Ryu's old outfit

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Ryu would let out a small sigh at wearing his old ninja gear.

Ryu: I'm surprised it still fit. *had turn around bit* Though it's a little tight in the backside.

He look to see Himoto walking up to him and rise a brow at seeing him wearing his old outfit and tilted her head before Shay would walk in.

Shay: *had whistled before having a joking tone* Damn, you aren't a Hayabusa are you?

Ryu: *had chuckled slightly* Nope, not at all.

Both males would share a laugh while Himoto would stare at her childhood friends.

Himoto: *thoughts* His ass is standing out.

Meanwhile, at Shi's house
Erza was sitting down against the couch, playing the game with Lulu who was getting a bit furious as the women had decide to visit with Zenaku watching them.

Lulu: *had a ticked off* Why the hell can't I beat you?!

The armor female would smirk slightly while Ino would look on the couch at Saik who was laying on her stomach after her spar with Shi.

Saik: *has anime tears* Everything hurts.

Ino: *sweatdrops* Well you did deciding to spar the grim reaper.

Zenaku would snickered at his friend misfortune while the grim reaper would huffed a bit at this.

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