad forever ;)

Third and final tag

1. What do you think of me? (Another personal question)

You're absolutely great and an awesome author!

2. Describe yourself in three words

Casual, creative, smart

3. Would you rather have a car or a motorcycle?

Motorcycle, vroom vroom!

4. Do you like fire or ice?

Another one I can't choose between. I like both equally

5. Wings or extra legs?

Defined wings. So. Flippin. Elegant!

6. Do you know of a Webtoon called Tower of God?

No, I will got look it up

7. Vampires or Warewolves?

Vampires, I like their teeth and some of them sparkle and I love sparkles

8. How many followers?

51 at the moment. Pst, go follow me if you like my stuff! I'd appreciate it so much :D

9. Would you rather win first in a major or school competition?

Major, I fell like school kinda down grades the glory and pride of winning a bit unless you're in your Senior year of high school or collage. I'm not in either of those

10. What is your dream?

I want to be a writer or Mythology Professor which means lots and lots and lots and lots of school but I can handle it. Also, I want to live in Japan when I'm older

11. Ever heard anything strange or spooky?

I hear strange things all day every day. As I said earlier, I hang around a lot of guys which means weird shiz happens. As for spooky though, I don't scare easily and I'm normally the person telling the scary story.

12. English or Math?

I like English more but I don't dislike math. I'm actually pretty good at it

13. Do you have any particular things you like about yourself?

I like being a female!
Jk jk, that's not what I'm gonna say. (Still true though) I like my taste in music and the fact that I can outsmart people really easily and I don't feel awkward in normally awkward situations. It comes in handy when your trying to gross someone out

Now my questions for you guys.

1. What's your favorite Panic! at the Disco song?
2. What's your favorite Fall Out Boys song?
3. Do you have a favorite Fanfiction on Wattpad?
4. Favorite Japanese candy?
5. Favorite Gatorade flavor?
6. What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?
7. If you read or watched A Fault in Our Stars did you cry at the end?
8. Are you good at drawing?
9. What do you think of Levi Ackerman?
10. Would you rather go somewhere freezing cold or burning hot for a vacation?
11. Can you sing well?
12. Favorite Green Day song?
13. Would you rather be stuck with a really mad head ache or a really bad stomachache for at least four days?
14. Worst injury you've ever experienced?
15. Are you tall or short?

Ok that is the end of the tags so now I got to tag 13 people and because I'm in such a good mood I'll say scratch the thing that says you have to do it in a week or that you have to do it at all. So I tag........

RainingStorms (sorry^///^)

Ok, the victims have been chosen now. Go and face your destiny!

Bye now.

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