Enisha Arrives To The Creation Universe

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    In Universe 0, Enisha was destroying planets that she sees as "lack of respect". She was staring down at the planets that is turning to dust coldly until she turns to her Angel.

Enisha: Solarias, we should meet up with the others and check on their progress.

    Enisha grabs onto her Angel's shoulders and the two of them have warped to another universe. In the Creation Universe, Zaydon was checking on Lucia and Emily as they were discussing the baby's name.

Zaydon: How about Coolio?

Lucia: That doesn't work well for the baby.

Emily: Jack?

Lucia: It feels weird to name him after the emperor of the Shi Clan.

Zaydon: How about Rin?

Lucia: Maybe?

FrostWing: Let's take a break and think about it later.

    Zaydon walks out of the room until he checks on the baby with Maurice continuing to poke him.

Zaydon: Maurice, stop poking the baby.

Maurice: Or what?

Zaydon: I'm gonna tell Wrath on you and she won't show you her Halloween costumes.

    Maurice stops poking the baby until Zaydon shows Maurice many pictures of his girlfriend in many Halloween costumes.

Maurice: If it's a bluff, then I'll annoy you even more.

Zaydon: *shows a photo of Wrath in her goth outfit* Am I bluffing now?

    Maurice grabs his phone and returns to his bedroom until Zaydon was left alone with the baby.

Zaydon: Don't worry, he's your uncle that loves pranking others including me. I'll just head out and be back with some stuff for you.

    Suddenly, Zaydon senses two familiar kis outside of the mansion and teleported outside to see Enisha and her Angel.

Zaydon: It's nice to see you again, Lady Arasaki. What brings you here?

Enisha: I'm just here for some interesting news and just checking on everyone. Anyways, Seth is keeping an eye on Universe 0 and Corvin became a guild master with a bunch of Saiyans, Namekians, Humans, Arcosians, Tuffles, Majins, and Cerelians.

Zaydon: That's amazing to hear about those two doing something for themselves. What about Damien, Nathan, and Kai?

Enisha: Damien and Nathan are learning sword techniques and serving a powerful kingdom while I heard that Kai has transform into a Super Saiyan God Blue.

Zaydon: I'm glad that they're improving their training without me. Still, you should check on your family and your old friends in case they need you.

Enisha: Don't worry, I took them to an empty planet with life. It's quiet and peaceful there to reflect on everything.

Zaydon: That's nice to hear.

Enisha: Also, I found some interesting news about a Majin and a Saiyan fighting in an underground tournament.

Zaydon: I should look into it once my family and I defeat our enemies soon. Anyways, you should meet the others in the mansion.

Enisha: Fine, but I might be interested in finding a date.

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