The Silver Webs

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    After Zaydon and FrostWing were heading towards the portal and arrived at Universe 0, Zaydon looks around and feels nostalgic around it.

Zaydon: This takes me back when I was just a God of Destruction. I actually destroyed some planets as one of my training, eating a noodle shop, and made a friend there.

FrostWing: What was your friend like?

Zaydon: He reminds me of us and everyone at the mansion. We are somewhat the same, but I don't know more about him.

FrostWing: ………

    As they were walking out of the old village, they started to fly towards a large neon city as the sun was setting.

Zaydon: Say FrostWing, I kinda feel like we have changed a lot of people over the years and you are still the God of Destruction.

FrostWing: What are you saying?

Zaydon: I'm just kinda feel scared for the next enemy that is very powerful and the last time of what happened to my body when I died.

FrostWing: Don't worry, Maurice and the others got this. We should support them and help them out.

Zaydon: …Right.

    They landed on top of the rooftop and looks down at the streets. FrostWing was looking down at the city while Zaydon was in a state of quietness. Suddenly, FrostWing senses a powerful aura was heading towards them until they appeared beside Zaydon.

???: It's finally nice to see you again.

Zaydon: You too, Lady Arasaki.

    Enisha provides Zaydon and FrostWing an umbrella as they were hearing thunder.

Enisha: Let's head to my place for the night and you guys should rest.

Zaydon: What about Damien?

Enisha: Damien has wrap up his training during his time with some stranger. Now, he looks powerful and older, but on the other hand, that stranger was holding back his strength and has knowledge of Ultra Instinct and one of Aladjinn's plans in his diary.

FrostWing: How bad is it?

Zaydon: FrostWing, let's discussed about it tomorrow.

FrostWing: You're right.

     Enisha was escorting Zaydon and FrostWing to her mansion and sees Damien resting on her couch.

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