Why Do People Bitch When Directors Give Explanations or Answer Questions?

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A/N: This is just another one of my rants. You can pretty much just skip it if you want.

So anyway, this is something that seems to be pretty common now a days for some reason.

Whenever a Director is answering a question asked from someone and/or just giving some sort of explanation, there's always that group of people who either get pissy about it and either write it off as them doing damage control or just telling them to shut up.

When Colin Trevorrow had to give explanation for certain points within Fallen Kingdom like why Sorna wasn't mention or when Maisie's clone was created prior to Fallen Kingdom. People wrote off what he said as damage control and nothing else.

Or how about When The Russo Bros were being asked questions regarding Endgame. Granted, some stuff like why Hulk didn't have a rematch with Thanos didn't seem like a good answer, but, most of what they've given were well placed answers to questions regarding the characters and the film they were in. But, whenever they not answer these questions, some people try to say that they should shut up like as if it was their choice to say when a director gets to talk or not.

The Only Director that I know of who hasn't been bitched about is Michael Dougherty when he eventually started giving some extra information regarding Godzilla: King of The Monsters. Such as Mothra laying an egg before the final battle, What Kong was doing during the events of the film and how Ghidorah got into the ice in the first place.

I'd like to say that people seem to forget that not every single explanation can just be shoved and cramped into one singular movie unless it had a scene to fit into where it could be valid or it would have to result in the film having to be much longer to give it a moment where it could help.

But god forbid, people bitch about movies being "too long". And not to mention that they would likely pass off some of these explanations as "useless exposition".

Sometime, they can't put everything into one film and will likely need to give some sort of explanation, via any sort of material that's canonical to the films to help give some extra info. That, or the director or even writers have to answer whatever questions they're asked.

It's one thing if you don't like it if they're explaining a lot of stuff, but, it's another to say that they need to shut up. That's honestly just being childish.

They are not hurting anyone, they are not insult anyone. They are merely answering questions that they are asked. They're allowed to answer them whether you like it or not.

A creator's opinion and perspective doesn't change what they actually created (death of the author exists for a reason), but what they have to say is still valid and they still have every right to say it. It's not wrong.

We shouldn't bitch and scream at the top of our lungs about it like children over this. Seriously. It's 2019 and we're at the point that we apparently don't like directors answering questions to the point that we try to tell them to shut up. It's honestly fucking sad.

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