Kasumi after Celeste use her castle

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Kasumi would be standing next to Celeste and glance over at the taller vampire.

Kasumi: Celeste.

Celeste: *glancing over at her* Yes?

Kasumi: *closed both her eyes* You remember when I said you can use my castle?

The vampire queen would nod to her while both look over at the shortstack's castle that would have a few cracks and small holes.

Kasumi: *would look back over at the vampire queen, having a tick off mark* Why the fuck is my castle like that along with the inside look like a mess?

Celeste: *chuckles nervously while rubbing her hair a bit* Well, I lost control of myself during it.

Kasumi: *growls lightly* No shit. It smell like sex even from here.

Celeste: *would chuckle lightly while still rubbing her hair* Sorry. *stick her tongue out playfully* My bad.

Kasumi: *would stare at her friend for a bit before letting out a sigh* Well, at least you did it and had fun, so I guess that's good.

The vampire shortstack would smile towards the vampire queen would give her own smile before walking away.

Kasumi: *would look back at her castle and sigh* I got a lot to clean. *blush lightly while rubbing her thighs lightly* That smell isn't going to make it better.

Legna: *would be standing next to her and tilted her head with a playful smirk* Sex?

Kasumi: *would look up at her and remain silent before letting out another sigh with a light grin* Sure.

Legna: *would have star flash across her eyes and lifted the vampire shortstack, heading towards her castle* Finally.

Meanwhile, at the mansion
Emily would sit the camera and went back over to her spot where Alex would be standing before both girls would be a pose.

Emily: *would grin lightly* Thanks for being one of my models, Alex.

Alex: *would cross her arms while having a soft smirk* No problem.

Emily: *would head and grabbed the camera while looking over at the fox girl* I'll send you the cash in a minute.

The fox girl would nod slightly to her and notice this the pervy goddess would staring at her.

Emily: *would humming for a second* You know, Alex. You are rocking that uniform?

Alex: *her ears would twitched lightly and would check herself out* You think so?

Emily: *would nod playfully* Yes, I'm sure that some of the readers are turn on or like it. *smirks to herself* I know some are because of the outfit I'm wearing right now.

Alex: *rise a brow at this in confusion* Huh, readers?

Emily: *would shake her head playfully* Pay that no mind. *thoughts* I wonder who I can get to model for me next time?

Meanwhile, with Taiyna
Taiyna would still sitting down and had a small frown.

Taiyna: *would let out a soft sigh while standing up* I guess no one didn't want a fight.

The fusion would dusted herself off while closing off her aura and glance over at Solara.

Taiyna: *would hold her hand out* Don't worry about it, auntie. You don't have to fight me.

Solara: *would have a small look of concern* You sure? I told your mother that I'll spar with you if no one show up.

Taiyna: *nods* Yeah it's fine, let's go head back home.

The fusion would hop down beside the tall blond female and give her a small smile before walking ahead as the older female would sigh lightly and follow behind the fusion.

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