Familiar Face Returns

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At Ghost's Planet

Gherk: Man i miss dad....

Yamma: Father is busy being the omni-king and you now it.

Gherk: I know *sighs* it get boring here...

Yamma: Then go hang out with aunt ayote if you is soooo bored.

Gherk: Shut it.

Yamma: Make me girl.

Out of know where something had crashed near them.

Yamma: The fuck was that?!

Gherk: Let go see. *flies towards the crash site*

Yanma: Damnit *follows her*

Few mins later

Gherk: *lands in front of the crash site* Woah this is a big crater.

Yamma: *lands next to her* Hmph.

Gherk: *saw a body* Bro look! 

Yamma: *looks at what gherk is seeing*

(She is knocked out)

Yamma: A saiyan?!

Gherk: Weird we should call dad for this.

Yamma: For once i agree now lets get her to the house.

With Ghost...

Ghost: *looking over the multiverse* What a nice view. *hears his phone ring and answered it* Hello?

Gherk: Dad come quick!!

Ghost: Gherk calm down what's wrong.

Gherk: A female saiyan crashed on the planet!

Ghost: What?! I'm on my way! *instant transmission away*

With Gherk and Yamma.

Gherk: He said he is on his way.

Yamma: Good

Ghost: *appears* Im here where is she?!

Yamma: Over there father. *points at the unconcoius saiyan*

Ghost: *saw her and his eyes widened* No...she's still alive but how...

Gherk: Dad you know her?

???: *wakes up* Where the hell am i? *looks around and saw ghost* You.....

Ghost: Kids get behind me now!

Gherk: Why?

Yamma: Father?

Ghost: Now!!

Both: *gets behind him*

???: *charges at him and throws a punch*

Ghost: *easily caught the punch* Hello.....Tinda..

Tinda: *growling*

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