Investigating Current-Voltage Graphs in the lab!

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We're now moving onto the practical for this unit. Told in Yukimura's POV (for the first time I believe), he'll have a strange encounter with a certain A Class girl.

Yukimura's POV:

I skipped lunch since my points were low and the free veggie combo wasn't appealing at all. Instead, I went to Ike-sensei's lab to do some science experiments. I do things better with my hands than my head, anyways.

I could've dragged Nora along, but he was in the library doing some math shit. The guy's super smart and the question he was trying to solve looked super complicated, so I decided not to bother him and go by myself.

I'm kind of jealous of him, to be honest. When it comes to academics, he's unrivalled. He's super good at learning and is super smart. Even if his personality's weak, that's his strength, and he earnestly trains it everyday. Like how I honed my football skills by practicing everyday.

Football's the only thing I've taken seriously. Ever since May 1st, I've been thinking about how I can become better, so I don't stay in the dumps of E Class. I want to climb up to A Class, like everyone else.

That's why I'm going to Ike-sensei's lab. For once, I feel like I can learn in a subject that isn't sports. My introduction to science is my first step in becoming good at both sports and academics.

At the same time, I'm reluctant to do it. I don't want to become someone like that ikemen, who's good at everything.

I entered Ike-sensei's lab casually, announcing my appearance with a simple "Excuse the intrusion!".

I froze, seeing that there was someone in the lab already. A pretty good looking girl, might I add. She had a lab coat and goggles on. Her hair was long and pastel red. There were bright yellow star clips in her hair.

She wore an orange jumper over her white shirt, but it didn't hide her big boobs all that well. Well, they weren't very big compared to the E Class girls. Kazuraba's boobs were bigger. But she was a D Cup at least, right? Mitsuba has a better eye for this kind of stuff.

Though, I was instantly turned off seeing her tie was white. An A Class student, huh? Damn, what shitty luck. I hate these A Class snobs. Especially Yahagi. The bastard is dragging me through a trial over the most pettiest reason.

"Oya, Yukimura-kun! It's great to see you return! What kind of practical are you looking to do?" Ike-sensei approached me.

"Uhh, some more physics stuff." I replied, but I couldn't help but look at the A Class girl who ignored my presence. "I was reading up on some electricity stuff, but I didn't really get it, so I thought doing a practical might help me."

"Well, Kondou-kun over there is also doing a practical on electricity. It's one of the core practicals, investigating the current-voltage graphs. You two should team up."

I stared blankly at his suggestion, then laughed loudly.

"Hah? Me? Work with her? Sensei, you realise I'm in E Class, right? She's A Class! Like she's gonna like it! Plus she would hate to work with a guy like me! Ha ha ha!"

"I'm being 100% serious, Yukimura-kun. Kondou-kun's an extremely sharp girl when it comes to science. I'm sure if you have an honest interest for it, she won't mind."

Kondou turned to us and crossed her arms.

"Ike-sensei, I think it'd be a bad idea to pair us up together. He's the one who beat up Kurase-san earlier this week."

I clicked my tongue. She was in my Year too. Why couldn't it have been that cute and cheeky senpai, Ibarada, instead? At least she was also E Class like me.

"He might be violent, but science will lead him down a just path." Ike-sensei backed me up, ignoring what Kondou said about me. "Besides, if he steps out of line..."

Ike-sensei's dark aura grew rapidly, and his muscles began bulging.

"I'll make sure to thoroughly punish him."

I think I'm gonna shit my pants...

Kondou sighed, and looked away begrudgingly.

"Fine... he can work with me. It'll go by faster if I have more help." She said.

"Well, look at that. You've got your practical partner as well." Ike-sensei patted my shoulders and gave me a lab coat and glasses. "Make sure to introduce yourself properly and act like a gentleman. Kondou-kun is a good person, she's just a little bit tsun on the outside."

I nodded and put on my gear, walking up to Kondou with hands in my pockets.

"You probably know who I am." I said bluntly. "Yukimura Fudou, E Class."

"Yahagi-san's told me all about you. I'm Kondou Itsuki, A Class."

"I'm sure he has..."

I couldn't help but feel bitter around this girl since she was technically my enemy.

"Firstly, do you understand what we're doing?" Kondou asked.

"I have no clue. I'm here to learn how this electricity stuff works." I picked up a wire laying on the table and plugged it into an ammeter.

"Well, in that case," Kondou took the ammeter in my hand and added it to her circuit. "I'll teach you. I've done read about this practical but never done it myself personally. So it'll be a learning experience... for the both of us."

Kondou set up a circuit. She had a battery, variable resistor, fixed resistor and ammeter in circuit. She connected a voltmeter in parallel to the fixed resistor. I knew this much.

"This practical explores the relationship between current and potential difference. By the end we'll be able to draw a graph for a fixed resistor, a lightbulb and a diode."

"Graphs? Here I thought I could escape maths..."

"Science and math are deeply intertwined. I suggest also brushing up on your math skills if you want to learn science. Drawing graphs are very easy, though. A brute like you can do that much, right?"

"Yeah, I can draw a graph! I'm not an elementary school kid!"

"You sure act like one."

"Shut up, science bitch."

"Do you want me to drag Ike-sensei over here?"


"So I suggest you shut up, watch and learn. That's what you're here for, aren't you? If you want to learn... then I won't stop you."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?"

"Never mind. I'm lamenting over something pointless." Kondou coughed, her face slightly red from embarrassment. "I'm going to adjust the variable resistor so the voltage is at zero at the start."

As she did this, she looked up at me from the corner of her eye.

"You know what a variable resistor and voltage is, right?"

"Huh? Of course I do! I'm not an idiot!"

"Okay, so you actually have a base for this experiment."

"Like I told Ike-sensei, I read some of this before, but I didn't really get it thoroughly. I work better with my hands."

"A kinetic learner, huh? I'm a visual learner personally."

"Oh, that crap they taught us in middle school. Lame as."

"I found it interesting. All sorts of science interests me. This world is built upon the foundation of science, after all. Without these brilliant findings, humanity wouldn't be here we are today. One day, I want to become—" Kondou stopped herself from saying anything more, and covered her mouth. "Why am I saying all this to an E Class student..."

"You got really damn heated in the moment and started spewing unnecessary things I don't give a damn about. Hell, I didn't even ask you what you wanted to become."

"Ugh, be quiet! I didn't want to say those things to an incompetent person like you anyways! Just forget I said anything!"

"I already did!"


Kondou turned away and pulled out a notebook from her bag, all flustered and sweaty. I began laughing under my breath.

"O-okay, I'm going to now record the readings on the voltmeter and ammeter." She wrote down the readings. "Yukimura-san, turn up the voltage a little bit."

"Huh? Me? You sure?"

"You might break something, but if you're a kinetic learner, you should involve yourself more. I can learn by watching."

"Well, thanks for your faith, science bitch."

"Don't use that credulous nickname... we only met less than ten minutes ago, do you have any shame?!"

"You began spewing your hopes and dreams when I didn't even know who you were ten minutes ago either! Do you have shame, huh?!"

"My dream is far more useful to society and far more attainable than yours will ever be!"

"Hah, yeah right! I'm gonna become a pro footballer, become famous, and earn loads of cash! Your dream means crap compared to mine! You'll see my face everywhere you go!"

"If I had to see your ugly face everywhere, I'd rather go ahead and die!"

"Like you're any prettier! The only thing good about you is your big boobs!"

"Kyaaaa! Pervert! Dirty E Class pervert! Ike-sensei, he's being lecherous!" Kondou covered her chest and cowered.

"Wait, huh?"

I froze, turning my head to the gorilla muscled Ike-sensei who smacked his fists together.

"Yukimura-kun. I warned you, didn't I?"

I hate this girl.

After five minutes of nearly pissing myself, I returned back to the practical. Kondou had been collecting the readings without me.

"So, what did I miss while I got my ass chewed out?" I said, leaning against the table.

"I increased the voltage using the variable resistor and wrote down what was on the voltmeter and ammeter. With these findings, we can plot a graph, which I began to do."

"Well, that's great and all, but I missed out basically the entire thing."

"Don't worry. We have to repeat the practical, but this time, using a bulb instead of a resistor. If you want, you can do it while I'm drawing the graph."

"Oh, alright then. Same process, yeah?"

"Yes. Just increase the voltage slightly and write down the readings on the voltmeter and ammeter."

"This is a piece of cake." I grinned and took out the resistor from the circuit.

I fitted in a filament bulb and set the voltage to zero. I took a notebook sitting on the side and began writing down the readings. After that, I slowly increased the potential difference which gave me new ones.

The ammeter read the current's amps, while the voltmeter read the potential difference's voltage. When I increased the potential difference, the current increased.

Potential difference (V): 0.5
Current (A): 0.10

Potential difference (V): 1.0
Current (A): 0.20

Potential difference (V): 1.5
Current (A): 0.35

Potential difference (V): 2.0
Current (A): 0.50

Potential difference (V): 2.5
Current (A): 0.65

Potential difference (V): 3.0
Current (A): 0.78

Potential difference (V): 3.5
Current (A): 0.90

Potential difference (V): 4.0
Current (A): 1.00

And so on and so forth. It didn't take very long until I got enough information to draw a graph.

"Kondou, I'm done with the bulb. What now?"

"Firstly, you can start by attaching a honorific to my name."

"Honourifics are used if I respect someone, and I don't respect you."

"Regardless if you respect me or not, it's just common courtesy to use them. Being polite costs nothing, Yukimura-san."

"That gives honourifics no meaning then. Besides, it's just a "san"! In western countries, people just call each other by their first name without anything extra. That's way more convenient."

"It's insulting, rude and disrespectful to not use it."

"Oh yeah, like you A Class students are so good at that. You've insulted me, been rude to me, and disrespectful too. Practice what you preach, science bitch."

"You're also at fault here."

"I'm never wrong."

"Ugh! I can't stand to hear you anymore! You're so pigheaded!"

"Same with you."

"Just... just give me the results so I can draw the graph!"

"Here you go, science bitch." I chucked the book at her.

"Stop using that!" Kondou barely caught the book. "And don't throw it! Just pass it to me like a normal person."

"I'll call you whatever the hell I want. Got a problem? You can catch these fists instead."

"So you'd be willing to hit a girl?" Kondou began copying my notes.

"Sure, why not. The fact you have boobs doesn't mean you're automatically protected from me kicking your ass."

"You're disgusting."

"No, I'm just a secret genius."

"Then you fooled me, Mr "Genius"."

"Call me that again."

"Mr "Genius"."

"I know I am."

"Mou! Stop!" Kondou began throwing a tantrum like a little kid. I laughed at her stupid behaviour.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Jeez, you don't take jokes well, do you?" I said while laughing.

"You shouldn't be joking about hitting me in the first place..."

"That was an obvious joke. I'd never actually hit a girl. I know that much is wrong."

"You're such a handful... just like Shimada-san."

"Nah, I'm a one-of-a-kind. Don't compare me to guys who don't stand up to me."

"No, you guys really are similar. Both of you are arrogant, violent and can't understand another person's emotions. You even wear your shirts the same way. The only difference is Shimada-san wears his blazer while you don't."

I clicked my tongue to her reply. I'm not arrogant. I admit I'm violent, but only when it's necessary.

And no, I can understand someone else's feelings. I'm not heartless.

"Are you sure you're not just sensitive?"

"What's up with that serious tone?"


"You were serious right now."

"Well, I can be serious too."

"You're so confusing. Anyways..."

Kondou presented me two graphs. One labelled with "resistor" and "bulb". On the x-axis was potential difference, and on the y-axis was current.

"So, the fixed resistor gives us a simple linear graph that shows us potential difference is directly proportional to the current. Doubling the amount of energy into the resistor results in a current twice as big through the resistor. This is called "Ohm's Law", and is true because the resistance of the resistor is fixed and does not change. Fun fact, a resistor is an ohmic conductor."

"The hell's a ohmic conductor?"

"A device that obey's Ohm's Law. That being potential difference and current are proportional to each other."

"So what's the deal with the bulb graph? It's like the resistor graph, except shaped like an S."

"Well, this graph shows us that in a filament bulb, the current doesn't increase as fast as potential difference. Doubling the amount of energy does not cause a current twice as big. The more energy that's put in the bulb, the harder it becomes for current to flow. The resistance of the bulb actually increases. As the potential difference increases, so does the temperature of the thin wire in the bulb: the filament. The increased vibrations of the ions in the filament due to the increased temperature make it harder for electrons to get past."

"So basically, as the energy in the bulb increases, the resistance increases. This means when potential difference increases, the temperature does as well. The increased temperature increase the vibrations made by ions, which make it harder for electrons to get past?"

"I'm surprised you remembered that much..."

"I'm Mr. Genius after all."

"You forgot the air quote marks."

"They're gone with the air. Anyways, that was a good experiment, thanks for the help Kondou, even if you were a little bit of a bitch—"

"Wait. There's still a third part to this practical." Kondou put a diode to my face. "We need to do it for this one too. A semiconductor diode."

"Oh you gotta be joking me..."

"Don't worry, it's the same process as before. You can take the lead." Kondou gave the diode to me.

As she did, her fingers brushed against my hands. Her fingertips were super soft.

"Ew, I can't believe I touched you..."

"I take a shower everyday and wash my hands with soap... calm down woman, you're not gonna catch an infectious disease from me."

"The thought of touching an E Class student that repulses me... but to actually do it makes me want to throw up."

"Then why did you hand it to me then?!"

"It's just being polite..."

"Don't be polite if it's gonna make you throw up! I don't want to clean up after your mess!"

I plugged in the diode and began doing the practical again.

Potential difference: 0.2
Current: 0

Potential difference: 0.4
Current: 0

Potential difference: 0.6
Current: 0

I stared at the ammeter in disbelief. It kept reading 0 even as I increased the potential difference.

"Uhh, Kondou, is the ammeter broken? It keeps saying it's 0."

"Hm? That's meant to happen." Kondou increased the potential difference more and more. "The current stays at 0 until around 1.4"

Once the potential difference reached 1.4, the ammeter read "1".

"If I knew this earlier, it would've made doing this less confusing..."

"Science is about new discoveries. If you continued to increase it by yourself, you would've found out by yourself."

"So I don't need to rely on a girl like you, then?"

"Not necessarily. Science is also about working together, finding commonalities and turning it official. So unfortunately, you will need to rely on me. Like how I have to rely on you."

I laughed at her last sentence.

"Huh? What kind of bull are you saying now? You, rely on me? I thought you hated my guts, Kondou."

"In a lab, you have no choice but to rely on the partners you are given, no matter if you like them or not. For example, I'm relying on you right now to write down the results. You're relying on me to make sure you're correct in your findings."

"Maybe you're not so bad as I thought."

"You're even worse than I imagined, if that's consolation."

"I take back my last statement." I slid the results at Kondou.

She took it, and began to draw a graph for it. She was really nimble with her fingers.

"And here is the graph for diode." She presented it to me.

The line of the graph stayed at 0 the entire time, before suddenly increasing about three quarters the way in. I squinted at how different this graph looked.

"What the hell? I don't get it."

"This graph shows how the semiconductor diode works in relation to the circuit. Since it only allows current to flow in one direction, if the potential difference is arranged to try and push the current the wrong way, no current will flow as the diode's resistance remains very large. The current only flows if the diode is forward-biased. When forward-biased, the diode's resistance is very large at low potential differences, but at higher potential differences, the resistance quickly drops and current begins to flow."

"So when it has forward-bias, diode blocks the current at low voltage, but doesn't when the voltage is very high?"

"Yes. The resistance is high at low voltage, but low when at high voltage. As you can see on this graph where it suddenly spikes up."

"Oya, you two seem to be working together well now." Ike-sensei said, clapping his hands. "Good to see you guys can cooperate when necessary."

"We're not working well, I'm just explaining the science behind the graph to him. Yukimura-san's a bit thick in the head after all." Kondou pointed at me with a bitter face.

"I'm only listening to this girl because I want to get a good score on my science tests." I pointed at Kondou with a deadpan face.

"Still, this is a big step. Now that you've finished the practical, were there any hazards or control measures you need to take?"

Man, I hated this part. It was the thing Ryuukou did the other week, but I don't know anything about the dangers of this practical.

"A hazard... hmm. The heating of the resistance wire and bulb." Kondou covered my ass. "It could give you a burn."

"Correct." Ike-sensei nodded. "What about you, Yukimura-kun?"

Damn, I don't have anything to say. Time to bullshit my way out of this mess...

"Uhh... I guess you could... uh... for the control measure... um... not touch the hot stuff?" I shrugged. "Seems like common sense, though."

"I mean, that's perfectly valid. I'd much prefer you use scientific terms, though, like component."

"So, don't touch the hot component and let it cool down before doing anything with it?"


I sighed with relief. One of my other skills beside football was bullshitting my way through a conversation. Like when Mitsuba goes on a long-winded gush over rare cards in Vanguard. I couldn't give less than a fuck about that.

Science on the other hand... I need to improve and pay attention so I can go to Sakigamiya's apartment. I need to score 80% or more on the next set of tests.

C'mon, Yukimura. If you could put so much effort and time into sports, than science should be a piece of cake!

I took off my lab glasses and sighed, wiping the sweat from my brow.

This was harder than I ever imagined.

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