The Phantom Soldier's Past

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    In his chamber, the Phantom Soldier was angry that he didn't get a chance to assassinate the clone of Selene until he sees a mirror and hears a dark voice in the room alone.

???:  How does it feel to stand on the very path that ran with your family's blood? Do you feel sad? Full of rage? Or does that outfit help bury your feelings, hiding your true self? Oh, you are a truly extraordinary specimen. I look forward to breaking you...

    Suddenly, the Phantom Soldier was falling to the void and lands on the ground, breaking his feet. He looks around and saw a soul torturing him as he keeps getting punched and kicked in the stomach.

Blue Soul:  Why are you doing this?

Purple Soul:  So that there couldn't be another one like you. It's time that you'll be devoured by fear.

Blue Soul:  You killed billions of lives for what?! So that people wouldn't become stronger than you, stand up against you, or become a better leader than you?!

Purple Soul:  I'll make sure that you'll regret fighting against me.

    Purple Soul was charging itself towards the Blue Soul and throws it to the ground until it stomps on the Blue Soul's head. Then, a lightning hit the Purple Soul's back and a cloaked person carries the Blue Soul away from the Purple Soul. Suddenly, the Phantom Soldier wakes up in his room and saw Karna resting in his room.

Phantom Soldier:  Karna, get up.

Karna:  *groans and yawn* Okay, sir.

    The Phantom Soldier was staring at the mirror again and shook it off as he left his room.

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