Alex ask Emily a few questions

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Alex who glance at her friend who was stretching softly.

Emily: *would be doing a split and look backed at the fox girl* So what's up, Alex.

Alex: *her ears would twitched slightly* Um, Emily I have a few questions.

Emily: *put her hand under chin with a soft smile* Is about you possibly becoming a mother?

Alex: *eyes widen a bit* H-How-

Emily: *closed her eyes* Well being a mother isn't bad to be honest. Look at my daughter and son. They are doing fine.

Alex: *had felt a bit nervous* W-What if-

Emily: *would glare at her a bit at what she would have said* Don't even think about you being a bad mother. Given how you were raised, I know you do fine.

Alex: *would remain silent for a bit and would rubbed her ears a bit* You think so?

Emily: *nods while bending her back a bit* Yep. But that's if you want to be a mother. If not now, then, you got plenty of time.

Alex: *would have a small smile at hearing this* Thanks.

Emily: *grin slightly* No problem.

Alex: *would tilted her head in curiosity at why she was stretching* So why are-

She would stopped at hearing someone crashing into the ground behind her and look back to see Emblem.

Emily: *grins a bit more while standing up* That's why.

Emblem would glance at the fox girl and give her a wave before looking back at her twins, turning super saiyan blue, an intense pressure coming from her.

Emily: *would giggle slightly* Already doing to blue huh. *would enter her blue spiral ray mode, matching the pressure* Fine by me.

They look at Alex.

Emblem and Emily: *spoke at the same time* You may want to move.

The fox girl would fly up into the air as the twins would clashed, causing a massive shockwave throughout the area.

Near by
Yami would be walking with Solara after telling her a few things that had happen.

Solara: *would have a look of awe* Wow.

Her friend would give her a nod before they would feel the shockwave.

Yami: *would have a small smile at this* Oh my.

Solara: *would move her hair a bit out of the way* Someone seems to be at it.

Yami: *would glance at her* You must be hungry?

Solara: *would shake her head* N-

Her stomach would soon growl.

Solara: *let out a embrassed chuckled* Yeah.

The tall women would giggle at this and would continue on walking.

Yami: *would stretched her body* We shouldn't be far from the house.

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