Nonon Jakuzure vs Squidward Tentacles

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Requested by MLPFan001


Inside the big hall of an auditorium, Squidward stood on the stage, smiling at the audience arrogantly.

Squidward: Heh! Looks like I'm gonna win this contest after all.

Squidward held up his clarinet and he began playing "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion badly

Just then, Squidward heard a voice calling out to him.

???: Hey! Quit it! You're making my ears bleed!

Annoyed, Squidward turns around, only to find a short girl with pink hair cladded in a black parade outfit facing him.

Squidward: Oh yeah? Do you have the talent to beat the best Squidward?

???: As a matter of fact, I do.

Nonon then spun her baton around and a bright light flashes across the stage.

Band instruments began flying up, piling themselves up onto Nonon's body.


Metal armour encases itself over the instruments, before a bright light flashes across the stage.


Squidward: Oh my.

Squidward said in shock as he found himself getting slowly towered by a massive heart made out of instuments.

Nonon: Three-Star Goku Uniform: Symphony Regalia Grave!

Nonon stood over Squidward, smugly asking.

Nonon: Well, prepare for this fight to end quickly?

However, to her surprise, Squiward indifferently spat.

Squidward: Heh! What? Did Big Band and one of Spongebob's jellyfish mated to form you? Don't make me laugh!

Nonon smirks and she screams out.

Nonon: Well, once I show you how good I am, you're gonna regret it!



One of the speakers on the Goku uniform blares out a loud sound, blowing Squidward back. 

Squidward: ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!

Squidward looks down and he said.

Squidward: I can do so much better.

The squid held up his clarinet and he blew at it with a massive amount of force, playing "It's Raining Men" by the Weather Girls loudly.


Almost immediately, the loud frequency of the sound shatters Nonon's Goku Uniform, sending her falling down.


Nonon: Whoa!!!

Squidward leaps up and he throws his arm across, striking Nonon right in the neck.


Nonon looks back and she spun her baton across, striking Squidward in the cheek.


Squidward thrusts both his hands outward, launching a blast of squid ink right into her face.


Nonon: ARGHHHHH!!!! Yuck!


Squidward launches himself across the air and he throws a kick, striking her square in the face.


Nonon backs away and she swipes her hand downwards, wiping the ink off her face.

Squidward: Ah ha ha ha. Is that the best you can do?

Just then, a bright light flashes around Nonon, causing Squidward to raises an eye in intrigue.

Squidward: Hm?

Nonon stood in her parade suit and she points her hat at Squidward.

What happened next shocked Squidward.


A massive cannon fires from the hat, flying towards Squidward.


Squidward: AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Squidward lets out a loud scream as he was sent flying upwards, crashing through the roof of the auditorium.


Nonon smiles a self-satisfied smile and she said to herself.

Nonon: There, that should take care of him.....

Just then....


Nonon turns around and before she could react, she felt a blast of steaming hot magma strike her right in the face.



Nonon screams out in sheer agony as she felt a blazing hot sensation burning her.

Right at that moment, Squidward flew into the auditorium, cladded in his Captain Magma suit.

Captain Magma: Ha ha! Didn't see that coming do you?

Captain Magma lunges forward and he throws a barrage of punches at Nonon.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Squidward then pulls out his clarinet and he swings it across, striking Nonon under her chin.



Just as Nonon was sent flying back, Squidward loudly screams out.

Squidward: Krakatoa!!!


At that exact moment, steaming hot magma rose from the ground, spewing right towards Nonon.



Nonon screams out in agony as she falls onto the floor, writhing in pain.

Squidward smirks smugly at her and he loudly declares out.

Squidward: Talk about no talent. Well your debute is over!

Squidward pulls out a needle and he swings his hand down, preparing to finish Nonon off.

Right at that moment.....


Squidward: ARGHHHHHHH!!!

Squidward screams out as he jumps back, covering his eyes in an attempt to shield himself from the shining bright light.

Squidward: What is this?!

Squidward questions out.

As the light slowly dims, Nonon stood in her place, but only this time, her outfit in completely different.

Unlike her previous outfits, Nonon's is cladded rather skimply, her outfit resembling a female magician's uniform.

Nonon smirks as she proudly declares out.

Nonon: Behold! Goku Uniform Symphony Regalia: Finale!


Nonon launches herself upwards and she swings her baton, launching a powerful sound wave right at Squidward.


Squidward: ARGHHHHHH!!!!

Squidward screams out as he was sent flying back, crashing backfirst into a chair.

Angered, Squidward pulls out a drum and he throws it at Nonon.


Nonon simply breaks the drum with a single swing.

Squidward points his volcano cannon at Nonon, launching a stream of lava at her.


Nonon ducks to the side before sliding forward, only for Squidward to swing his clarinet against her face.


Nonon struck out her baton, slamming it right underneath Squidward's chin.


Squidward: ARGHHHH!!!!

Nonon: This ends now!

Nonon thrusts out her hand, sending a powerful soundwave right towards Squidward.


Squidward could only scream out in horror just as the soundwave slams right into him.



A massive explosion booms across the entire auditorium, sending debris flying everywhere.

As the smoke clears, Nonon stood proudly over the rubble, bragging out.

Nonon: Bite me. And if you bring it up again, I'm gonna switch out your lenses with non-prescription ones, you four-eyed nerd  


Megumi: Wait wait! Don't go just yet MLPFan001! We still got one special surprise for you!

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