Let's do this thing!

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I tapped my chin as I stared at the wall of weapons in front of me. "Hmm...I'll take the sword." I told the man at the counter. "Isn't it illegal to sell a weapon to someone as young as you." He said with a smirk. I took the sword of the wall and walked to the counter. "Isn't it illegal to be selling weapons that are stolen." I said smirking as his smirk faded. "That's what I thought. Now ring me up." I said as I paid for it.

I walked out and got on my bike and pedaled home. When I got there I immediately went into my shed where I sat the sword down on the floor and pulled out a book from my backpack. I opened it and picked up the sword. I said the spell as my sword glowed white. I finished and stared at my now glowing sword. "It's time." I muttered.

I pulled out my phone and went on to wattpad. I immediately went to my PM to have a word with EC. 'Hey EC I want to have a word with you.' I typed and waited for a reply. 'Oh really? And what is it that you want.' 'I want to fight you for Cassia! Tell me where you are so we can settle this!' 'Oh so the kitty cat has claws. I rather like this side of you. But you're stupid if you think you can defeat.' 'Why don't we let actions decide that. AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!' 'Fine. But I warned you kitty cat.'

I gave frustrated sigh then a black portal appeared beside me. I gripped my sword tighter and jumped through it. I landed on my feet and looked up to see nothing but darkness. I let my eyes adjust and then pulled out my flashlight. I pointed it forward to see a chain cage with no other than Cassia inside. "Cassia!" I ran to the cage happy to my best friend. "K-Kiya? What are y-you doing here?" She sounded hoarse. "What do you mean what am I doing here? I came to save-" I was caught off by a growl from behind me. I quickly turned around just in time to block a pair of claws with my sword. I quickly jumped away from the demon cat my sword in a fighting position. "Please let this sword work."

The creature then pounced and I hit it with my sword leaving a big slash on its side with black smoke coming from it.

I saw it was distracted by the wound and smirked. I ran at it and and stabbed it in the back, killing it. "Not so tough now huh?" I laughed. I then heard slow clapping coming from within the darkness. "Nicely done. I didn't think you would get this far." EC said. "Let Cassia go and maybe I'll think about making your death fast and painless." I hissed turning to face her to realize she wasn't there. "You still think you have a chance. I pity you." I turned around to see her leaning against Cassia's cage. "Stay away from her!" I yelled as I swung my sword at her. But before I could land a full hit she teleported behind me.

I turned around quickly to see a thin cut on her cheek. I smirked as she touched it. "I'm impressed. You managed to wound me. But a sword isn't enough to-" Black smoke soon rose from the cut. I smirked as she winced in the slight pain that came from it. "As you can probably tell by now this is no ordinary sword. It's enchanted for things like you!" I said as I swung at her again except this time she blocked it with her own sword. I jumped back and she swung at me but I ducked and quickly kicked her legs knocking her to the ground. I jumped, ready to finish her off, but she blocked it with her sword. She then kicked me off of her making me hit Cassia's cage.

I rubbed my head mentally swearing. "I told you to leave. I'm not worth it." I looked at her in plain shock. "Of course you're worth it! I don't want to ever hear you say that again!" "Don't worry you won't have to." I turned my head to see EC with a energy ball in her hand. My eyes widened as she threw it at me. I quickly dodged out the way for it to hit the cage. Smoke came from the impact and started to fill my vision. I coughed and tried to not breath in any smoke. I saw EC through the smoke with her back facing me. She appeared to be looking for me. I quietly ran up to her and stabbed my sword through her. I watched as she coughed up blood. "This is why you don't mess with my friends especially Cass." I watched her body go limp and pulled my sword away.

I quickly ran to Cassia as the smoke disappeared and pulled her out the hole that the blast made in the cage. "C'mon Cass everyone is going to be happy to see you." I said as we stepped through the portal.



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