Maurice and Mari's birthday

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Mari would open her eyes and rolled out of her bed, rolling her eyes while heading to the bathroom where the rest of her siblings were.

Jaylen: *had glance at her* Yo, happy birthday you two.

Her and the shortstack blinked for a bit at this and look each other.

Mari: *had rubbed her head* Well shit, we're 20 now.

Maurice: *washing his hands* I see no difference.

Mari: *nods* True but still time moves fast.

The shortstack did nodded to her as Emily would quickly drag Mari away as they walk out of the bathroom.

Maurice: *his tail twitched a bit* Wonder where she took her.

Emma: *rubs her hair a bit* we didn't get you anything for your birthday.

Maurice: *had shrug towards them with a small smile* It's fine as long as I get a happy birthday is all.

Later on in the afternoon, Mari walked downstairs with Emily following behind her with a smile as the older sister had given her younger her gift as there was a small birthday party.

Mari: *looks at herself* Damn, I alway want to try on a tiger cosplay.

Emily: *had smirk at her and ruffled her hair a bit* Happy birthday, Mari.

Mari: *smirks a bit* Thanks.

They would look over to see Jessie who had walk over to them.

Jessie: *had grin at Mari* Happy birthday, Mari.

Mari: *had smiled up at her grandmother* Thanks grandma.

Jessie would hand her a gift.

Jessie: *had put her hand on her hip* Sorry that I was a bit late. I had dropped by to see Ghost for a bit.

Mari: *pouts a bit at this* I didn't get a text from him about my birthday.

Jessie: *had ruffled her hair* I'm sure he'll tell you soon. He's hosting a tournament. It seem only ten of our best fighters can join.

Jenny: *had walk up to them* Ah, I was going to announce a my tournament. *pouts slightly* Guess I hold it on after his tournament.

The leader would look at her niece and give her gift.

Jenny: *looks around* Where's the shortstack?

Mari: *had look around for her twin and doesn't see him* Where is he now that you said that?

With Maurice
Maurice was pulled to the roof through a portal as he look up to see Charlene who was sitting down.

Maurice: *had grin towards her and wave to her* Yo, Charlene.

The ten tail women would smirked sinister towards him.

Maurice: *had sat down, crossing his legs* So where have you been?

Charlene: *had chuckled slightly* Out.

Maurice: *rolled his eyes* No dip, Sherlock.

Charlene: *had look down at him* Anyway, happy birthday..whatever that means.

Maurice: *blinks a bit, surprised by this* Oh...*had small blush as he didn't expect that from her* T-Thanks.

The ten tail women tilted her head at hearing him stuttered and shrugged it off.

Maurice: *scratches his cheek a bit* So when your birthday?

Charlene: *had glance at him* Birthday? *thinks for a bit* Don't have one. In my realm, birthdays doesn't exists.


They sat in silence before turning to see Caly.

Caly: *had give him a small smile* There you are. I have been looking for you.

She would walk over to him and dragged him back down to the party as Charlene would shook her head.

Charlene: *her tails twitched a bit while smirking to herself* What should I do now?

Annie watched the others have fun and tilted her head.

Annie: *tilts her head and mumbled to herself* What's an birthday?

She would look over at her group and smiled slightly.

Tayuya: *had took a seat next to her and hand to her a piece of cake* Here.

Annie: *had took it and give her a smile* Thanks.

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