Iris Learns About The Saiyans

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    At her room, Iris was looking through the window and sees the head scientist entering her room.

Head Scientist: Morning Iris, I have studied your training results and you are improving well. Today, I will tell you about the Saiyans. They're kinda like an accuracy of a combinations of chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys with human DNA. I can show you on what they were actually like in a fight.

     Iris was watching a videos of Zaydon and his friends fighting against their enemies.

Head Scientist: The one of the male Saiyans is interesting through endurance and agility, but he is somewhat easy to manipulate due to having a kind heart. Anyways, these Saiyans can go through transformations unlike humans. On a full moon, a Saiyan will have a tail on them and will stare at the moon until they transform into an Oozaru. They will have another transformation called Super Saiyan, but they have different levels of power. Also, they have different transformations that can cause them to berserk. They have gone through training and break their own limits to become powerful. Today, you will have to train to increase your strength and I'll have someone to teach you some techniques.

    Iris nodded her head as the head scientist is leaving her room.

    At the mansion, Zaydon was meditating alone on the rooftop until he senses Enisha's energy as she felt stronger and was wearing Egyptian clothing.

Enisha: Hey Zaydon, I now know what happens if I reset a universe. It's just became better without any thots in that universe anymore.

Zaydon: That'll make Jack feel better. Also, are you okay?

Enisha: Yeah, but I kinda wanna burn the journal away because nobody should know about its dark secrets.

Zaydon: That's reassuring. Also, I should head back to training.

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