Untitled Part 178

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Cabba: despite Dakkon not exactly being around his friends to hear the good news in regards to what was going on with Totama and Mizuna. But, it certainly didn't stop Totama from going to give him a visit to at least have a talk with him and drop the news to him. Both Totama and Mizuna were currently at their home as Totama was ready to go and check up on Dakkon. Though that's not to say Mizuna was a bit questionable about him doing this.

Mizuna: are you sure you want to look for Dakkon this soon? You usually tend to wait until later where he's a little calm down and close by.

Totama: I know. It's just that almost every day now, he's been kinda going off even when someone hasn't been ridiculing him. I'm really just not wanting to sit by a let him get ridiculed to the point where he's just running off before they even have a chance to screw with him again.

Mizuna: I know. It's just about Dakkon's temper as of recently.

She said as she walked behind Totama and hugged him from behind.

Mizuna: I would just like for our child to grow up with a father.

Totama gave a light laugh before turning to Mizuna and hugging her.

Totama: don't worry. I'll be alright. Dakkon may have been developing a little bit of anger after all the ridiculing. But, I know that I can at least approach him carefully without getting him to fly off the handle or anything.

Mizuna soon gave a slight irritated sigh.

Mizuna: I really hope you're right about that.

The pregnant female saiyan said before letting go of Totama.

Totama: I promise I'll be okay.

He said before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

Totama: don't worry.

He said before quickly flying off, leaving an annoying, but blushing Mizuna.

Mizuna: I seriously hate it when he goes and does that.


Ginge and Jinjer were at their place. Ginge was mainly just leaning against the wall with his arms crossed all while Jinjer was screwing around and flicking a bunch of mini rocks out a window.

Cabba: as Totama flew off to go find Dakkon; Ginge and Jinjer were at their place discussing things in regards to Dakkon.

Jinjer: you think Totama going to look for Dakkon and talking with him by himself is such a good idea to do.

Ginge: I don't usually question Totama when it comes to Dakkon. Especially considering he's been an important part of what's been helping us with Dakkon. However, considering Dakkon's recent temper from all the ridiculing he's gotten.

Jinjer: yeah..... It was nearly terrifying the last time we tried talking with him.

He said with a little bit of a nervous tone in his voice as he flicked a rock out of the window. The sound of something getting broken from the rock colliding with it was heard from outside after he did.

Ginge: I really hoped that what had happened on that day was only a one-time thing. But, I fear that we could be in for a lot more sooner than we think.

Ginge responded with a bit of concern in his voice, to which his younger brother looked to him with a more worried look this time.

Jinjer: you're not suggesting that Dakkon may flip out again, are you?

Ginge: call it a hunch. I'm not saying that it's likely to happen again. But, considering how bad it's been getting with Dakkon always getting the short end of the stick by other Saiyans, it's not far off of a possibility. Maybe even worse.

There was silence between the two as the thought of having a similar confrontation from what they had recently before worried them dearly.

Jinjer: well, hopefully we'll be lucky and Dakkon will be a little calm to talk with.

Ginge: yeah..... hopefully. I'm more concerned about Totama, and what he'll have to do if things should get bad.

Cabba: as Totama was flying to Dakkon's direction, he was thinking to himself in regards to Dakkon.

Totama's mind: sure hope he's doing alright. The last thing I ever want to see is Dakkon becoming aggressive.


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