Wrath of the Chimeras

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A/N: with Both Ex Vakishim and Hyper Zetton Destroyed, Dark Mu decided to step things up.

(Yeah, I'm back on this to finish up this arc).

Dark Mu: well, seems those two weren't quite able to get the job done. I guess I should step things up then.

She said as she opened up 3 portals, with the portal in the middle being the larger of them. Out of the portal came 3 large Chimera-like beasts.

The first chimera was Tyrant.

The second chimera was Five King.

And the last one being the largest out of the 3. The  512 meter beast, Giga Khimaira.

Eris: very impressive. But, we need an insurance.

Eris opened up a portal and made a 4th being appear. Ahms, after having absorbed Hit and Black.

Eris: at least, to make sure these beasts succeed in destroying them. 

Ahms nodded as he and the Chimera beasts went in for the attack.

Austin: oh you gotta be kidding.

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