Zaydon & Karna's Escort Mission

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    On Planet Devska, Zaydon and Karna teleported at the desert city and spotted a large palace in front of him as the streets are filled with people and markets.

Karna:  Man, this city looks peaceful.

Zaydon:  Of course it's beautiful. Let's find that person and escort them to their location.

    As the two of them explored the city, Zaydon looks at the hooded stranger, motions their hand towards him.

Zaydon:  Karna, someone wants to see us.

Karna:  *noticing that hooded stranger* That person? I don't know.

Zaydon:  Come on.

    Zaydon and Karna walked towards the hooded stranger until the stranger headed straight towards them and whispers in their ears.

Hooded Stranger:  Are you two my escorts and worked for Master Corvin?

Zaydon:  Of course, we are.

Hooded Stranger:  Good, take me to his castle.

Karna:  Okay.

    Zaydon grabs the hooded stranger's shoulders and Karna until they teleported to Master Corvin's office.

Master Corvin:  It's finally nice to meet you again, Zaydon and Karna.

Hooded Stranger:  It's nice to meet you, Master Corvin.

Master Corvin:  It's a pleasure, Prince Arno.

Karna:  Prince Arno?

    Suddenly, the hooded stranger took off of his cloak and revealed himself as Prince Arno.

Master Corvin:  Prince Arno, meet Lord Zaydon and Karna. For now on, you three will be a team unless you found some recruits.

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