An Idiot's Guide to Lyrilusc

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Hi, it's me again.

You probably read the title thinking, "But Fox, this isn't 60 Good Machines!"

Haha, look, I'm procrastinating, it'll come out during the next millennia, okay?

To go along with my one-shot "Wings", I'm going to be doing "An Idiot's Guide to" on each deck I feature!

The first one we'll be taking a look at is the protagonist Minoru's deck, Lyrilusc!

Lyrilusc is a battle focused archetype revolving around Winged Beast level 1s to Xyz summon Rank 1s, most particularly Nightingale, so you can attack multiple times directly for game.

Going second, this deck can OTK out of nowhere, and is extremely consistent at bringing out a five material Nightingale just by breathing. It's also decent going first due to Ensemblue Robin, their new Xyz monster that can bounce during the opp's turn.

Before I begin, I'd like make a quick announcement regarding the future of this series.

Since this is something I do for fun, I'm going to shift series this towards being more combo tutorial based since that's what I'm most interested in as a YGO player.

I'll still provide a sample deck list and commentary, but primarily I want to focus on explaining the possible combos as well as test hand examples at the end!

Without further adieu, here's Minoru's Lyrilusc deck!

3x Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler (starter and enabler)
3x Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow (starter/extender)
3x Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow (monster searcher)
3x Lyrilusc - Beryl Canary (extender)
3x Lyrilusc - Celeste Wagtail (spell searcher)
3x Slower Swallow (extender)
2x D.D. Crow (hand trap)

3x Lyrilusc - Bird Call (searcher and enabler)
3x Where Arf Thou? (searcher, the 2k burn doesn't matter when your opp is dead)
3x Wing Requital (Pot of Greed but on bird crack (I wish I was joking))
3x Swallow's Nest (switches a dead card on board for something you need)
1x Lyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary (enables seven material Nightingale)
1x Instant Fusion (extender)
1x One for One (insane starter)
1x Harpie's Feather Duster (back row removal)
1x Stoic Challenge (spicy tech, makes Nightingale massive)

3x Harpie's Feather Storm (best card in deck, it negates all opp's monster effs for free like wtf)

Extra Deck:
3x Lyrilusc - Recital Starling (searcher)
3x Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale (wincon)
2x Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin (disruption; Unicorn on steroids)
2x Lyrilusc - Prom Thrush (back row removal; buffs Nightingale)
1x Number F0: Utopic Draco Future (negate and steal)
1x Number F0: Utopic Future (means to go into Draco Future)
1x Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder (board wipe)
1x Slacker Magician (stall card)
1x Downerd Magician (emergency attacker)
1x Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale (target off Instant Fusion)

Other options for this deck include!
>Hand traps/going second cards
This is a deck that can OTK very easily after all. Cards like Ash Blossom, Ghost Belle, Lightning Storm, Forbidden Droplet, etc, are all good at stopping your opponent or breaking their boards so you can make your plays
>Effect Veiler
Veiler gets a special shout out since it's a level 1 like Crow
>Big One Warrior
This card is where Minoru gets the name of his Duel Runner from! Big One is just a nice extender, I used to use it since one pitched a card to GY (which Canary can take advantage of) but I cut it for more utility spells
>Evil Thorn
A one card rank 1 that can also inflict 300 damage for... some reason?
>Jester Confit
Another extender, only issue is you can only control one at a time
>Treeborn Frog
A recyclable level 1 but it's a bit too slow for my taste
>Raidraptor - Last Strix
This card is very searchable in Lyrilusc due to being a level 1 Winged Beast, and can enable a one card Number 77
>Monster Reborn
Another extender
>Called by the Grave
Fuck your hand traps
>Psychic Blade
Another funny tech to make your Nightingale big
>Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon
Target off Last Strix
>Number 77: The Seven Sins
4k wall that's really good for going first

With that out of the way, let's get into some of the combos!

Combo 1: Turquoise Warbler, Bird Call (2 cards, going second)
1) Activate Bird Call to add Cobalt Sparrow, special summon Warbler
2) Warbler effect to special Sparrow
3) Sparrow effect to add Celeste Wagtail
4) Xyz summon Recital Starling and give ATK to an opp's monster
5) Starling effect to add Sapphire Swallow
6) Swallow effect to special itself and Wagtail
7) Wagtail effect to add Sanctuary
8) Xyz summon Nightingale, using Swallow's effect to add Sparrow in GY to it as material
9) Activate Sanctuary to draw a card

With this, you have a 3 material Nightingale and a Starling to crash into your opponent. Alternatively, you can use Sanctuary's other effect to put Starling under Nightingale to attack five times.

Combo 2: Cobalt Sparrow, Beryl Canary, Bird Call (3 cards, going first)
1) Activate Bird Call to dump Celeste Wagtail and special summon Sparrow
2) Sparrow effect to add Sapphire Swallow
3) Canary effect to special itself and Wagtail from GY
4) Wagtail effect to add Sanctuary
5) Xyz summon Recital Starling with Wagtail and Sparrow
6) Starling effect to detach Sparrow and add Warbler to hand
7) Swallow effect to special itself and Warbler from hand
8) Warbler effect to special summon Sparrow from GY
9) Xyz summon Recital Starling with Swallow and Warbler
10) Starling effect to detach Swallow to add Slower Swallow to hand
11) Slower effect to special itself
12) Xyz summon Ensemblue Robin with Canary, Sparrow, and Slower
13) Activate Sanctuary to draw 1
14) Xyz summon Utopic Future using the two Starling
15) Xyz summon Utopic Draco Future using Utopic Future

You'll have three bounces with Robin (it's not once per turn surprisingly) and a negate and potential monster steal off Draco Future. If you also drew into Feather Storm, your opponent basically can't do anything turn 1, and you can go into an OTK next turn with Nightingale plus your other pieces.

Combo 3: Turquoise Warbler, Cobalt Sparrow, Bird Call, and literally any Lyrilusc monster (4 cards, going second)

While four cards seems like a lot, one of them can be any Lyrilusc monster, and you can easily grab any of the other two monsters using cards like Where Arf Thou and Swallow's Nest, so opening this isn't actually that difficult.

The only "hard" part is opening Bird Call, but worst case you can search it off Celeste, you only miss out on the Sanctuary route, so its really whatever since you can still OTK with a Starling on board.

1) Activate Warbler to special itself
2) Warbler effect to special Sparrow
3) Sparrow effect to add Canary
4) Xyz summon Recital Starling and give ATK to an opp's monster
5) Starling effect to detach Sparrow to add Celeste Wagtail
6) Canary effect to special itself and Sparrow from GY
7) Activate Bird Call to add Sapphire Swallow and special summon Wagtail
8) Wagtail effect to add Sanctuary
10) Swallow effect to special itself + your other Lyrilusc in hand
11) Xyz summon Nightingale using all five monsters
12) Activate Sanctuary to draw a card and put Starling under Nightingale

And now you have a 1600 ATK (200 from Canary), non-targetable, 7 material Nightingale to OTK your opponent with! (1600 x 7 = 11200 which is waaaaay more than 8000)

And best of all, if you somehow fail to kill them, you can go into a 8 material Zeus! Zoodiac can eat their heart out.

To round off this Idiot's Guide to, we're going to take a test hand (using the shuffler on Nexus monkaS) and see what plays we can make going both first and second! We're going to assume there's no interruptions to see how far we can go.

Going first test hand:
Bird Call, Bird Sanctuary, Slower Swallow, Celeste Wagtail, Beryl Canary

My initial thought is... wow this is pretty bad. As always, Nexus loves giving me my 1-ofs... I guess I can just search another Bird Call off Wagtail for a follow up, but it feels bad. I would've preferred Sanctuary to be something else, but it's fine, we can still work with this.

1) Activate Bird Call to dump Cobalt Sparrow and special summon Wagtail
2) Wagtail effect to add Bird Call
3) Canary effect to special itself and Sparrow from GY
4) Sparrow effect to add Sapphire Swallow to hand
5) Xyz summon Recital Starling with Wagtail and Sparrow
6) Starling effect to detach Wagtail and add Warbler
7) Swallow's effect to special itself and Warbler from hand
8) Warbler effect to special Wagtail
9) Slower's effect to special itself
10) Xyz summon Recital Starling with Slower and Wagtail
11) Starling effect to detach Wagtail and add Sparrow to hand
12) Normal summon Sparrow (I can't believe we're normal summoning now either)
13) Xyz summon Ensemblue Robin with Sparrow, Canary, and Swallow
14) Swallow's effect to attach Wagtail in GY to Robin as material
15) Activate Sanctuary to draw 1 (it was Harpie's Feather Storm pog)
16) Xyz summon Draco Future by making Utopic Future off the two Starlings
17) Set Feather Storm and pass

Despite looking like a bad hand at the start... we managed to get a Robin with four materials to bounce up to four times, a negate with Utopic Future, and a full turn monster negate with Feather Storm!

Granted, luck was involved with Feather Storm, but I'd imagine any deck would have difficulty playing through five disruptions. Robin is disgustingly good going first, like holy shit.

Going second test hand:
Swallow's Nest, Sapphire Swallow, One for One, Beryl Canary, Where Arf Thou, Turquoise Warbler

Okay, this hand looks waaaaaaay better than our going first hand. I think we can make a 7 material Nightingale pretty easily off this.

1) Activate Warbler to special itself and special summon Swallow
2) Activate Where Arf Thou to add Wagtail to hand
3) Activate Swallow's Nest to tribute Swallow and special summon Sparrow
4) Sparrow effect to add another Sparrow to hand
5) Xyz summon Recital Starling and give ATK to an opp's monster
6) Starling effect to detach Warbler and add Swallow to hand
7) Activate One for One to pitch Sparrow and special Canary
8) Canary effect to special itself and Sparrow from GY
9) Swallow effect to special itself and Wagtail from hand
10) Wagtail effect to add Sanctuary
11) Xyz summon Nightingale with Wagtail, Swallow, Sparrow, and the two Canary
12) Both Canary effect to give Nightingale 400 ATK, Sparrow's effect to make Nightingale non-targetable, and Swallow's effect to attach Warbler in GY to it as material
13) Activate Sanctuary to draw one and attach Starling to Nightingale

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you make a 2200 ATK 8 material Nightingale.

Holy shit lmao

As you can see, Lyrilusc has many avenues and routes to go into their plays. Since the deck can basically search for whatever it needs, you're pretty much free to make a 7 material Nightingale and go for face.

The two card combo I showed earlier is probably the worst case scenario of what will happen. The worst brick you can probably have is like: Stoic Challenge, Where Arf Thou, Lyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary, Harpie's Feather Duster, and Swallow's Nest, but this is so statistically unlikely to happen, I don't think you have to worry about it.

As long as you get two monsters (a starter or enabler) you can pretty much do *something* to get your engine rolling.

Anyways, join me next time as we dissect mommy Saionji's deck, Dragon Link! This one's gonna be fun, teehee ☆

That's all, Fox out!

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