Yu-Gi-Oh! Wings #9: The Rising Son

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"Mommy, mommy, where are we going today?"

"We're going to see your grunkle, Minoru."

"Grunkle! Grunkle Shiro, Grunkle Shiro!"

"Oi, kid! If you're gonna be Grunkle, call me Stan, not Shiro!"

"Grunkle Shirostan?"

"...we'll get there one day."

"Grunkle Shirostan, Grunkle Shirostan!"

"What is it, kid?"

"Play Duel Monsters with me!"

"You sure about this? I won't go easy on you just cuz you're little and can't do basic subtraction!"

"Mommy said going easy is bad! I want Grunkle to go all out!"

"You asked for it!"

"Mommyyyyyy! Waaaaah!"

"Ah, there there... was it really necessary to OTK him like that? He's only four."

"Hey, the kid asked for it! Besides, he can already read the cards, that's something a lotta chumps playing this game oughta learn."

"But he doesn't know about negating effects, hand traps, or chains... he just plays the monsters he likes."

"Why are half of them girls?! Bird ones at that! When I was his age, I liked the big scary dragons!"

"It's not a bad thing if he's interested in that sort of stuff now."

"He's gonna grow up a pansy, I'm telling ya!"

"Mommy, I don't like Grunkle Shirostan anymore..."

"It's Grunkle Stan, ya little fart!"

"There, there, Minoru... I know, you two should have a make-up duel!"

"A make-up duel...?"

"Yeah. It's when you duel each other to apologise. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like you're trying to ask me to lose on purpose, Yuuri."

"Mmm... only if mommy plays with me!"

"Now the kid's asking for a two on one, hows that fair?!"

"We can make it a two on two if you want, Grunkle Stan."

"Ah Tsubasa, just the man I wanted! Come on, we'll send that whining woman and her pansy child back to the dark ages where she belongs!"

"I don't know if you should be talking about your family like that..."

"It's fine, she's a grunkle's girl. Probably."

"Now you've gone and done it... you two are on! Let's beat them together, Minoru!"

"Ooh, yay!"


"Not when my child is here."

"—iiiitron, you two beat us!"

"Daddy, daddy, did you see? I attacked for game!"

"Wow, good job Minoru! Daddy's really proud of you!"

"Don't praise him, Tsubasa! It was Yuuri who carried that little rascal to victory!"

"Whatever do you mean, Grunkle Stan? It was all Minoru's own hard work."

"Oi, you can't be serious... why are you two coddling him so much... he really will end up a pansy at this rate!"

"Grunkle Shirostan is a sore loser."

"What'd ya say, you li'l shi—en of the Legendary Six Samurai?! I would've won if I used the "special method"!"

"Special math-od?"

"Heh, you wanna know, don't you? The secret to winning any duel."

"Mommy, I wanna know the "special math-od"!"

"It's method honey."


"We'll get there eventually one day, Yuuri..."

"Mommy would love to tell you, but I don't know what Grunkle Stan is talking about either... Tsubasa, do you have a clue?"

"The only special method I know is showing you're playing Ash feet. That's bound to make any opponent scoop instantly."

"Ew that's gross, a child is right here!"

"You're one to talk, you drop more swears in a sentence than you do dropping turds in the toilet!"

"That's because I'm old and constipated!"

"Mommy, daddy and Grunkle are talking about poop."

"Ignore them, sweetheart..."

"What if the "special method" is taking a dump on your opponent?!"

"Yuuri, you should really consider divorcing this man."

"It's a joke, you old coot!"

"Minoru. Do you really want to know what the "special method" is?"

Grunkle Stan grinned, picking me up and sitting me on his lap.

"I do, Grunkle Shirostan!"

"Heh. It might come in handy one day, so I'll tell you. The "special method" to winning any duel is..."



"...yeah, Minoru?"

"Why did mommy go...?"

"Because... because she loves you very much."

"Mommy loves me... so she left...?"

"It's only going to be for a little bit. Trust me."

"So... mommy will come back...?"

"Yeah. She'll definitely come back."

"...when will she be back?"

"...I don't know. But it'll be soon. She'll... she'll come back soon."

"When mommy comes back... I wanna say sorry."

"Why's that?"

"I... I told mommy I hated her... before she went..."


"Dad, I'm home from school."

I dropped my bag in the hallway and went to the living room. For some reason, dad wasn't there.

"Dad? Daaaad, I'm home!"

I called out his name while climbing up the stairs. There was still no response...

"I'm hungry, could you make me something to—"

I froze, staring at the water running out from the bathroom floor.

"D... dad?"

Cautiously, I pushed the ajar door open.

Inside the bathtub, where the faucet was still trickling water, was dad's head was submerged deep underwater. The rest of his body was limp, spilling out of the tub like the water around him, and dangling flatly in a lifeless slump.

I threw up.


"Get out! If I knew how much of a hassle taking care of my brother's kid was, I'd never take you in!"

My auntie, who could no longer afford to take care of me, kicked me out of her house.


"Sorry Minoru-kun, but... maybe things will be better with her?"

My uncle, who was useless at taking care of me, pawned me off to someone else.


"Rest in peace... at least you're with grandpa now, right?"

My grandma, who took care of me for three years, passed away.


"You want to live by yourself? But you're only fourteen..."

"And I already told you, I'm the highest ranking Free Agent in Eight."

I sighed, tired of repeating my point over and over to one of the local administrators of Eight's inner city.

"Whatever... let's settle this in a duel then. If I win, I get permission to live by myself. If you win, I'll go find another family member to take me in. How does that sound?"

"If we can't come to a compromise, we have no other choice. Get set to get decked!"

Naturally, I beat them in a duel, and as per the agreements, a personal living situation for me was arranged. I was really excited, since it would be the first time I'd get to experience true independence.


"Hey there, looks like we're seat neighbours. It's nice to meet you."

The boy sitting next to me, Rizawa Nanami, extended his hand and smiled.


"You! You're the transfer student, aren't you?"

On the rooftop, a boy in our class named Kidou Asuji burst through the door, pointing at me.

"I've heard all about you from other Wings. Duel me!"


"Woah, so you're the one who beat Kidou-kun!"

Running up to me was an over enthusiastic girl, Honjou Fuuka. She grinned and pumped her fist.

"You know, that guy is the strongest in our class. You must be really impressive to win against him!"


"It's whatever, we decided on a name in the end."

"Yup! That was a really cool suggestion, Minoru!"

I looked over to the whiteboard, where the clean spider diagram from earlier turned into a web of rage squiggles from a broken Rizawa. However, in the middle of that mess was one suggestion, circled and clearly written.

It was Ulster, the name of our Wing.


"Takamine, question."

"What is it?"

"Would you like to see my ace monster?"

"Are you seriously asking me this?"

"You know, I don't summon this against just anybody. I only summon it against those who I deem worthy for me to go all out."

"I'm both honoured and worried that you think so highly of me. Let me guess, it's another dragon?"

"Heh. You'd be surprised."

"I'm more surprised that none of what you summoned before was your ace... but sure, go ahead. I'm curious on what it is."

I fully expect something terrifying and game-breaking to come out, but she's already come this far. She might as well finish it off.

"Your honesty is what I like about you, Takamine. Don't say I didn't warn you, though."

"How bad could it be?"

It was about to get much worse.

Now, let's see. What was Saionji Yuuri's ace monster?

"I overlay my level 8 Chaos Dragon Levianeer and Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! The lord of pandemonium has blessed the world with upheaval and disorder. Quiver before the undead final punisher, rank 8! Xyz Summon, Number 22: Zombiestein!"


Saionji paused, her eyes widening.

"You finally called me that... you finally called me your mother..."

She smiled gently and pulled me into a loving hug.

"H-hey... don't hug me so hard, i-it hurts!"

Despite my protesting, Saionji continued to hold me tightly to her chest.

I looked up and saw how bitterly blissful she was in that moment.


Suddenly, the air around Logan shifted as a massive wave of pressure began to chillingly exude from him.

"What trick do you have up your sleeve this time?"

"To change the future, one must grasp at the dangling red string of fate. Spin the ending anew, threading lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride into the story! Rank up, Xyz change! Descend, rank 12! Number 77: The Seven Sins!"


Amasawa pressed her lips against mine, kissing me.

"Fuaa... you really sucked at that."

Bluntly, that was the first thing she said after we parted.

"...i-it was my first kiss... w-what did you expect?"

I licked the sweet saliva on my lips with my tongue. My face felt like it was on fire right now.


"Mans overlays level 10 Heavy Freight Train Derricrane and Super Express Bullet Train! Wid dese two dons, mans gonna build da Overlay Network! Mans not hot. Mans can never be hot. Mans can only ever get dubs, chicken dinner ting! Run it back cous, mans bout to pop off mad wid a rank 10 train! Xyz summon, Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora innit!"


"Didn't you know? The core of Ignister is only twenty four cards! The other twenty six can be whatever I want, ranging from consistency cards like Pot of Prosperity, to hand traps like Ash Blossom, or to my personal favourite... trap cards!"

"Aye, dis is bare peak fam! Out uv all da tekky stuffs mans could've run, you mans chose Waking the Dragon?! Fookin' pussy'ole!"

"Since it was set and left the field due to your card effect, I can special summon one monster from my deck or Extra Deck! Light up the world with your divine blades, o king of wishes! Bring love and hope to those that pray for it, rank 4! Xyz summon, Number 39: Utopia!"


The corners of my lips turned into a smile. Saionji looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Takamine, are you about to do something stupid?"

"No... I was just thinking to myself how lonely it feels to be the only one without a Number monster on the board."

Saionji has Number 22. Logan has Number 77. Mika has Number 39.

"That's why... I'm going to change all that."

Slowly, Saionji's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry for keeping it a secret from you too, Saionji. I overlay level 1 Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale, Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler, and Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow! With these three monsters, I build the Overlay Network! In a place beyond space and time lies the matriarch who gave birth to the entire universe. One day, with these hands, I'll reach her! Xyz summon, Number 83: Galaxy Queen!"


"But... I forgive you, mom. I know the truth now... I know that you don't really hate me... so please, don't feel so guilty for it. I don't hate you at all, mom! I only love you!"

I panicked, blurting words that I thought made sense in my head while clutching onto mom even tighter than before.

"Minoru... I love you too. I really, really love you, Minoru. You know that, right...?"

"Of course I do, mom! Of course I do..."

I don't know why, but I started to cry.

I wasn't the one showing weakness in this situation, yet I was the one feeling most fragile whilst cradled in her arms.

I could feel mom's hands wipe away my tears.

Then, her lips touching mine.

It was a brief kiss... sweet, but fleeting.

"Sorry for making you cry, Minoru."

"N-no... it's okay... I... I don't even know why I'm being like this either..."

I wiped my own tears away and faced away from mom.

Even though I tried to hide my tears, what I couldn't hide was my desire.

My hand reached out and intertwined with hers.


"Now I overlay level 6 Cyber Angel Benten and Soul of Purity and Light! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Only the strongest have the right to win this world. Might is right! Weakness is a sin! Xyz summon, Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon!"


I sip on more of the tea Amanda prepared for me, trying to calm down.

As I drink, I start to feel woozy.

"Ugh... why do I feel so... drowsy...?"

I groan as my vision blurs.

My body feels weak and heavy.

Before I know it, I slump on the sofa, the light draining from my eyes...


Mom... please, save me...

"Who... just who the hell are you...?"

The Sunglow Boss whispers into my ear.

"It's a me, Mario Enmitsu."


"Takamine Minoru."

I groaned, my head pounding in pain.


I slowly raised my head, looking up weakly to the woman who rescued on me.

"From today onwards, you and your friends will belong to me."

I'll never forget the expression on Saionji Yuuri's face that day.

"Welcome to the Sangria Wing."


So it is true...

Your life really does flash before your eyes when you die...

"Isn't this what you always wanted, Saionji? To have a happy family? You should be thankful that I'm granting your wish."

Mario dropped the titanium duel disk.

"Too-da-loo, my dear. It wasn't a pleasure meeting you."

It hurled towards mom.

I reached my hand out, but it was no use.

It smashed mom on the back of her head.


Mom, no...!

Mom's blood is leaking out...

It's spreading out...

It's mixing with mine...

Mario's laugh... hurts my head...

My eyesight is blurry, but I can still faintly make it out...

I can still faintly make it out...!

"M... mom...!"

I wheeze, energy draining from me as I tried to move even a little bit.

"Mommy, please..."

I forced my body to crawl even if each movement was excruciating and sluggish.

"...don't die..."

My hand connects with hers.

I squeeze it, hoping she'll look at me.

Nothing happens.

Mommy is laying lifeless on the floor.

It's... just like that time...

Instead of water, it's blood...


Not again...

Not again...!



Just a little, a small voice spurns me to continue.

If it means surpassing death, I'll do it.

I'll beat "death" itself if it means saving mommy...

I clutch my pounding head and grit my teeth tightly.

Through my bloodied bangs, I looked up at the wicked man behind everything.

I hate you...

My limbs were shaking as I lifted myself up from the floor.

His laughter came to a halt as his gaze fell on me.

It was that moment Mario realised his victory was short lived.


"What...? You're not... you're not dead?"

"I activate my trap card..."

I gritted my teeth and held out my hand, which was glowing with the number 83.

"I lived, bitch."

A faint snicker left Mario's lips.

"I see, so you were just pretending to play dead... well, no matter. You'll succumb to your wounds soon enough."

"No... not if I don't beat you in a duel!"

"Does foolishness run in your family? You just saw your mother get mercilessly beaten by me. What makes you think that you, a mere child, could ever stand up to me? Go back to playing your casual Blue Eyes deck at school with your friends, kid."

"Don't underestimate me, jackass... I'm ranked 12th in Eighth for a reason. And I'm not just some ordinary "kid" either... I'm the son of Saionji Yuuri, the strongest duelist in Eighth... no, in all of Alba!"

"Then that just makes me the strongest duelist in Alba since I beat her without any resistance! Do you sincerely believe your luck is better than her's?"

"I don't need luck. All I need... is the "special method"."

"Special... method? What is it, cheating? Lying? Calling judge? What dirty trick will you use to guarantee a win?"

"I'd be willing to show you... if you duel me, that is."

I gasped for air, struggling to stay up.

"My, my... what a treat. I get to humiliate the entire Saionji bloodline all in one day. How lucky am I?"

Mario chuckled, picking up the titanium duel disk from the floor and snapping it back on his arm.

"It'll be a good time waster for both you and your damned cancer of a mother. Dying in the sewers is a fitting fate for both of you, a trash mother and her trash child. I'm surprised she didn't abort you when she had the chance."

I knelt down and grabbed hold of mom's duel disk.

"I hope... you don't mind me using this... just for a bit..."

I carefully unfastened the straps and put it on.

Then, I loaded my deck into it.

"How would you like to decide—"

"You go first."

Mario's eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you trying to make a mockery out of me?"

"As mom once said... you need it more than I do."

"Then you are just like her. An overconfident, arrogant, and cocky bitch. You'll regret giving me the first turn, Saionji Minoru."

"I'll take the sixth card in hand over going first any day."

What he doesn't know is my deck thrives off going second, whether he Scythe locks me or not.

<[Sunglow] Mario Enmitsu (8000) vs [Sangria] Saionji Minoru (8000)>

"Since I have no monsters on the field, let's start things off by special summoning Junk Forward from my hand! Next I'll activate Emergency Teleport! I special summon Noh-P.U.N.K Ze Amin from my deck in defence position! Then I activate Ze Amin's effect to pay 600 life points (8000 > 7400) and add Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune from deck to my hand! Then, I'll activate Foxy Tune's effect to discard her and another card from my hand to special summon Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider from my deck in defence position! Next, I normal awaken Sangan!"

"Tear open the circuit to infinity! The summoning condition is two level 3 monsters! I set Sangan and Junk Forward in the Link Arrows! Circuit combine! Link awaken, Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss!"

"Sangan's effect, when he's sent from field to graveyard, I add Crusadia Arboria from deck to hand! Arboria's effect, I special summon her to a zone Cherubini is pointing to! Next I'll use Cherubini's effect, sending a level 3 monster from my deck to the graveyard and make him gain ATK equal to the monster I sent! Slumber, Water Enchantress of the Temple! (500 > 2000) Enchantress' effect while in the graveyard, I banish her to add a Rite of Aramesir from deck to hand! Now I'll activate Aramesir to special summon an Adventurer Token and set a Fateful Adventure from my deck! Tear open the circuit to infinity! The summoning condition is two monsters, including a Tuner! I set Link 2 Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss and Crusadia Arboria in the Link Arrows! Circuit combine! Link awaken, Cryston Halqifibrax!"

"Halqifibrax chain link 1, Fateful Adventure chain link 2. I add a Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon from deck to my hand and special summon Red Rose Dragon from my deck in defence position, but I cannot activate it's effects! Fateful Adventurer's other effect, I discard Dracoback to add Wandering Gryphon Rider from deck to hand! Dracoback chain link 1, Gryphon chain link 2! I special summon Wandering Gryphon Rider in defence and equip Dracoback to the Adventurer Token! Now, level 3 Red Rose Dragon tunes level 7 Wandering Gryphon Rider! O chivalrous knight who rides on the petal winds, turn your steed towards oblivion and submerge in sin, level 10! Synchro awaken, Baronne de Fleur!"

"Since she was used as Synchro material, Red Rose's effect activates, allowing me to special summon Roxrose Dragon from my deck! Roxrose's effect, when she's special summoned, I add a Basal Rose Shoot from deck to hand! Level 3 Roxrose Dragon tunes level 4 Adventurer Token! Shine, level 7! Synchro awaken, Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing!"

"Next I activate Baronne's effect to pop Yazi, triggering his own effect to special summon Mare Mare from my deck! I activate Mare Mare's effect, reducing his level by 1 to special summon a level 1 Mini Mare Token! Then, I'll activate Basal Rose Shoot to revive my Red Rose Dragon! Once more, level 3 Red Rose Dragon tunes level 1 Mini Mare Token! Shine, level 4! Synchro awaken, Herald of the Arc Light!"

"He won't be staying for long however, since I'm tearing open the circuit to infinity! The summoning condition is two monsters with different names! I set Link 2 Cryston Halqifibrax and Herald of the Arc Light in the Link Arrows! Circuit combine! Link awaken, Artifact Dagda!"

"Herald's effect activates since he was sent to the graveyard, letting me add a Ritual monster from deck to hand! I add Illusion of Chaos! Then I'll activate Illusion of Chaos' effect to reveal him and add a Magicians' Soul from my deck to the hand, then return him to the top of the deck! Next I'll activate Magicians' Soul effect while in hand, sending a level 6 or higher Spellcaster from deck to graveyard, which will be Illusion of Chaos, to special summon him out! I activate Magicians' Soul on field effect and chaining Dagda's effect to it, allowing me to slumber Artifact Scythe from deck and destroy Fateful Adventure to draw one! Tear open the circuit to infinity! The summoning conditions are two monsters, including a level, rank, or link 2 monster! I set Link 2 Artifact Dagda and Magicians' Soul in the Link Arrows! Circuit combine! Link awaken, Spright Elf!"

"I'll activate Mare Mare's effect again, reducing his level by 1 to special summon a Mini Mare Token! Now, level 3 Joruri-P.U.N.K tunes level 1 Mini Mare Token! Shine, level 4! Cupid Pitch!"

"Cupid Pitch's effect when she's synchro summoned, I increase her level by the level of the tuner monster used for her summon! Madame Spider was level 3, so she becomes level 7! For the last time, Mare Mare's effect allows me to special summon a Mini Mare Token! Minoru, you might want to look away for what I'm about to do next."

"...what do you mean?"

"Level 7 Cupid Pitch tunes level 1 Mini Mare Token! When two barrels merge, the ultimate firearm is formed! Spin the gun and shoot for victory, level 8!"

That's... that's mom's chant...!

"Synchro awaken, Saionji Yuuri's ultimate dragon! Ascend to infinity, Borreload Savage Dragon!"

"How do you like that, Minoru? Not only have I killed your stupid, damned, cancer of a mother, but I'm also using her cards too! It's almost as if she passed the torch to me instead of you!"

"...that isn't yours."

"Huh? I can't hear you muttering like that."

"I said... that isn't yours. Don't defile mom's card like that..."

"Speak up louder for those in the back. Or are you lost for words seeing me summon her almighty Borreload Savage Dragon?"


"Heh, looks like the mother fucker's finally broken. Cope, seethe, mald my dear boy! Cope, seethe, and mald!"


"Cry about it. Cupid Pitch chain link 1, Borreload Savage chain link 2. I equip Dagda from the graveyard (3000 > 3750/2 Borrel) to give him two Borrel counters, then burn you for 800 damage (8000 > 7200) and add a level 8 or lower monster with 600 DEF from deck to hand! Come, Creation Resonator! Resonator's effect, since I control a level 8 or higher Synchro monster, I can special summon him from hand in defence position! Then, I'll activate Psychic Tracker's effect from hand, special summoning him because I control another level 3 monster! Level 4 Mare Mare tunes level 3 Psychic Tracker! Shine, level 7! Synchro awaken, Shooting Riser Dragon!"

"Shooting Riser Dragon's effect activates, letting me dump Fairy Tail - Snow from deck to graveyard, and reducing his level down to 3! Now I overlay level 3 Creation Resonator and Shooting Riser Dragon! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Where there is light, there is also darkness. Lurking between the two in the plane which blends their existence is the inescapable trace of reality. He sees everything. He hears everything. He touches everything. When the sun glows, thou shalt pass, rank 3! Xyz awaken, Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow!"

The number 75 tattoo appeared on the back of Mario's hand in luminescent indigo.

"So that's your Number monster, huh...?"

"It's quite fitting, isn't? Where there is sun, there is always shadow. If it's for the sake of a glorious revolution against Alba, I don't mind going down in the history books as the man who embodied the dark shadow behind the glowing sunrise."

Mario smiled honestly, before breaking out into a sickening grin. I always knew he had the Devil in his soul...

"In total, I have six disruptions. One from Baronne, one from Borreload Savage, one from Gossip Shadow, one from Snow, and two you've yet to see. With all this stacked against you, how can you win? Turn end!"

Hand: 1
LP: 7400

Hand: 5
LP: 7200

I swear, mom... I'll beat this guy and avenge you.

"You can have all the disruptions you want, but they're pointless against my deck. Draw!"

"Oh, so did you draw the out? I suppose that's one thing you're doing better than your damned cancerous mother did."

Mario chuckled, presenting his left hand to me.

"Go on Minoru, I implore you to play Forbidden Droplets. It'll just make my win more impressive that way."

"Sorry, but I didn't draw it either. Actually, I don't run any in my deck since they're too expensive."

And even if I did have them, I'd have to discard four cards to stop everything, since two of them negated, one of them replaced the effect, and one enabled his combo on my turn. I'd be left with only one card, and even then he could stop it with Snow.

In other words... it was a waste, even if I drew it. The only reason mom could use it effectively in her duel was because she just needed to negate Baronne to stop Scythe from reviving. With this... I'll have to jump through a few more hoops.

"I'll start things off by special summoning Turquoise Warbler in defence position since I control no monsters!"

"Huh... Lyrilusc? For Saionji's son, this is the last thing I expected. Is this your "special method"? Winning by an OTK?"

"No. This is a strategy I came up all on my own, and has evolved over time with every person I met and every duel I encountered!"

In the beginning, my deck was made completely of three of each Lyrilusc monster and a bunch of extenders.

However, after getting my ass beat by mom...

Seeing Mika and Logan use hand traps...

Rebuilding my deck with mom's advice...

Including going second cards...

Duelling alongside mom in that tag duel...

Now my deck was the perfect balance. Going first or second, it could fight through anything and everything.

Because of them... I'm able to fly again.

"Since Warbler was special summoned from the hand, I can special summon another "Lyrilusc" from my hand!"

"In response, chain link 2 Gossip Shadow and chain link 3 Spright Elf! Since you control a monster, I target a Link 2 monster in my graveyard and special summon it! Rewaken, Crystron Halqifibrax! Then, I detach two materials from Gossip Shadow to turn Warbler's effect into us both drawing a card!"

"Thanks for the free card! It was Triple Tactics Talent, which I can now activate since you activated a monster effect during your main phase! I'll be choosing to draw two new cards from the top of my deck and add them to my hand!"

"In response, chain link 2 Baronne de Fleur, chain link 3 Crystron Halqifibrax! During your main phase, I banish him to tag into a Tuner Synchro monster! Shine, level 5! T.G. Wonder Magician! Then, Fleur negates that pissant spell and destroys it! Afterwards, Wonder Magician's effect activates, popping Scythe in my back row! This activates his effect, allowing me to special summon him since he was sent from the spell and trap zone to the graveyard! Awaken to reap everything, Artifact Scythe!"

"Scythe's effect, when he's special summoned during my opponent's turn, you can't special summon monsters from the extra deck for the rest of this turn! Chain link 2 Snow and chain link 3 Wonder Magician! Her effect lets me Accel Synchro summon using material on my side of the field! Level 5 T.G. Wonder Magician tunes level 5 Artifact Scythe! The legendary sword which can turn the tides, swing into the direction of the red moon and descend into frenzied madness, level 10! Synchro awaken, Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying!"

"Then, I banish seven cards from my graveyard to reawaken Snow from the graveyard! And since a card was banished, it forcibly triggers Chengying's effect! I banish your Warbler and your Triple Tactics Talent in graveyard! Finally, Chengying will gain 1000 ATK and DEF because there are ten banished cards in total! (3000 > 4000)"

There it was. His hidden sixth disruption. It reminded me of the first time I fought mom, when she brought out Aether off Heavenly Spheres to completely shut me down.

"...I can't do anything else. Turn end."

However, the major difference between mom and this ugly bastard was that mom stopped my each and every action as I made it. Mario didn't, instead choosing to stop me before I could even play the game.

"What a shame. I was secretly hoping you'd be able to play through my Scythe lock-double banish-triple negate, but it seems you're just as bad as that damned cancer. Like mother, like son, I suppose."

However, because of that, I still had a chance. With mom, I was on top deck mode, but with Mario, I still had a hand for next turn. As long as I had these cards, I wasn't out of the game just yet.

Hand: 2
LP: 7400

Hand: 5
LP: 7200

"Look at you, you miserable dog. You have nothing on the field and I have game on board. What happened to that "special method" of winning you were bragging about earlier? Did you actually forget about it?"

"It's still very much alive and kicking."

"Yeah, I bet. In your dreams, maybe."

Mario rolled his eyes.

"Oh well, it doesn't matter now. It amounted to nothing in the end, just like your mother did. I almost feel bad putting you down so quickly, since you're just a vulnerable little child... just kidding. You're the failed abortion of that cancerous woman, making you low ranking cancerous scum too. I'll eliminate the blight on Alba known as the Saionji family with my very own two hands if I have to... draw!"

Suddenly, Mario's right hand started throbbing red.

"Ah, my partner... I understand, you've been pent up for so long... you want to release, don't you? I know the perfect meal you can feast on. I've procured the perfect prey that will sate all your needs... so savour this battle for a long time, okay?"

He began muttering to himself, staring at the palm of his right hand.

"Minoru! Today really is your lucky day! You get to be the first person in over two decades to see him!"

"What do you mean...?"

Mario turned his hand around to face me, revealing two glowing crosses etched like scars into the palm of his right hand.

"The time has come! I overlay level 10 Baronne de Fleur and Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Where there is light, there is also darkness. Everything will be destroyed, then revived in an infinite cycle. Death and reincarnation will become meaningless distractions. The answer to life is an unnecessary temptation. The only thing needed is a return to the very beginning, in this rebellion! When the sun glows, tear open the root to infinity, rank 10! Xyz true awaken, Number XX!"

Number... XX....?!

"Cross out the story, Utopic Dark Infinity!"

The number XX tattoo appeared on the palm of Mario's hand in pitch black.

The atmosphere turned dense and heavy, bringing me down to my knees as if the gravity had been intensified. My lungs burnt as I gasped for air, scratching my clogged throat while struggling to breathe.

"Now do you understand, Minoru? What kind of dire, precarious situation you're in now? No tricks or plans you have left will save you now that I have my main Number monster out. Abandon all hope and surrender yourself as a sacrifice for my God!"

This suffocating feeling worsened as I saw the legion of three monsters staring down at me. On my left was Bamboozling Gossip Shadow, on my right was Borreload Savage Dragon, and in the middle was Mario's true Number monster, Utopic Dark Infinity.

The corners of my vision started to become blurry, and I could feel my heart rapidly pumping as I was on the verge of choking to death. I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my skin to keep myself conscious in the face of these terrifying monsters.

"I activate Utopic Dark Infinity's effect! By targeting one other face up special summoned monster on the field, such as my Borreload Savage Dragon, I can gain life points equal to it's original ATK! Be consumed in the route to the black hole, Never Ending Story! (7400 > 11400)"

So that's his power... just like how Utopic Dark Infinity can heal life points, Mario can heal people as well... that's why mom duelled him, since she thought he could use it to save me from dying...

But knowing him, he wouldn't have done it regardless of the outcome. A man as hellbent on revenge as Mario... would never honour such a promise. Win or lose, he'd make mom feel true despair either way.

He'd do anything to defile mom... anything...

"It's been fun, but let's end this game shall we, Minoru? You'll get the privilege of joining the grave of your mother. Isn't that sweet?"

One last time, I looked at mom.

I stared at mom.

I stared at her intensely, until that broken and destroyed figure was burnt into my head.

I didn't think it was possible, but a feeling that went beyond simple "hatred" bubbled up in my chest.

This burning, dark, pitch black feeling which has nowhere to go and has no name...

It's swelling out, overtaking every inch of my mind and body.

It was similar to rage, but closer to resentment.

It was...

"Battle! Number XX: Utopic Dark Infinity, deal the first blow! (4000) Genesis Omega Deletion!"



"Minoru. Do you really want to know what the "special method" is?"

Grunkle Stan grinned, picking me up and sitting me on his lap.

"I do, Grunkle Shirostan!"

"Heh. It might come in handy one day, so I'll tell you. The "special method" to winning any duel is..."

Grunkle Stan took out a card from his deck, handing it to me.

"...using this card when you're about to lose."


"Oi... what's with that creepy grin on your face...?"

A bead of sweat ran down Mario's face as he stepped back in fear.

"I'm using it."

I lifted up the card Grunkle Stan gave me from my hand.

"The "special method" to win any duel."

I flipped it over, revealing it to Mario.

"When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack, I activate the effect of Battle Fader!"

His eyes widened before breaking out into delightful laughter.

"That's your "special method" to win any duel?! Stalling for another turn? Oh, I'm so disappointed..."

Mario sighed before smiling thinly.

"In response, I remove a Borrel counter (3750/2 Borrel > 1 Borrel) from Borreload Savage Dragon to negate that effect! That means Utopic Dark Infinity's attack will still go through!"

I screamed, taking the full brunt of Mario's attack head on.

"Gaaaaaaaah! (7200 > 3200)"

He snickered, closing the distance between us and looking down at me arrogantly.

"Oi... don't tell me that you forgot Borreload Savage Dragon, an omni-negate, was still on the field? Honestly, what a half assed plan you came up with. To think that your own mother's card is going to be the reason why you lost... how poetic. The irony of this outcome is everything I could ever ask for and more!"

He cackled from the bottom of his lungs, revelling in his own happiness.

"This is perfect... you'll be executed by your beloved mommy. How does it feel? Embarrassing, isn't it? Aw, don't cry! Just think of it as one last punishment from her because you were a very bad boy who couldn't save her or beat me. Borreload Savage Dragon, spin the barrel and shoot him dead! (3750/1 Borrel) Revolving Reload - Revolted Infinity!"

As Borreload Savage Dragon took aim, I grinned.

"Aren't you forgetting something, Mario?"

A black light began charging in Borreload Savage's firearm.

"No, I don't think so."

With a click, it fired.

"If you thought my "special method" could be so easily beaten by a monster negate, think again."

A blinding black beam of concentrated light throttled towards me.

"What is there to think about? I've negated your only out, and now you're wide open. There's nothing left for you to do, except to accept your fate and lose!"

As it inched closer and closer, I revealed one single card from my hand.

"That's not happening. I activate Battle Fader's effect once more! When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack, I special summon him from my hand in defence position and end the battle phase!"

I slammed Battle Fader down into my duel disk, making Mario scream.

"W-what?! But I negated it! You shouldn't be able to activate it again!"

Battle Fader manifested before me, creating a mirror force which blocked Borreload Savage's attack from hitting me.

"Read the card again."

Mario growled, gritting his teeth and checking my card. Then, his eyes widened.

"It can't be..."

"It's not once per turn."

Mario staggered back while laughing in disbelief.

"That's the magic of really old cards. They lack the text saying you can only activate the effects once per turn."

He sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh well... all you've done is delay the duel a little bit. I still have five monsters on board, one more counter on Borreload Savage, and thanks to Utopic Dark Infinity, I'm sitting at well over 8000 life points now. You might be using Lyrilusc, but even that deck would struggle to OTK through 11400 worth of life."

And if you take into consideration the cards in his hand, he possibly had up to three hand traps.

"Simply put, you can't win through all of this. You'll flinch at the last moment and fail to deliver the decisive final blow. Then, on my following turn, I'll recuperate my life, destroy your little birdies, then kill you with your mother's ace. I'm certain that's how this duel will end."

Admittedly, it was an uphill battle from here... but there was a chance I could just barely squeak out a comeback victory.

"So get on with your pathetic last turn, Minoru. Turn end!"

It all depends on what I draw next turn.

Hand: 3
LP: 11400

Hand: 4
LP: 3200

I placed my hand on my deck, taking a deep breath. The outcome of this duel would be dictated by the top card of my deck.

My main priority was playing around Borreload Savage... even though there was an unknown variable with Mario's hand, I first had to get rid of the immediate threats visible before me. If I wanted this turn to go smoothly, I needed all my effects to push through.

Otherwise... Mario would win.

Anything would work. Artemate Slay, Lightning Storm, Forbidden Chalice, or even a Kaiju... just any one of these twelve going second cards that could force out the negation or remove it entirely would be fine...

It's at times like this that I'm reminded why I run forty cards, just to increase my chance of drawing what I need. Please let me top deck one of these cards...

Please, I need it to turn the tide of this duel...!

"Mi... noru..."

Just as I was about to pull the top card out, I could hear a faint voice calling out to me.


I turned to my right, tracing the source of that sound.

"Mommy... believes in you..."

My eyes widened as that tender whisper reached me. I immediately looked down, seeing mom on the floor like before.


Ever so slightly, she had turned her head towards me, hoarsely cheering me on with those words of encouragement.

"I know that... you'll win..."

As mom voiced those words to me, tears began rolling down her face smeared in blood.

"Go, Minoru... mommy's rooting... for you..."

My chest tightened.


I never want to see mom cry like that again.

That's why...

I'm going to send you straight down to the deepest parts of the shadow realm, Mario Enmitsu.


This time, I'll be the one to protect you.

"Crying out to your mommy will do you no good. She can't save you in this situation."

Mario yawned before cracking into a vicious smile.

"If you can't win, just pick up your cards and scoop."

I clenched my fist and closed my eyes.

"...sorry, but momma didn't raise no quitter. It's my turn, draw!"

As I ripped off the top card of my deck, I swear I could feel mom's hand on top of mine.

I opened my eyes and looked at the card. A small smile formed on my lips.

It's a Kaiju... exactly what I needed.

With this, I can win now!

"Alright! I'll start things off by tributing your Borreload Savage Dragon to special summon Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju on your side of the field in attack position!"

That's one negate gone now... all I had left to worry about was if he had any hand traps.

"...you sacked that off the top, didn't you?"

"It's more accurate to say I believed in the heart of the cards."

"You really are a child."

"Damn right I am. You better get ready old man, because this kid is about to kick you back to the prehistoric age where you belong! I normal summon Evil Thorn, then activate it's effect! I tribute it, burn you for 300 damage (11400 > 11100), and special summon two copies of Evil Thorn from my deck! Next I'll overlay my level 1 Battle Fader and Evil Thorn! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Become enraptured under the feathered diva's rising melody! Xyz summon, Lyrilusc - Recital Starling!"

"Recital Starling's effect, I target Utopic Dark Infinity, and give him 300 ATK for each material attached to her! He'll gain 600 ATK! (4000 > 4600) Then, I'll activate Recital Starling's other effect, detaching one Xyz material to search my deck for a level 1 Winged Beast monster, and add it to my hand! I add Celestine Wagtail!"

Mario didn't negate Recital Starling... does that mean he doesn't have any hand traps? He should know that a Lyrilusc player's choke point is negating her, otherwise we can just snowball out and make Nightingale.

That means the only possible hand trap he could have left is Nibiru, since I haven't crossed over into my fifth summon yet, but I doubt he'd activate it since it'd wipe his board as well... if that's the case, then I can go full steam ahead without any fear!

"Next I activate the spell card, Lyrilusc - Bird Call to add a Lyrilusc monster from deck to hand! I add Cobalt Sparrow! Then, I special summon another Lyrilusc from my hand in defence position! Come on out, Turquoise Warbler! Warbler's effect when special summoned from hand, I can special summon another Lyrilusc monster from my hand or graveyard! I'll be bringing out Cobalt Sparrow! Sparrow's effect, when she's special summoned, I can add a level 1 Winged Beast from deck to my hand! I add Sapphire Swallow! And finally, since I control a Winged Beast, I activate Sapphire Swallow's effect to special summon her and another level 1 Winged Beast, Celestine Wagtail, from my hand! Wagtail's effect activates since she's special summoned, letting me add a Lyrilusc spell from deck to hand! I choose the continuous spell Lyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary, then activate it!"

Mario narrowed his eyes as I now had five level 1 monsters on the field. Me and him both knew what was coming next.

"I overlay my level 1 Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler, Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow, Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow, Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail, and Evil Thorn! With these five monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Dance to your death as you listen to the feathered diva's sweet melody! Xyz summon, Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale!"

"Nightingale's continuous effect, she gets 200 ATK for each material attached to her! (0 > 1000) Not only that, but she can attack up to a number of times equal to the number of materials she has, and Cobalt Sparrow's effect protects her from being targeted by card effects! Now I'll use both of Bird Sanctuary's effects, drawing a card because I control a Xyz monster with three or more material and attaching Starling to Nightingale as material! (1000 > 1400)"

For some reason, Mario started laughing.

"Oh dear... it looks like even with your best efforts, it still wasn't enough. Your deck may specialise in OTK strategies, but currently your Nightingale is only capable of 9800 damage. Even with Evil Thorn's effect shaving a bit off from my life earlier, I'm still sitting on a comfortable 11100 life points. When the calculations are done and over, I'll still be living with 1200 life. Like I said before I ended my turn... I'll be able to survive your cheap one trick pony."

Says the guy who's entire deck revolves around Scythe locking by normal summoning Sangan...

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you."

"And here I thought you'd finally learn to give up. What old school gimmick card are you going to pull out of your ass this time, Minoru?"

"Gimmick card? If you've ever seen one of my duels, then you'd know that I've been using this card since the very beginning!"

That's right... this card was the reason why me and mom won the tag duel against Mika and Logan. Not only did it give mom the idea to put Moon Mirror Shield into my deck, but it also gave Galaxy Queen enough power to attack for game.

"I activate the equip spell Stoic Challenge, equipping it to Nightingale!"

"Stoic Challenge gives the equipped monster 600 ATK for each Xyz material attached to monsters I control! I have seven, meaning Nightingale will gain 4200 ATK! (1400 > 5600)"

Mario's jaw dropped in shock. He grabbed his head and shrieked in fear.

"That thing can attack seven times... in total, that's 39200 damage...!"

"Two hits. That's all it'll take to beat you, Mario!"

I threw my fist forward at him.

"Assembled Nightingale, go for a two hit attack! (5600) First Wing Frenzy!"

Nightingale slashed through Mario, pushing him back.

"Damn you... (11100 > 5500)"

To my surprise, Mario didn't even flinch or scream from the attack. He simply growled, locking his furious eyes on me.

"Finish it, Second Wing Frenzy!!"

Nightingale swerved around, slashing Mario from behind and cutting him in half.


With a deep groan, he endured the pain, but fell to his hands and knees as his life points depleted to zero.

"And that's game."

A bead of cold sweat ran down the side of his pale face and dropped to the floor.

"I have to say... I don't think I've ever been so singlehandedly pissed off in my life before..."

Mario laughed under his breath bitterly, looking up at me with a desperate grin.

"Congratulations, Minoru! You've only gone and done it!"

He punched the ground and got up, pointing at me.

"Now that I'm done with your filthy mother, I'll be going after you next! I'll chase you down to the ends of the earth if it means getting my revenge!"

With delusional eyes, Mario declared that I was his next target. However...

"I'll be the very last person you'll ever face, Mario."

His right hand started glowing luminescent indigo again.

"The only way that's happening is if you kill me. Even if you had the balls to murder me on live TV, I still have the blessing of XX, meaning I can just heal any injuries that you inflict me with!"

A dark shadow started to manifest behind Mario, rising behind him like clouds of smoke.

"I'm not going to be the one executing you, though."

I pointed at Mario.

"He is."

Mario raised his eyebrows in surprise, before noticing the black haze that had began to gather around him at his feet.

"What...? What is this...?!"

Mario gasped, hopelessly trying to push away the darkness that was closing in around him.

"Look behind you."

Turning around, Mario's face dropped.

"No... no, no, WHAT IS THIS?!"

Mario screamed as Utopic Dark Infinity manifested behind him, reaching out and squeezing him in a death grip.


A thunderous, almost mechanical, voice boomed and echoed dizzyingly through my head.

"What... what cost...?! You said nothing about a cost if I lost, XX!"

Mario screamed as the thick plasma of darkness fully enveloped him.


I clutched my head, hyperventilating as that voice rang out painfully in my ears.

"Oh... so that's why...? I always won the games where I summoned you... this is the first time... I lost..."

Mario gulped, laughing brokenly.


My vision went black as that voice burned my brain.

"I'll come back... I'll definitely come back to finish you off...!"

A blurry flicker of luminescent indigo swirled in the distant darkness.

"You'll regret getting in my way one day..."

It grew larger, before spiralling out into a glazed white light.

"Saionji... Minoru..."

Mario's voice disappeared into the wind.

When I opened my eyes, he was gone.

All that was left was the card of Utopic Dark Infinity, laying on the floor in front of me...

...and the number XX etched into the palm of my right hand.


I knelt down besides my unconscious mom and propped her body up.

I pressed my right hand down firmly on the hole in her head.

Our numbers, 83 and 22, lit up together in sangria purple.

A pale green light enveloped us as I hugged her closely to my chest.

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