Zaydon and Yui Return To Universe 0

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    After the battle against The Seven Commandments, Zaydon was waking up early and saw his wives and daughters were still asleep.

Zaydon:  *in his mind* I'm sorry everyone.

    Zaydon looks at Maurice's bedroom as he sees an image of Maurice smiling at him when he was happy to saw a plate of cookies until he walks away.  Outside of the mansion, Yui and Corvin were looking at the moon as Zaydon appears behind him.

Zaydon:  Where's Karna and Arno?

Master Corvin:  Their home place. I just don't want them to get involve in the battle. I may see the future Zaydon, but there are times where I'm wrong. Others think I'm crazy and left, while you and the others believe in me and stay with me for the longest time.

Zaydon:  Yui. Before we go, did you put my armor and shield in the house?

Yui:  Of course, sir. In fact, I decided to make the house into a large temple while you were away.

Zaydon:  Okay, let's head there and check on Universe 0.

   Zaydon and Corvin grabbed Yui's shoulder and teleported towards Universe 0 until they stopped and stare in horror at the charred and burning remnants of the large village.

Master Corvin:  Zaydon, search for any survivors.

    Zaydon was looking around the village and saw the noodle shop abandon as the thought of his friend was in his mind.

Zaydon:  Yuno?! Yuno!

    Zaydon was searching every building to see if Lord Yuno is alive until he sees his house in front of him.

Zaydon:  Yuno, what's going on-?

     Suddenly, he was shocked to see Lord Yuno and his family lying dead on their pool of blood as Zaydon was trying to keep his stomach together.

Master Corvin:  Zaydon, what's wrong? Do you know him?

Zaydon:  Yes. I just...Let's go.

Master Corvin:  Okay, let's just find those people and stop them.

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