Fake(The Grave Diggers)

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(I might changed the lyrics a bit to fit the story)

Itona: Wassup,dudes and dudettes! This is our first music video. I like to thank my uncle and his crew for helping us. Now onto the video

The video started as a bunch of people,wearing black clothes,are inside a mansion and mourning for someone or are they?

Man 1:*looking at the coffin with two people*Are you mourning for her?

Man 2: Heh. I'm just here for the fortune

Woman 1: Everyone sadly is...Such a shame she died in a young age

Butler: Everyone,please take your seats

Everyone sat down

Pastor: We are here to mourn Miss Grace Digby,a loving daughter and niece who lost her parents

Woman 2: Who gets the fortune?!

Man 2: That's what we want!

Man 3: Who cares for that lass?

Man 4: I want my wife's money

Man 1:*sighed* And that's why we never get along

Woman 1: Agreed

The guest continued arguing until there is a power outage. The music starts playing as a young version of Grace Digby,Andrea wearing glow-in-the-dark make up and a dapper outfit,got up and walk out of her coffin. All that guests are shock even the pastor


You think you know about me but you don't know really what you're talking 'bout

*walking toward the actors who played as the guests*

You act as if I was born yesterday but won't you shut your goddamn mouth

*pointed at the husband*

You're nothing but a has-been no one even really knows my fucking name

So won't you go and disappear 'cause I won't even play your fucking game

*killed the husband and the guests run off to the hallway*

You talk to me, like I'm nothing
Said I can't do it like you do
From where I came, from nothing
So you know every inch is true

Three potraits,Itona,Darwin and Theodore bobbed their head to the beat

And we came to mess with you

They scare the guests and run to a hallway with armours

I said every little thing that you do
We'll be laughing, we can't hear you

*Two of the guests got killed*

Try and help you see it straight
You were nothing but a fake

You were nothing but a fake

The couple,who felt pity for Andrea,were spared and saw a message written in blood saying"Killing the mean relatives. You're safe". Meanwhile,Andrea chased and cornered the second woman then killed her

Gonna make you sorry that you met me
Gonna make your insides hurt
I've been laughing, we're all laughing at you
It's funny 'cause you're worse

*killed the last guest*

You talk to me, like I'm nothing
Said I can't do it like you do

*laughed insanely as the boys jumped out of their portraits*

From where I came, from nothing
So you know every inch is true
And we came to mess with you

A set of drums appeared as they start to play their instruments.

I said every little thing that you do
We'll be laughing, we can't hear you
Try and help you see it straight
You were nothing but a fake

I said every little thing that you do
We'll be laughing, we can't hear you
Try and help you see it straight
You were nothing but a fake

They vanished

Man 1:*opened the door*H-hello

Butler: Miss Digby hands her fortune to you and your wife,sir

Woman 1: Um...that's nice*left with her husband

The music video end

Andrea: I hope you guys like the vid

Darwin: Please hit the like and subscribed to our channel. Bye!!

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