Nathan And The Others Celebrate Maurice

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    As Nathan was shopping with Seth and Damien for some snacks for Maurice's party, Seth was smiling at himself.

Seth: Dude, we should bring Maurice with us for a celebration. I wonder why Zaydon hasn't came back yet?

Damien: He said that he and FrostWing were training with Joy, but I'm not sure if she left them with someone.

Seth: I'm sure they are okay during their training. Besides, I bet that they're improving well.

      Somewhere at the Creation Universe, Zaydon and FrostWing were running away from Chi as she was shooting a barrage of ki blasts at them with bloodlust.

Chi: Where are you two going?

      Zaydon was hiding behind cover with FrostWing until Zaydon teleported behind Chi and sweep kicks her.

Zaydon: FrostWing now!

     FrostWing was throwing a barrage of ki blasts at Chi and Zaydon appears behind him until they didn't felt her energy.

FrostWing: Did we get her?

     Suddenly, Zaydon felt like he was controlled by someone and saw Chi manipulating his blood.

Chi: Not bad, but you're still behind.

     Chi was controlling Zaydon like a puppet and makes him fight FrostWing.

Zaydon: FrostWing, I need you to dodge.

     Zaydon was throwing ki blasts at FrostWing as he jumps towards the wall and climbs to the ledge until he jumps down and strikes down at Chi's vital points, freeing Zaydon.

Chi: Now this is getting interesting.

    FrostWing turned to Zaydon's direction and gets into his stance.

FrostWing: Zaydon, are you still able to keep going?

Zaydon: Yeah, just give me some distance.

    Zaydon transforms into a Super Saiyan God Blue and nods for FrostWing for command as they were predicting for Chi's movements. Then, they were dashing towards Chi and studies her movement. Before Chi could manipulate Zaydon's blood again, FrostWing throws a ki blast at Chi and Zaydon teleported to side kick her. Before Chi could recover, FrostWing hit her with a left hook and Zaydon follows up with a roundhouse kick to Chi's face. The Saiyan duo continues to barrage and beat on Chi until she blocks their attacks.

Chi: That'll be it for the day.

    Zaydon and FrostWing were exhausted and started to rest.

    Back at the Shi Creation Universe, Damien and Kai were making barbecue and grilled shrimps while Nathan and Seth were making sweets.

Kai: Dude, just keep an eye on the food while I find the sauce.

Damien: On it.

    As Kai was heading to the kitchen, he encounters Corvin as he was relaxing on the couch.

Kai: Corvin, what are you doing here?

Corvin: I'm just came to celebrate and relax. Also, I was about to tell you, Zaydon, and FrostWing that someone is the new God of Destruction of Universe 0 and we should meet them.

Kai: That's cool. Anyways, we should wait for the others to come here.

Corvin: Right, I'll just relax.

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