Saki encounter Tayuya

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After seeing both of her sisters leave, Saki was sitting a tree branch before sensing someone coming and jump off the branch, seeing Tayuya.

Saki: *put her hand on her hip* What do you want?

Tayuya: *had give the swordwomen a smirk while holding her hand up a bit* My apologies if I was bothering you, Saki.

Saki: *was thinking for a bit while staring at her for a bit* Tayuya correct?

The women would nod to her a bit at this as the swordwomen would sit down.

Saki: *crossed her legs a bit* What I can help you with?

Tayuya: *had smirk while sat down on both her knees* Well how you like to join me? *had closed her eyes* I am completely fine if you don't want.

Saki: *had put her elbow her knee* I feel like there's more to this story.

Tayuya: *her smirk grow a bit* Well, Annie and them need another rivalry. Apparently, me and Mirko aren't enough due to us being a duo.

The swordwomen nodded a bit having figuring out the rest.

Saki: *had thought to herself before looking back at her* Give me a few days and I'll have my answer.

The tall women nodded at this as both stood up.

Tayuya: *had dusted herself off* Have a good day and please inform me when you have your answer.

The swordwomen nodded to her and watch her go away.

Saki: *had let out a sigh* Today is boring as fuck.

At the flower universe
Levi drag Dante over towards the ocean with a bright smile as he smiled back at her.

Aella: *watches with a small smile before looking above her* Oh hi girls.

She would smiled up at nieces as they would landed on the ground and look over to see their mother with some dude didn't know.

Coral: *had soft smile* She looks so happy.

She would look over at Alex who was pouting angrily as the other girls would notice this.

Maya: *thoughts with a bit of a sweatdrop* Oh yeah, I forgot that Alex is a bit of mommy girl.

The second oldest would let out a small sigh at this as Lucia and Shula would know their sister back from interrupting.

Shula: *was struggling a bit* Come on Alex, she's a happy.

Alex: *growls a bit with a jealous look* Let me go. She has us.

At the flower universe
Saik was laying on the couch while Ino was reading until the fox women hear the loli let out a sigh of boredom.

Ino: *had look over at her* Bored?

Saik: *had rolled over to her stomach* Yeah..*thinks for a bit* Ah, let's find my daughters and see what they are doing.

She would start sensing her daughter's energy and smirked slightly at find them.

Saik: *had open a portal* Come on, Ino.

She would grabbed her cousin's hand and jumped through the portal.

Saik *looked around for a bit* huh, I didn't expect my granddaughters to be here.

She would look over towards the sea and froze at seeing her youngest with a man.

Saik: *had rubbed her eyes a bit* What the fuck?

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