Zaydon Vs The Phantom Soldier

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    Zaydon was walking around the room and felt nervous about it until he hears footsteps heading towards him.

???:  So you've come to face me...finally.

    Zaydon was in his fighting stance and saw the Phantom Soldier as dark aura was surrounding him.

Zaydon:  Yeah, I've been taught by a wise man that saved me.

Phantom Soldier:  "Saved you", I prefer that he created me. The moment that you took off that mask and reveal yourself to Min and Kush, you just caused Shi and the others to not just trust Corvin. You just caused yourself to become weak like your family.

    The Phantom Soldier sprinted towards Zaydon and kicks him in the face.

Phantom Soldier:  If you paid attention and become stronger, you could've easily been a better God of Destruction like Arkham.

    Zaydon transforms into a Super Saiyan and throws a barrage of punches and kicks at the Phantom Soldier as he was blocking him.

Phantom Soldier:  You would've been better a better teacher to Kai and the others.

Zaydon:  Kamehameha!!! *fires the Kamehameha Wave at the Phantom Soldier*

Phantom Soldier:  Nobody including Akuma would die. I mean, look at yourself. You are just a scared little kid in a gi! If you were good enough, maybe Shi would still trust you. Deep down, you know I’m right. You made your choice, and all you had to do was step aside. Instead, you turned your back and I damage your world.

    Zaydon was charging his stamina and fly towards the Phantom Soldier with a punch in his mask as it has a small crack.

Phantom Soldier:  Y-You ruined my mask! No matter, you and I will both know that you will fail...just like how you didn't save Maurice.

    Zaydon reverts back into his base form and looks down while the Phantom Soldier smiles darkly at him as he was ready to strike Zaydon down. Suddenly, Zaydon opens his eye as they turn from green to blue until a vibrant, fiery, electric blue aura surrounded him.

Phantom Soldier:  So you finally have your God Ki back? Let's hope that you won't be needing them for a long time!

    The Phantom Soldier pulls out his curve-knife and swings it at Zaydon until he grabs his wrists and throws him across the wall.

Zaydon:  Really? You're trying to strike a God of Destruction with a knife.

    The Phantom Soldier was sweating under his mask until Zaydon flicked him at his forehead and punches him in the stomach. Suddenly, the door opens and Zaydon was walking towards it until he turn towards the Phantom Soldier. He looks down and saw nothing except the mask as it represents his dark emotions.

Zaydon:  It's time that I have a talk with Corvin after the kids are finish.

    Suddenly, the doors beside Zaydon were open as Karna and Arno walked out of there.

Zaydon:  Wait, you guys finished already?!

Karna:  Yeah, and I kinda have a new form.

Arno:  Same goes for me.

    Zaydon and the others saw another gate opening for them until they saw another 3 doors in front of them.

Zaydon:  Time to test out your new form.

Arno:  Right.

Karna:  Okay.

    They all walked towards the 3 doors alone and it closed behind them leaving them with confidence.

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