Annie thinks of another rivalry

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Annie was sitting in the kitchen with Zya, Wya and Shion as Izuma was out with her sister.

Annie: *had her arms crossed under her breasts* I have been thinking.

Zya: *staring at her breasts and mumbles to herself* Did they grow again?

Shion: *her tails twitched slightly* What have you been thinking about?

Annie: *had looked at them* We need another rivalry.

Zya: *tilts her head* I thought we were rivals with the emporers.

Annie: *had turn to her slightly* Well we are... but someone else as well.

Tayuya: *had walked in, having hearing them a bit* We'll be glad to fill in as your other rivalry.

Annie turn to her as she took a seat next to her along with Mirko.

Annie: *had put her hand on the table* But Tayuya we're friends.

Tayuya: *had turn to her* Oh my dear friend, don't give me that excuse. We have a bit of rivalry anyway. *had put her hand on her chin with a look of amusement* Is it because it's just me and Mirko?

Annie would nodded slightly at this while her tall friend would smiled softly.

Tayuya: *had put her hand against her cheek* Though, it's true. Me and Mirko have been thinking of adding members. We were thinking of adding Hanabi into our group. *had glance at Shion* If that's okay with you.

Shion: *had crossed her arms while leaning against her chair* That's up to her, not me.

Tayuya would nodded to her while thinking of adding Saki to her group.

Tayuya: *had glance at Annie* Say that swordwomen part of your group?

Annie: Saki? *shakes her head* No.

The tall women would smirked at this along with Mirko.

Tayuya: *stood up* Well, if you excuse us, we have new members to get.

The girls would nodded to them and watched her walk out the room before looking back at each other.

Annie: *had a small smile* So what do you girls wanna to do today?

She and Zya would notice the two girls were smiling at them.

Shion and Wya: *had look of interest* So how did it go?

Annie would have a small sweatdrop and a bit of a blush while Zya would let out a small sigh.

Saki would open her eyes and let out a small yawn and rolled off a branch she was resting on, landing on her feet.

Saki: *stretches her body a bit* That was a good nap.

She would stared walking a bit before looking over her shoulder to see Hilda.

Hilda: *smirks slightly* It's about time that you woke up.

Saki: *had smirk back and look ahead of her* Shut in.

They would walk together before stopping at noticing it was completely silent.

Saki: *had look around the area* Hm...big sister.

???: *had playful tone* Aw, it seem like I have find out.

Both females turn to see Hexia walk out of the shadows as she smirk down at them.

Hexia: *had remove a bit of her hair out of way* Hello girls, how have you been?

Hilda: *had lower hat a bit as a greeting* Fine. *glance at her a bit* What are you doing here?

Hexia: *had put her hands on her hips* I'm just visiting my younger sisters is all. I can't do that?

Saki would stare at the taller girl for a few second, doubting that before shrugging.

Saki: *had leaned against a tree* Well whatever.

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