Cardfight!! Vanguard Generations -if-: Possibility K

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" today's top story."

In a dingy underground bar, early in the morning at 11am, Kishou Arashi, one of the most revered and legendary Kings in the history of GEN Academy, was slowly taking sips of the whiskey on the rocks he had just ordered.

Inside the bar was just him and the bartender, with no one else was around. For most people, it was far too early to have a drink, but for Kishou, it was the most optimal time to have one.

In such a quiet environment, where there was no one else around jabbering in his ears, he could savour each and every note that lingered on his tongue and went down his throat.

He could taste the sweetness and bitterness coagulate, and the strength of the alcohol dilute over time from the ice that melted in the strong summer heat. It was almost like his senses were enhanced while in the midst of serenity.

The only things that could distract him was the jazzy background music and the flickering neon lights that lauded above his head, and the sound of the television as it relayed the latest news.

"In other news, the latest World Grand Prix held in England has just been won by one of Japan's very own competitors. The hot-shot newcomer who appeared out of nowhere like a shooting star..."

As Kishou put down his glass, it made a soft clunking sound. At that moment, the bell attached to the bar door rung, and a cocky sneer could be heard at the entrance.

"Oi, Kishou. Isn't it a bit early to be having a drink?"

Kishou raised his head, pushing up his glasses as he glanced at the man in the entranceway.

"...Kaido. It's you, isn't it?"

"Who else could it be? Mayuri doesn't drink and Jeb can't enter bars without Baka-Kin."

That man was none other than Mikazuchi Kaido, a family man first and a hospital director second. After graduating from Harvard University with a PhD in medicine, he was finally able to marry his childhood sweetheart Emma.

Any normal bartender would've tripped over their own two feet seeing such an important person walk through the door, but this particular bartender nodded at Kaido as he made his way inside.

In return, Kaido smirked at them and put down a fat wad of cash on the table, sliding it over to him.

"Take it. It'll cover our tabs for today, yeah?"

The bartender, Sawada Izuru, the new Headmaster of Heiwa who moonlights this job for fun, took the cash with a money grubbing grin.

"Oh, it sure will. Welcome back, monkey brain. It's been awhile."

"Same to you, dumbass. I'll have a magnum if you don't mind."

"Of course."

Kaido took a seat next to Kishou as Izuru prepared his drink.

"Who's Jeb?"

"Don't worry about it."

"In any case, you and Izuru-san sound very alike. With how fast my eyesight is deteriorating, it won't be long before I won't be able to tell you two apart since your voices are the near identical."

"Your glaucoma has gotten that bad?"

"It's only been getting worse now that I'm nearing thirty. Not even the strongest prescription glasses can help me see clearly anymore."

"Yikes. Well, if you ever become legally blind, I'd be more than happy to hire a personal driver for you."

Kishou smiled a little before returning to his usual tight lipped frown. As Izuru handed Kaido his bottle of magnum, he took a swig of it.

"That's would be a waste of money. I'd rather you spend it helping those actually in need."

"Oi, you and your blind ass would need it more than anyone else. Besides, what are you going to do if you can't drive around anymore? Just stay at home and rot there? You don't even have a wife or a girlfriend to take care of you."

"Listen to you, being a concerning friend." Izuru chimed with a smug smile.

"Huh? I don't want to hear that from you, boy kisser. How'd Tate-san's lips taste?"

"Hey, that was an accident! Neither of us wanted to do it!"

"Then cram it. Me and Kishou have been good friends for over a decade. If me spending a little money on him can help him live a comfier life, then I'd be happy to do it."

"I don't think being generous with your dollars makes you any less of a thick monkey brain."

"I'm generous because I can afford it. What you consider a yearly salary, I consider chump change."

As Kaido returned that smug smile back at him, Izuru made a grossed out face.

"You're too rich for your own good..."

"I know I am. But that's what makes me better than everyone else."

"Thank you for showing your concern, Kaido. But as long as I have my piano, I'll be fine. Besides, I can now play it without looking. So, even if I do go blind... I'll still have my music, my one and true joy."

"Then you better pray that you don't go deaf early either... what would you even do if that happens?"

"Hmm. Maybe I'll pick Vanguard back up again."

Kaido slammed his bottle on the table and exasperatedly looked at Kishou.

"I used to think you were smart, but the more I spend time with you, the more of a dumbass you reveal yourself to be..."

"By the way, did you see the news when you walked in? I thought you'd be interested in it."

"I didn't."

"That's unfortunate. You came just in time to catch the tail end of it too."

"What's it about, then?"



At Haneda Airport, a plane coming from England had just landed.

Watching all the other passengers on board get up, stretch their legs, and grab their on board luggage was a man sitting at the back with blonde hair.

Under his breath, a low sigh escaped his lips.

From the windows, he watched as the clouds passed by, letting the hot sun brighten the shiny blue sky.

Shielding his blue eyes, he put on a pair of claret sunglasses and got up from his seat.

"...I'm home."

Whispering that to himself, he exited the plane, and made his way down the terminal.


"...and that's what you thought would interest me?"

Kaido snorted, turning away from Kishou.

"It's bold of you to think I'd ever care about that."

"Oh? Do you not?"

Finishing his bottle of magnum, a smirk appeared on Kaido's lips.

"Nope. Not one bit."

"May I ask why?"

"I wouldn't expect anything less from him, obviously. If anything, if he didn't win, then I would've sued him into oblivion."

Kaido laughed and Kishou smiled a little.

"Anyways, when is Kazutaka going to get here? It's weird that he's so late. Usually I'm here after he is."

"He sent us a message saying that he just got a job, so he'll probably swing by around the same time she does. Besides, if anything, you're the one who's earlier than usual today." Kishou said.

"Yeah, Kishou-san's right. Were you seriously that desperate to see him?" Izuru said.

"Hell no."

"Oh, so you were so excited you couldn't help but come down early? I see, I see."

"Don't frame it like that... but in a way, yeah, I was."

"Huh? Seriously?"

"Why wouldn't I be excited? It's been nearly a year since I've gotten to make fun out of that loser's face in person."

"You have some messed up priorities, you thick monkey brain."

"And you have brain damage from doing all that MMA."

"I'm still smarter than you are."

"If you are, then kiss my ass."

"Now why would I do that?"

"You just admitted you're dumber than me. Checkmate, idiot."

"Huh? With that logic, you should suck my nuts if you think you're smarter than me!"

"That would require going below your level, which is something I'm not dumb enough to do."

"Kaido, I will punch you like you're Gakuganji, you god damn super thick monkey brain!"

"Izuru, if you lay even a single finger on me, I'll sue you in return, you brain rotted, brain damaged dumbass!"

Kishou quietly finished his whiskey as the two of them nearly got in a fist fight with each other.

"I can't tell who's saying what anymore..."

He quietly thought that to himself.


"That should be the last of that..."

Meanwhile, in an abandoned warehouse in west Tokyo, Hozumi Kazutaka, a handyman (mercenary) who took any and all jobs for a small fee, had just finished up beating up a gang under the request of a rival gang who wanted to get revenge on them.

"Y... you bastard..."

From the hundreds of fallen gang members, one foolishly tried to get back up in a last ditch effort to beat Hozumi. However, before they could even lift their upper body, Hozumi stamped his foot down on their back, keeping them glued onto the hot asphalt.

"Ghhh...! Just wait... just wait until our leader comes... and you'll regret facing us...!"

Even though Hozumi had thoroughly humiliated him, he still had the gall to speak back. Ignoring those empty and hollow threats, Hozumi released his foot from his back, and started walking away.

"Come back here... come back, you bastard...!"

On his forehead, cheeks, and arms were dirt, cuts, and bruises, but none of those things bothered Hozumi. If anything, this was the usual for him, especially with how he approached his problems.

Hozumi preferred to take things head on, even if it meant getting hurt or getting his hands dirty. To him, the filth and mess just came with the territory of his job.

"Little do you know, I want the leader to come out and face me. The client will pay more if I can get him too."

As Hozumi thought that, the sound of metal being dragged across the concrete floor echoed behind him. He stopped, not bothering to turn around or look behind him.

Clunk, clunk, clunk.

Each time the metal bounced, Hozumi counted the time it took between each sound. The space between them gave away the speed and rhythm of the person that was approaching him.

Calculating the variables in his mind at lightning speed, Hozumi took a deep breath.

And the moment the metal stopped banging at it's solved rhythm, he turned around.

Crashing into straight into his hands was a pipe.

On the other end, holding that pipe was the monstrous leader of the gang he had just taken down—

Yamaguchi Teruhiko.

"It's payday."

Hozumi was thankful that he ran into Yamaguchi. If he could beat him, he would get enough money to bring Lucina, his girlfriend, to a fancy restaurant for their next date.

"Not bad."

Yamaguchi ripped the pipe out of Hozumi's hand.

Even though he managed to catch it before it could hit him, Hozumi's palm started swelling up with dark bruises, and blood started leaking from the tears that had been punched into his skin from the pipe's sharp edges.

It was going to be an uphill battle for Hozumi, since Yamaguchi was at least five times bigger than him. Even though they were about the same height of six foot, Yamaguchi was much wider, built with more muscle attached to his frame.

"So you're the famous "odd jobs" mercenary... Hozumi Kazutaka, eh?"

"I'm surprised you don't remember me from school, Yamaguchi-senpai."

A chuckle escaped Yamaguchi's lips.

"Oh, don't worry. I didn't forget who you are. I still vividly remember the time we tried to take down Takanori Yuuto together. Do you remember?"

"Yes, I do. As it turned out, you were dead weight that I didn't need to defeat him. I was a fool to ever accept your offer. And you were an even bigger fool for thinking that your half-assed plan would work against someone as thorough and scheming as him."

"Ah well. That's all in the past now. I even heard you've gotten buddy-buddy with him."

Yamaguchi swung the pipe at Hozumi, who barely dodged it by crouching to the floor.

"Well... it's a long story."

"Do tell. It looks like we'll be here for awhile!"

Yamaguchi swung the pipe back around and down, getting Hozumi on the shoulder. Hozumi gritted his teeth as the heavy metal clanked against his shoulder plate, but he hung on and stayed upright.

"That's what you think..."

"Planning to end it quickly? You really haven't changed your ways since then!"

"Being slow is inefficient. Just think of all the jobs I'm missing out by taking my sweet time."

As he swung the pipe around, Hozumi leapt forward and thrusted his fist forward, landing a clean punch right in the pit of Yamaguchi's gut.

Yamaguchi recoiled, the force he put into the swing dissipating from the sudden jerk. Hozumi closed his eyes, did a quick calibration in his mind, and used this opening to punch Yamaguchi again, this time on the bridge of his nose.

Hitting the septum and breaking the nasal bone, Yamaguchi's hard and long nose became flattened to a paste. Blood leaked out of his nostrils while tears formed in his eyes, temporarily blurring his vision.

"You damn brat..."

"I was simply showing respect for my elders. It'd be more embarrassing for you if I beat you while I was holding back, right?"

Hozumi then, instead of fully retracting his fist, pulled it back slightly, and turned it into a palm thrust, pressing it against Yamaguchi's chest.

"Though, since my hand and shoulder have been hit by a pipe... I'm not exactly at my peak condition. How does it feel, Yamaguchi-senpai? Losing to someone two years your junior."

Yamaguchi was blown back, stumbling onto one of his fallen men. Nearly tripping over himself, he stabilised by planting his feet deep into the floor and wiping the sediment that had built up on his face.

"Ah... this is more like a fight. Don't get cocky just yet, Hozumi!"

Yamaguchi grinned and started using the pipe as a club again. Hozumi focused on dodging each swing, but with all the bodies on the floor, the space he had available to jump around was limited.

He kept dodging and evading, waiting patiently for an opening with those calculating eyes of his. But Yamaguchi was relentless, not letting up for a single second.

The only thing Hozumi could hope to do was outlast Yamaguchi.

If his stamina was greater, he could win this fight via attrition. However, having been hit by the pipe at full force twice over earlier, Hozumi could feel his own strength slowly sap out of him with each passing second.

"Damn... I wanted to make this a quick job..."

Hozumi gritted his teeth and kept up the defence as long as possible.

"I'm getting a payday, but at what cost..."

Yamaguchi swung down.

"At this rate, I'm going to be late..."

Hozumi jumped to the side, only for his foot to land on the knee joint of a fallen gang member.

" this rate, I'm going to die from this mess up."

His thoughts jumbled the moment he realised he had misaligned his landing spot.

Because of that careless mistake, spurned from irrelevant thoughts in the middle of his fight, Hozumi fell face first into the floor, and Yamaguchi's pipe slammed straight down onto the middle of his back.

Hozumi bit down on his tongue, trying to suppress the voice he could feel urging to escape from the back of his strained throat, but it was a useless endeavour.

The weight of metal bouncing down on his spine was simply far too much for even a seasoned veteran like him. His scream rippled out, and the whispers of death ran down his neck.

His eyes widened, before relaxing.

The whisper of death that ran down his neck wasn't because of Yamaguchi.

It was because of something far more horrifying.

An important memory came to the forefront of Hozumi's mind.

"Oh... I understand now."

The weight of the metal stopped being heavy.

"That's... why..."

The pain in his spine subsided.

"I can keep going..."

The scream fizzled out as Hozumi's mental state changed.

"Because I've experienced even worse than this."

While his body was still shaking from the echoes of that blow, Hozumi himself had completely forgotten what that pain felt like.

Instead, the whispers of death had reminded him of that time.

Deep inside of his solar plexus, he could still feel it.

What pain actually felt like.

The whispers of death gathered behind Hozumi's back like string, raising him up from the floor as if he had never been hurt.

Yamaguchi, who had been laughing in victory moments earlier, staggered back as he saw Hozumi, who's spine had just been hit point blank by dense metal, shake it off like it was nothing.

"What the hell... but earlier, you were just..."

Hozumi didn't say anything back.

He looked straight at Yamaguchi.

The corners of his frown turned upwards.

In the midst of Yamaguchi's confusion, Hozumi took his chance.

Sprinting across the battlefield littered with corpses, a nostalgic breeze rushed past him.

The pain in his solar plexus pulsed.

Beyond Yamaguchi, he could see a shadow that vaguely resembled the man he looked up to the most.

He chased after it.

The whispers of death urged him to get closer towards it.

That silhouette was Hozumi's true aim.

Punching Yamaguchi straight in the face was just a bonus.

As his fist followed through, knocking out the gang leader, Hozumi tried to grasp hold of that silhouette.

However, his body had caught up to his mind, and he could no longer stay upright.

As he fell forward, he reached out to the silhouette, trying to grasp it.

In return, that silhouette caught him before he could fall.

Feeling those hands grab him, the pain (memories) in his solar plexus calmed down.

"'re going to worry everyone else if you show up looking like this."

That silhouette Hozumi thought he was imagining wasn't his imagination at all.

As the shadows cast off like falling bandages, his eyes widened at who was holding him.

"No way... how did you..."

"Isn't it a senpai's duty to protect their kouhai? Though, it looks like you handled him just fine."

Hozumi's eyes crumpled, tearing up.

"Welcome home, senpai..."

Putting Hozumi's arm around his shoulder, he helped Hozumi walk out of the warehouse.

"...ah, right. I almost forgot."

As they reached outside, the sun obscured his expression as he turned his face towards Hozumi.

"I'm back, Kazutaka."

In the distance, Hozumi could see the familiar glint of a Toyota AE86 parked outside.


A few hours earlier, at Haneda airport.

Kurosaki Ginko, wearing a floral white one-piece dress, was sitting on a sofa in the airport's VIP lobby with her legs crossed and her arms stretched out.

Even though there weren't that many people around due to the exclusivity of the lounge, those who were there were stunned to see such a beautiful woman sitting all by herself.

Those who were passing by had to do a double take, stopping briefly or walking back, checking to see if their eyes weren't deceiving them as her style took their breath away.

She wasn't a celebrity, nor a socialite, or even an model, yet a single fleeting glimpse of her figure was more than enough to change their lives forever.

That was the sort of carefree, confident, and commanding charisma that oozed out of Kurosaki.

But it was also what made her such an unapproachable person as well.

She was an untouchable flower.

Even so, there was only one person in this entire world that was able to reach her.

And, while casually scrolling through her phone, she was waiting for that very person.

Getting bored, she turned off her device and looked out at the clear blue skies through the window panes.

"He really knows how to make a woman wait, huh? Fu fu."

Kurosaki laughed strangely to herself, closing her eyes and tilting her head back.

"So, tell me... what are you two doing here?"

A thin smile emerged on Kurosaki's lips as she opened her eyes, looking at the two women who had approached her from behind.

"I could say the same thing to you, Kurosaki-senpai! What are you doing here?!"

"We recognised your face while passing by and decided to sneak in. I hope that doesn't cause too much trouble for you~."

"Fu fu fu... no, not at all. I'm guessing you got in when they recognised who you were, Emica."

Kurosaki laughed strangely as two of her underclassmen from her days at GEN Academy, Kazuraba Yukina and Yogen Emica, had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Nothing ever gets past you, huh?"

Emica giggled behind her hand and nodded. She had become a famous model and actress, so she was immediately let into the VIP lobby when she provided staff proof of her identity.

"I'm trying to go incognito for this trip, so I'd appreciate if not too much attention gets drawn to me."

"I understand. Though... considering who your plus one is, you might have a harder time than expected."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!"

Yukina puffed out her cheeks, pouting. She had become a scientific researcher, and one of the world's leading neurologists.

"Oh, nothing. I'm only teasing you a bit. Anyways, it's nice to see that the two of you are still getting along."

"Some things never change. Much like you and being by yourself..." Emica said.

"Once you embrace loneliness, you can never be lonely. That's just how I am."

"In any case, I'm surprised to see you here. How did you even get in?"

"Ara? You can't even figure that out?"

"I have a sneaking suspicion is has to do with him, but... you can never tell when it comes to you."

"Fu fu. True. I could always just strut in, pretending I'm someone important, when in reality I'm just an everyday nobody."

"I don't think you can say that after appearing on TV. Everyone knows that you're his personal race queen."

"Yeah, that's right! When you appeared by his side during his entrance, imagine my surprise! You were so pretty, I was so jealous..."

As Yukina's pout worsened, Kurosaki reached out and stroked her head.

"Aww, there, there. If you want, next time you can go up there yourself. You have the looks for it."

"And the body too."

Yukina's cheeks reddened as Emica tacked that on at the end.

"N-no thanks... as amazing as it would be to go up there with him... I-I think I'd die of embarrassment if everyone saw me dressed like that..."

"We can always help you get over it. I go in front of camera for a living, and Kurosaki-senpai is the most confident person in the entire world."

"T-then... what if you also went up with me, Kurosaki-senpai? I'd feel less embarrassed if others were also there..."

"Oh? That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm down for it if you are."


"Somehow, I feel like I'm left out..." Emica said.

"Hey, you're free to join if you want. I'm not sure if your modelling agency will be okay with it though."

"Please. I've already done gravure, dressing up like a race queen is easy for me."

"Fu fu, I'm glad to hear. I'll bring it up to him when I have the chance. Though, with such a lewd proposal, I don't think he'd want to refuse."

"Oh, about that..."

Kurosaki stifled her strange laugh and held out her hand to stop Yukina from continuing.

"Let me guess. You're here to see him, aren't you?"

"W-well, yeah... but isn't that why you're here too, senpai?"

Kurosaki's cheeky smile turned sincere.

She looked out into the clear blue skies through the large window panes.

Her magenta eyes fluttered.

"What other reason could there be?"


After getting past security and going through all the checks, Takanori Yuuto was now finally able to collect his luggage from the conveyor belt.

As he waited for his suitcase to pop up, he sent a message on his phone. However, while he was preoccupied, Yukina and Emica snuck up behind him.

His bodyguard, Albert Obama, recognising who they were, let them pass without stopping them.

Yuuto was grabbed on both sides, one on his left arm, and one on his right arm. The two women pressed their lips against his ears and whispered into it at the same time.


Yuuto jumped a little from their surprise attack, but his expression didn't change.

" guys scared me."

He breathed a sigh of relief seeing it was Yukina and Emica. The two of them giggled, waving at him. Yuuto waved back, before looking at Albert with a slight glower.

Albert smiled, nodding in acknowledgement of what he let happened, but was happy to see the three of them reunited together after all this time.

"Yuu! I've missed you so much!"

Yukina immediately launched into a hug, taking Yuuto's body all for herself. Emica crossed her arms in slight jealousy, but let her take her turn first.

"Yukina... I've missed you too. It's great seeing you again."

Yuuto hugged Yukina back.

"Hehe... welcome home! And congratulations on your win at the World Grand Prix!"

"Ah... thank you. And thanks for coming all the way out here to see me. Are you not busy with work?"

"I got permission from the lab yesterday to meet you this morning. After this is over, I have to go back..."

"Ah... well, that's fine, we can always catch up later. When are you free?"

"Um... I should be free this Saturday, if that sounds good!"

"Yeah, sure. Of course it is."

"Yay! It's decided then!"

Yukina hugged Yuuto tightly one more time, her hands clasping with his.

"I'll see you soon then, Yuu..."

Her eyes began tearing up, but she hid it by giving a wide close eyed smile.

"Yeah. It won't be long anyways, right?"

He squeezed her hands, hugging her back.

While resting her head on his shoulder, Yukina nodded.

"Mmm... yeah, it won't be long at all!"

With great reluctance, Yukina slowly pulled her hands away from his.

When he let go of one hand, she let go of the other.

She turned away from him, hiding her face.


"I-I'm alright! Go and greet Emica already, you dummy!"

"Yeah Yuu, what am I to you? Chopped liver?"

"H-hey, I didn't mean to ignore you... Yukina had me caught up in the moment."

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't forget who made an even bigger hassle out of her schedule to come meet you today. My manager was really antsy with me about this."

Emica giggled, giving Yuuto a big hug.

"...sorry. It must be hard, especially with a job that requires you to be all over the place."

Yuuto hugged Emica back.

"It was, but it's worth it because it's you. Welcome home, Yuu."

"I'm glad to be back. Actually, while I was in England, I saw the new movie you were starring in. I had no clue you had become so proficient in the language."

"Ah, thank you! I practised really hard for it, you know? I thought it would expand my reach to a more global audience if I learnt English."

"It certainly paid off... you were amazing out there."

"Likewise, well done on winning your very first World Grand Prix Yuu! I'm really proud of you!"

"Thank you. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if I could make it all the way up there, let alone win it, so I've also kind of shocked myself here with the result... I can't help but feel like I've gotten very lucky."

"Or maybe, you're just that amazing of a driver."

Emica booped Yuuto on the nose, smiling.

"...maybe. But I know I can still do better. I've barely touched the surface of what I'm truly capable of, and I haven't gotten anywhere near close to the limits of what I can do. Hell, I've barely scratched the surface of the world of professional racing itself. Even with one prestigious win under my belt... I'm still just a rookie. I've got a lot to learn."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Even after all this time, your competitive spark never died out."

"...yeah, I guess it never did. Even after achieving everything that was possible at GEN Academy, I still wasn't satisfied. I was still hungry for more. I still wanted to keep searching for a brand new purpose. I yearned to surpass even myself, day after day..."

"Well, Yuu. All that drive you have is going to be the reason why you'll go down in history as one of the best racers in the world. I can just feel it."

"Agreed! You'll become the number one driver in the world, Yuu! And when you do, I'll be by your side when that happens. I promise!"

Wiping her tears away, Yukina chimed in.

"Hey, no fair! If she gets to be by your side when you become number one, then I also want to be there too!"

"You guys..."

The rays of the sun coming from the glass ceiling glossed over Yuuto's face, hiding his expression.

"...thank you for always being here for me."

He hugged them both at the same time. Yukina and Emica, taken back by the genuineness in his voice, hugged him back tenderly.

"Of course! We're partners for life after all!"

"No problem. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."


After saying goodbye to Yukina and Emica and collecting his luggage from the conveyor belt, Yuuto was now finally able to make his way down to the VIP lobby.

Following him was Albert, who kept any potential pests and unwanted trouble away from him. Right now, greeting his fans or posing for the cameras was the last of Yuuto's priorities.

Once he reached the VIP lobby, the airport staff only admitted him and Albert inside, blocking off access to all the onlookers.

Breathing a very large sigh of relief, Yuuto slowed down his pace, able to enjoy the sights of Haneda Airport.

"Sir, I'll wait for you at the gates."

"...thank you. It's appreciated."

Yuuto bowed to Albert.

"Not at all. You deserve some private time with her after all."

Albert bowed back to Yuuto, before going off to wait for him.

Without wasting anymore time, Yuuto made his way down the cool and quiet lounge, walking towards the head of sangria coloured hair he could see in the distance.

Reaching the place he promised to meet her, Yuuto stopped just short of entering the sofa's vicinity.

As he opened his mouth to speak, her head turned ever so slightly.

"...I'm home, Ginko."

"Welcome back, Yuu."

Seeing Kurosaki's beautiful face illuminated by the sunlight, Yuuto fell into her arms that welcomed him home.

"...I've missed you a lot, senpai..."

With his face hidden as he buried his head in the crook of her neck, Yuuto was just barely able to voice out those vulnerable words in a fragile whisper.

"Fu fu... even after all this time, you still haven't broken that habit at all."

Kurosaki chuckled strangely, patting the back of Yuuto's head as they warmly embraced each other.

"Do you not like it...?"

"I never said that. You're free to call me whatever you want. I told you that before, didn't I?"

Yuuto's face turned dark red.

"H-how could I forget..."

"Fu fu. Is it really alright to do be doing this publicly? I thought you got embarrassed by it."

"...I'm making an exception this one time, o-okay? We haven't seen each other in a really long time... so just let me stay in your arms for awhile, Ginko..."

"Alright, alright~. Usually I have to wrestle your true feelings out of you, but today you're being surprisingly honest."

Kurosaki hummed happily, stroking the back of Yuuto's head as he rested on her body. Looking up at her with his innocent blue eyes, Yuuto's hand gripped tighter on the sleeve of her dress.

"Thank you... for waiting for me all this time..."

"No problem. It must've been hard, not having me there with you."

"...yeah. It really was..."

Kurosaki raised her eyebrows in surprise before smiling. She took off his sunglasses and traced her thumb down the scar on Yuuto's left cheek.

"Fu fu... you really are a needy child. I'll spoil you a lot more once we get back home. How does that sound?"

Yuuto nodded, getting up from Kurosaki.

"P... please do."

The two of them rose from the sofa, hand in hand.


Outside, Kurosaki led Yuuto to the place where she had parked the car that she had came in. Following behind them was Albert, who was swatting away the fans and the paparazzi trying to tail them.

"Gosh, when did you get so popular?"

"Trust me, I really wish I wasn't... I'm going to have to pay Albert extra for all the extra work he's doing holding them back."

"Fu fu, I could deal with them all by myself if I wanted to. No shade to Albert though, he's doing a great job at distancing them."

"In that dress?"

"I'm surprisingly flexible. Not to mention strong. Just your type, right?"

Yuuto's face turned dark red. Kurosaki laughed strangely.

"Aww, your blushing face is so cute... were you always this easy to embarrass?"

"'re lucky that you get to see this side of me. I wouldn't act like this around anyone else."

"Except your mother."

As Yuuto shot her a blunt side glance, Kurosaki looked away and whistled innocently.

"...I hate the fact that I can't even deny it."

"Fu fu fu. Exactly. I know everything about you, Yuu. You can't hide anything from me."

"I suppose I can't... in that case, you have to take full responsibility for making me this way."


Kurosaki stopped running, seeing the car in the distance. In comparison, when Yuuto saw it's white glint, his eyes widened, and he rushed straight towards it excitedly.

"No way! You still have it all this time?!"

"Why wouldn't I? It's your favourite car after all. It's practically our baby, fu fu."

"Ginko, you're the best!"

"I know I am."

Kurosaki smiled in smug superiority as Yuuto hugged the chassis of the pearl white Toyota AE86 she had preserved for him and used to drive here.

"I thought you might have wanted to take it for a spin after your big competition, so I brought it out of the garage. It might not go as fast as all those modern cars anymore, but I can assure you that it's drifting prowess is still unmatched."

"That's all that matters... ah, I'm so excited!"

"Fu fu, I'm glad to hear. Here, take it for a spin, and don't hold back."

Kurosaki tossed Yuuto the keys to the car.

"I want you to drift your heart out."

"You damn bet I will."

Yuuto smirked and entered the vehicle, Kurosaki following him in the passenger seat.

Seeing the couple enter the car safely, Albert gave Yuuto a thumbs up, signalling for him to drive.

Yuuto nodded in response, before signalling to Albert they'd rendezvous again later at their next location.

"You ready?"

"Of course. I've been waiting all day for this, you know." Kurosaki said.

Yuuto plugged the keys in and revved the engine.

"Then let's rock."


Back at the warehouse where Hozumi beat Yamaguchi.

After escorting him out, Yuuto helped Hozumi enter the back of his car. Kurosaki turned her head around, surprised to see the state he was in.

"Oh my, Hozumi? Is that you? What happened?"

"...Kurosaki-san? You're here too? Then again, I guess I shouldn't be so surprised... 'sup?"

Even though his back was throbbing, Hozumi still made it a priority to greet her. Yuuto got back inside the car and started driving the group to their destination.

"Oh, nothing much. Me and Yuu were on our way to Sawada's bar when he suddenly stopped here and left the car. I didn't know why, and I certainly wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Funny you say that... I was on my way there when someone contacted me to do a job for them. Since I had already made plans, I was going to decline it, but since the job's location was on my way there, I figured I might as well take a crack at it to get some extra cash."

"What was the job exactly anyways?" Yuuto said.

"Some gang leader wanted me to beat up a rivalling gang because they didn't pay off their debts in time. Most of those guys were small fry, so I thought it wouldn't take more than a few minutes. I didn't think it'd escalate the way it did, but... I lived, so it could be worse."

Hozumi shrugged.

"You sure you don't want to visit the hospital before we arrive? You took a nasty blow to the back."

"Nah, it's fine. Worse comes to worse, I'll get Kaido-san to look at it for me. I'm more curious on how you even found me, senpai."

"Oh... let's just call it a senpai's instinct."

"Your... instinct?"

Hozumi raised an eyebrow. Yuuto nodded.

"I don't know how to explain it. I felt you were in danger, and had to rush by your side to help you."

"...somehow, I don't believe it."

"Hmm... no, no, what Yuu's saying is true. As his senpai in life, I've definitely felt some sort of sixth sense for his safety before myself."

"Isn't that because you two are...?"

"This was long before we were ever that. I think I first experienced it the day I found Yuu... interesting. Fu fu."

"I guess I won't ever understand then. I never met anyone like that when I was in GEN Academy."

"You missed out a wonderful thing then."

"Did I though...? Taking care of a kouhai sounds like a pain in the ass."

"You were a pain in the ass to take care of." Yuuto said.

"Well yeah, I was trying to expel you every chance I had. I'm sure you were just as much of a pain for Kurosaki-san."

"Fu fu. Oh, don't get me started. Yuu was unbelievably stubborn, yet unbelievably shy at the same time. He was a real headache trying to understand."

"Y-yeah, but that was because... well..."

"Fu fu. Yes, yes, I know. Don't worry."

Kurosaki pat Yuuto on the head in reassurance.

"Looks like you weren't all that innocent either, senpai."

"I've grown out of it. You haven't stopped being a nuisance even after graduating. I mean, look at the mess you've gotten in now..."

"And I cleaned it up just fine. Don't worry about me."

"You know what? I shouldn't. I know how tough you are. You're like a monstrous hybrid between Yukimura-san and Nakajima-san."

"I don't know whether to be offended or honoured to be compared to those two. What about Shimada Kuroshi? Am I not on his level?"

"Most definitely not."

"Damn... what if we fought now so you could gauge it again? I've improved since last time."

"Are you crazy? Absolutely not. I haven't trained in ages, so I'm completely rusty."

"I'll let you warm up."

"That is completely different from having enough time to get back up to par, and you know that. It would just be an unfair match."

"Okay, so if I gave you enough time to prepare for the fight, then you'd agree to it?"

"Still no. I'm not wasting time I could be using training on the track for a fight. This is a pointless conversation."

"But... but senpai, I wanted to have a rematch with you since last time. Can't you make an exception just this one time? Please? Please? Pretty please?"


Hozumi, hearing Yuuto's voice go dead serious, backed off.

"...I'm sorry, please forgive me, I won't ever make a stupid suggestion like that ever again..."


Yuuto breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ara? What did you do to him in the past to scare him like that?" Kurosaki said.

" can imagine, right?"

Hearing him say that, Kurosaki immediately understood.

"Fu fu... oh my. You really are a ruthless person."

"...blame Kaido. He's the one who told me to do the same thing he did."

"So that's the sort of conversations you boys have, huh? Fu fu... in some ways, I can't help but think you two sound like father and son."

Hozumi choked on his water and Yuuto nearly crashed the car.

"Don't even joke about that!" The two of them shouted simultaneously.

"Fu fu fu!"

Kurosaki laughed strangely, amused by the relationship Yuuto and Hozumi now had with each other after all their scuffles at GEN Academy when they were 3rd Year and 1st Year respectively.

But that's a story for another day.


"The hell's taking them so long? Even Albert's arrived before them."

Kaido, who was now on his third drink, groaned with a sigh.

"I'll have a whiskey from the hood."

"I-I'm sorry?"

While Albert was ordering a drink, Izuru was unsure whether he heard things correctly.

"I'll have a whiskey from the hood."

"...whiskey from the hood?"

"It's whiskey, but from the hood."

"The hood of what?!"

"You really do have brain damage... he means—"


Kishou put a hand on Kaido's shoulder and shook his head.

"Don't say it."

"What? I'm Mr Worldwide, of course I can say it."

"Do you mean to defile the taboo laid upon this earth by man's foolish mistakes by uttering that word?"

"Kishou, what the hell are you talking about? I'm going to explain to this brain damaged dumbass what "from the hood" is."


"What do you think I was going to say?"

"A word that I can't say."

"I can't tell if you're racist for thinking that first or more socially sensitive than the rest of us."

Izuru tried to suppress his laughter, but it came leaking out nonetheless.

"Okay, but why is whiskey coming from the hood?! Is this some kind of drink I haven't learnt about yet?!"

"Jesus, for the love of god... Izuru, calm your tits and shut up! It's just whiskey made from the slums of America!"

"Oh, yuck. That sounds gross..."

"It probably is gross. Who doesn't love backwater freedom juice?"

Kaido made a gagging motion.

"Hey, don't knock it until you try it." Albert said.

"Bring some here the next time you go to America then. If it's good, I'll pay you a million yen."

"Aight, bet."

Albert and Kaido shook hands on it.

"I don't have whiskey from the hood... but I do have sake from Japan. Will that suffice?"

"Sure. Give me your home brew."

"O ho ho, so you want the Sawada moonshine special? You're in for a treat, this is a hit with the whole family!"

Izuru grabbed a fermenting mason jar off the shelf and popped it open. Kishou's eyes widened from the smell and Kaido turned away.

"Good god... that reeks! What did you use to make this?!"

This time, Kaido actually gagged.

"The secret's in the carrots."

"The... what?"

"The carrots."

"Why... why are you putting carrots in alcohol? We're in a god damn recession, the price of carrots are rising further, and this is how you choose to use them?!"

"Not my fault it tastes good."

"Man, I take back what I said earlier, your entire family has brain damage if they think putting carrots in alcohol tastes good!"

"Hey, don't knock it until you try it. Isn't that right, Obama-kun?"

"Yep. Pour me a shot."

Izuru poured some of his moonshine into a shot glass and slid it over to Albert.

Albert picked up the glass, sniffed the alcohol, and shrugged.

"Down the hatch it goes."

With a gulp, Albert drank the entire thing.

"Mmm... you can really taste the sweetness of the carrot."

"Oh come on!"

Kaido screeched in despair.

"What? It genuinely tastes good."

"See? What did I tell you, carrots in alcohol taste good. You really are a thick monkey brain."

"You can say it's good all you want, but I refuse to drink it. I'm far too rich to be putting Izuru's peasant juice down my throat."

"Didn't you just say carrots are getting more expensive?"

"The price tag doesn't justify spending an obscene amount of money on it. I'm pragmatic with my money. Screw the flexers."

Somehow, Kishou, Izuru, and Albert all mentally agreed that Kaido was talking out of his ass in that moment.

"Hmm... I'm now intrigued. May I sample some too, Izuru-san?"

"Of course! You like sweet alcohol, so you'll definitely love this, Kishou-san!"

Pouring out a shot glass, Izuru handed it over to Kishou.

"Kishou, I swear to god, if you say it's good, I'm losing all of my respect for you." Kaido said.

"Let me give it a fair chance."

Kishou took a sip of the Sawada moonshine. He smacked his tongue to the top of his mouth, indulging in every sweet and bitter note.

"...oh. I see now."

"So? Is it good, or what?"

"This is carrot spirit, an type of alcohol first produced in America."

"It's what?!"

Izuru's jaw dropped. Kaido burst out laughing, pointing at Izuru.

"Oh my god, he made American crap by accident and didn't realise it! What an idiot! What a god damn loser! Bwahahaha!"

"No wonder I liked it..." Albert said.

"B-b-but, but I came up with this on my own! How does it already exist?!"

"Because people smarter than you figured out how to make carrot alcohol way before you did, obviously!"

Kaido continued to howl with laughter.

"I don't want to hear it from you, super thick monkey brain!"

"Because people smarter than you-"

"And I didn't mean it literally either, Kishou-san!"


"Oh man..."

Kaido calmed down from his laughter, smacking the table with his fist.

"Damn, I wish that loner virgin loser shut-in NEET with daddy issues and a crush on his mom was here to see this... I know he'd be laughing his ass off at you as well."

"I don't think I've ever seen that kid laugh in my life before, you thick monkey brain."

Hearing that voice, Kaido's eyes widened and he raised his head, looking at the door that had just opened.


"The one and only."

Standing in the doorway was Shiguru Chisaki, Kaido's first rival and the King of Kings. He was a professional Vanguard player who travelled the world to compete in different tournaments.

"Did you miss me, you thick monkey brain?"

"Not one bit, you even thicker monkey brained bastard."

Both Chisaki and Kaido shared a chuckle together, before Chisaki strolled into the bar and sat down next to Kaido.

"Chisaki-san, is that really you?"

Kishou, unable to see him clearly due to his failing eyesight, squinted in the direction he could hear Chisaki's voice from.

"The hell do you mean is that really me? Last time I checked, I'm the one and only King of Kings. Don't tell me, have you been eating from the same pack of crayons as Kaido does, Arashi?"

"If these lame ass insults coming from a guy who sounds like an arrogant cunt aren't already enough indication, then yes, it is him. Diamond chin extraordinaire, Chisaki."

"Ah... my apologies. It's been so long since the last time we talked to each other, I nearly didn't recognise your voice."

"No worries. I'm just glad you haven't stooped down to this dumbass's level just yet. Also, it's been over a decade, and you're still making that joke pre-schoolers use? Your brain really is smoother than Takanori's."

"Oi, hang on a minute! You can insult me all you want, but I draw the line at making me look worse than that loner virgin loser shut-in NEET with daddy issues and a crush on his mom!"

"Your thick monkey brain is preventing you from finding humour in it. Barkeep, give me a Bloody Mary. I'm going to need your strongest vodka to get me through sitting next to this dumbass tonight."

Izuru stared at Chisaki before staring at both Kaido and Kishou incomprehensibly.

"Okay, hang on, before I do that... while I appreciate someone of your status coming down to drink at my establishment... how the hell did you even find out where my bar is?!"

"Actually, yeah... Izuru-san makes an excellent point. We keep the location of this place secret so we have a place to hang out without the paparazzi following us. It'd be troublesome if this place got found out." Kishou said.

"Don't worry. This place is in safe hands with me. It's not like I live in Tokyo anyways. The boonies is where it's at."

"You're such a god damn farm boy." Kaido said.

"And I'm damn tooting proud of it. Don't need wealth when you have the best ramen shacks in all of Japan at your doorstep."

"How the hell has inflation not ruined your village yet..."

"Anyways, a certain thick monkey brained individual's friend told me about the meet up you guys were having today and invited me over since I was in the area. You should thank him when he gets here, Kaido."

Kaido groaned.

"Oh, don't tell me..."

Chisaki chuckled, patting Kaido on the back.

"Well, if you can keep this place a secret, then you're welcome here any time. Especially as a your a friend of everyone else who visits."

Izuru placed a Bloody Mary in front of Chisaki, who picked it up and took a sip.

"Thank you. And yes, it's exactly who you think it is, Kaido."

Kaido clicked his tongue and crossed his arms.

"I'll thank him if he can beat me in a cardfight. I heard he plays Keter Sanctuary now, that nation sucks."

"Speaking of which, where is he? I was hoping to see Takanori today as well."

"Sir Takanori-san will be arriving soon." Albert said.

"...Kaido, who the hell is this guy?"

Kaido, sensing an opportunity to humiliate Chisaki, smiled smugly.

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked, Chisaki."

Chisaki, sensing something was off, raised an eyebrow.

"What dumbass scheme are you planning now, you thick monkey brain?"


Parking the AE86 just outside the narrow underground entrance to Izuru's bar, the trio of Yuuto, Kurosaki, and Hozumi all prepared to disembark the car.

"Thanks for the lift, senpai."

"No problem. You sure you can walk on your own?"

"Yeah. Now that I've had some time to rest, the pain is more or less subsided now."

"I'm glad to hear."

Just as Yuuto was about to leave the car, his phone began ringing. Checking who the caller was, he stopped.

"...sorry, but could you two go on ahead without me? I don't know how long this will take, so I'd rather not hold up the both of you."

"Alright. See you inside, senpai."

"See you."

Hozumi had no objections, waving goodbye. However, Kurosaki's curiosity was piqued, and she lingered inside.

"Ara? Did something come up?"

"No, no, it's nothing like that. It's just, um... how do I explain this..."

Hearing Yuuto's voice trail off like that, Kurosaki had a pretty good idea who was calling him without even looking at his phone screen. She laughed strangely.

"Fu fu... don't worry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Sorry... it's a little embarrassing, so I'd rather you not overhear this."

"I understand. But I'm going to be waiting for you outside the car."

"Eh? Why?"

"Isn't it obvious? The queen can't make an appearance without her champion after all."


Yuuto blushed. Kurosaki laughed strangely, caressing his cheek with her right hand.

"Fu fu... too much?"

"N-no... I mean... a-alright, that's fine."

"Fu fu. Good. Now try not to make me wait too long, okay?"

Kurosaki smiled, winking at him before leaving the car. Taking a breath to recompose himself, Yuuto answered the call.


"Yuu? Is that you?"

On the other side of the phone was Takanori Rukia, Yuuto's mother.

"Mom... hey."

"Ah, Yuu! It is you! Sorry, I've been trying to get through to you this entire time, but you weren't answering... I was getting so worried about you!"

"Oh... sorry about that. I turned my phone off since I was driving, and only just turned it back on now."

"Ahh, it's alright. Well, now that you're here darling, I just wanted to say congratulations on winning the World Grand Prix!"

Yuuto's eyes widened.

"I'm so happy for you, Yuu! Words can't even begin to describe just how proud mommy is of you right no! Well done! I only wish that I could've been there myself so I could be there for you and cheer you on live..."

The corners of his lips turned upwards.

"Mom... thank you. It means a lot hearing it from you."

"I know this has been your dream for a long time, so I'm really glad that you were able to fulfil it, as well as return home safe and sound too!"

"Yeah... I'm really glad too. For next year, what if I bought you a front row ticket for the entire thing? That way, you can be there for me live and cheer me on, like how you wanted."

"Really honey? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. I'd feel a lot more confident if I knew you were there for me, cheering me on from the stands too."

"Aww... Yuu. I'd love that as well. Promise me, okay?"

"I promise mom."

"Good! I'll make sure you keep your word to that."

"Please do. I'd hate to forget about it for whatever reason."

"Better keep that head of yours safe then. Ah, I'm always so worried when you go out to race, I'm always asking Diake to bless you to ensure your safety..."

"Uncle Diake blesses me...?"

"All the time! Before and even during each and every race you do, even. I ask him to offer a prayer of protection for you. I join in too, of course."

"Mom... that's really sweet of you, but I always prioritise safety."

"Even at those blisteringly high speeds...?"

"I prioritise it even more precisely because I go at such high speeds. Don't worry about it, honestly."

"But... if something were to happen to you on the track... Yuu, I wouldn't be able to bear it..."

On the other side of the phone, Yuuto thought he could hear Rukia cry a little.

"Ah, p-please don't cry, mom! I don't really believe in all this superstitious stuff myself, but... if it makes you feel better, please, go ahead and keep blessing me."

"Are you sure, Yuu...?"

"Of course. If Uncle Diake's prayers really are protecting me, I won't say no to that."

"Mmm, yes, yes. Exactly, that's right. Good boy."

Yuuto breathed a silent sigh of relief as he could hear Rukia giggle on the other side.

"A-anyways... me and the others are going to be hanging out now. Can I call you later... or maybe even meet up with you tomorrow?"

"Ah, meeting up tomorrow sounds lovely! I'll ask Rei if she can come too!"

"That would be nice, b-but..."


"Uh... um... n-never mind."

Yuuto lacked the courage to tell Rukia that he wanted it to be just him and her.

"Have fun with your friends, Yuu! Stay safe! And once again well done! I am really proud of you, sweetheart!"

"Yeah, thanks mom. See you soon."

"See you soon, darling!"

Yuuto, his thumb hovering over the end call button, hesitated. Before he could press it however, the call was terminated on the other side.

"...I seriously wasn't expecting a call from mom now out of all times..."

He sighed, putting away his phone and getting out of the car.

"Fu fu. You look happy."

Kurosaki smiled, approaching Yuuto.

"...yeah, I guess you could say I am."

"Shall we go, then?"

Kurosaki presented her hand to Yuuto.

"We really should... I bet Kaido and the others are sick of waiting for us."

Yuuto took her hand, holding it tightly.

"Fu fu. It's called being fashionably late, Yuu."

Together, they walked into the bar.


"Sorry I'm late."

Hozumi entered the bar, waving at everyone inside.

"Oh, Kazutaka, you're finally here. Don't worry about it, you're not as late as the loner virgin-"

"Kaido, you've said that at least eight times now, would it kill you to just refer to Takanori by his name?" Chisaki said.


"With every second that passes, a neuron in your brain dies. Do you know what a neuron is? Or is that too big a word for you and your smooth brain?"

"Chisaki, one of these days, I'm going to sue you for slander and defamation."

Chisaki chuckled, before turning to Hozumi.

"Hello young man. I believe we've never met before."

"Oh... hello, sir. We haven't, but I know you who are."

"I'd hope so. But in case you're mistaking me for someone else, I'm Shiguru Chisaki, the King of Kings."

"I've heard a lot about you from Kaido-san. I'm Hozumi Kazutaka. If you ever need an odd job to be fulfilled, I'm your man to hire."

Hozumi whipped out his business card and handed it to him. Chisaki gratefully accepted it with a smile.

"Even if it's outside Tokyo?"

"I'll find a way to get to where you are, regardless of where the request is."



"Wow. I can't tell who's more stupid, you or Kaido."


Kaido nudged Chisaki, making him chuckle.

"That would most likely be me, sir."

"You're giving him far too much credit. At least you have the tenacity to show up for your job. Kaido can't even show up at his office for more than two days a week."

"I show up when it counts. And matters. And when I feel like it."

"It's a good thing you're a hospital director and not a doctor then. Speaking of which..."

Chisaki looked at Hozumi up and down.

"What happened to you? Did you get in a fist fight before you came here?"

"Yeah, I did... it's a long story, but I'm okay now."

"Hmm. I was about to say, why don't we put Kaido's degree to good use and have him examine you?"

Hozumi turned to Kaido.

"...if you don't mind, that would be appreciated. A pipe landed on my back, so I want to know if the injury is grave or not."

"Jeez, what kind of street fight did you get up to? The last time a pipe landed on someone's back, the loner virgin loser shut-in NEET with daddy issues and a crush on his mom's uncle became a cripple and started overworking Izuru's older brother."

"Ryuuga deserved it." Izuru said.

"How should we do it then, Kaido-san?"

"Take off your shirt and lay face down so I can check your back. You don't mind if I use the bar table for this, right, Izuru?"

"The hell, of course I do! Go do your weird examinations somewhere else!"

"Where do you want me to do it then? It'd be unhygienic to ask Hozumi to lay on the floor."

"Dang, did your brain gain wrinkles all of a sudden?" Chisaki said.

"I've always had wrinkles, you're just too blind to see them, old man."

"Does that make me an old man...?" Kishou said.

"Your hair is already white, so yes."


"Somehow, I feel bad for Kishou-san the most here..." Izuru said.

"Me too." Hozumi said.

After examining Hozumi's back on the bar table against Izuru's consent, Kaido confirmed there was no major injury, but said there would be significant bruising by the time Hozumi wakes up tomorrow morning.

"Thank you for your input, Kaido-san."

"No problem. Now let me wash my hands, I feel like the unhygienic one now..."

"Bathroom's behind you and to the right."


Kaido waddled off to go wash his hands with Izuru wiped down the counter with disinfectant.

"Seriously though, where is Takanori and Kurosaki? I thought you said they came with you, Hozumi-san." Izuru said.

"They did... maybe I should try calling them again." Hozumi said.

"Knowing Kurosaki, she's probably trying to be last one here on purpose. I have no clue about Takanori, though. It's not like him to be this late." Chisaki said.

Kaido exited the bathroom, wiping his hands on a towel.

"Whatever the case, he better come soon. I'm sick and tired of waiting on that loner virgin loser shut-in NEET with daddy issues and a crush on his mom. When I see him, the first thing we're doing is having a cardfight. I won't even let him get a drink in."

"You can tell Kaido's had a few too many magnums tonight. He's starting to sound like an impatient girlfriend." Chisaki said.

"The only thing dumber than your thick monkey brain is your imagination. Go write your yaoi fanfic somewhere else, dumbass."

At that moment, the door to the bar rattled open.

"Is it them?" Izuru said.

Kaido barged to the front of the bar, leaning his back against the counter.

"It has to be. If it's not, I'm suing him."

The bell rang as the door opened fully.

"Fu fu fu. Sorry for the wait everyone, but the most esteemed guests have arrived!"

Standing in the doorway was Kurosaki, who laughed strangely before stepping inside. She waved at everyone with her free hand, while her other hand pulled Yuuto inside after her.

"Yo. Sorry we're so late."

Yuuto pulled his sunglasses up, waving at everyone as well.

"Hmph. That's all you've got to say after your stupid ass took it's sweet time getting here, you loner virgin loser shut-in NEET with daddy issues and a crush on his mom?"

Kaido turned to face Yuuto, before splitting the couple up by chopping their hands apart.


Yuuto turned to face Kaido, staring at him directly in the eye.

"There he goes, being a thick monkey brain again." Chisaki said.

"Sometimes, I don't know how senpai handles him." Hozumi said.

Kurosaki, being separated from Yuuto, looked behind her to see Kaido was now standing between the two of them.

"Ara? Kaido, what do you think you're doing?"

"You can be lovey-dovey with him later. Right now, the two of us have some unfinished business we need to settle."

"Fu fu... alright, fine. Don't be too harsh on him now, okay? That's my job~."

Kurosaki laughed strangely before taking a seat at the bar.

"Don't worry, I'll return him safe and sound to you. Probably."

Kaido smirked, looking down at Yuuto while raising his fist. Yuuto matched that, raising his fist as well.

"Probably...?" Kishou said.

"Oi, don't tell me they're gonna start a bar fight... Takanori's not even drunk yet!" Izuru said.

"So, what do you have to say for yourself, you damn loner virgin loser shut-in NEET with daddy issues and a crush on his mom?"

"Nothing much... but if you've got that much of a problem with me showing up late, then we can always sort it out the good old fashioned way."

"I don't like the sound of this." Albert said.

"Let him cook! Let him cook!" Kurosaki said.

"Now you're speaking my language."

Kaido pulled back his fist, only to bump it against Yuuto's held out fist. Izuru breathed a sigh of relief.

"I won't have to pay for property damage now..."

"Welcome home, Yuuto. You're still a raging momcon as ever. Doing baby play with Kurosaki still?"

"It's good to be back, Kaido. Good to see you're more of an arrogant cunt than usual."

"Glad to hear. Congrats on winning the Grand Prix, by the way. If you don't win next year too, I'm going to sue you to the ground for emotional damage."

"Wow, are you actually complimenting me? Either today must be my lucky day or the world is going to end... but thanks. It means a lot coming from you."

The two of them laughed before hugging each other.

"Those two really do have an unbreakable bond... I'll admit, I'm a little jealous."

Kurosaki sighed, but she smiled seeing Yuuto look happy to be around Kaido.

"They've come a long way, that's for sure. Seeing them grow from rivals to best friends... somehow, I feel like a proud father."

Chisaki chuckled as he watched the two of them.

"Izuru, hook me up with a sangria, would you? Oh, and a virgin strawberry daiquiri for Yuu." Kurosaki said.

"Coming right up."

"Anyways, Yuuto. Now that you're here, you wanna throw down again for old time's sake?"

Kaido grinned and took out his Seven Seas deck from his belt.

"Thought you'd never ask. Though, I might be a little rusty, so don't expect too much from me."

Yuuto took out his Claret Sword deck from his belt.

"Hah, this'll be an easy dub then. It'll be just like the day we first met on GEN Academy."

"I don't know. Things might end up like your last day at GEN Academy instead."

"Those are some fighting words, you loner virgin loser shut-in NEET with daddy issues and a crush on his mom."

"My fighting spirit got switched on after seeing your dumb face, you thick monkey brain."

"He said the line! Go get that thick monkey brain, Takanori!" Chisaki said.

"Good luck, Takanori-san. I hope you win." Albert said.

"Takanori, call Kaido a dumbass and slap him seven ways to Sunday for me!" Izuru said.

"Good luck, Yuuto. Kaido. I'm rooting for the both of you." Kishou said.

"Senpai, I hope you lose horribly." Hozumi said.

"Kaido, good luck. You're going to need it, fu fu fu." Kurosaki said.

"You ready, Yuuto?"

"Always. Let's rock, Kaido."

Yuuto and Kaido smirked at each other.

"Stand up, the, Vanguard!"


In the end, this was nothing but merely a possibility.

One potential future out of an infinite many that could be waiting at the end of Takanori Yuuto's long and arduous journey.

Everything presented here was completely within the grasp of his fingertips.

All he had to do was reach out and grab it.

As long as he made the right choices at his three years at GEN Academy, all of this could be his.

...but that's another story for another time, neither here, nor there.

I hope you continue watching him closely, everyone.

You don't want to miss how things will end in "Generations".

It may look very different to what's been painted here.

But what do I know?

I'm just a guy who lives in the shadows and likes Chinese food.

I never claimed to be a fortune teller.

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