Tenten and Sasori

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In a different universe, a country would be in ruins as Saki and Hanabi would be walking out of a city while holding a chest of money and treasure.

Saki: *would be holding chest of money* Let's see. This should be enough for futures plushies.

Hanabi: *glance over at her with a small smirk* You sure do like plushie.

Saki: *nods rapidly while having a bright grin* Who doesn't? They are so soft and cute and enjoyable to squeeze.

Hanabi: *would sweatdrop a bit* Please shut the hell up.

Both would be nearly at the end of the city before stopping at sound of footstep and look in front of them.

Saki: *in a surprise but excited tone* Tenten?!

Tenten: *grins slightly* Well, well, I didn't expect you to be here, Saki. I thought you would be in our realm or somewhere else.

Saki would look beside her, seeing the other female.

Saki: *would smirk slightly* Sasori.

Hanabi would glance over to the left in the distance before looking back at the tall swordwomen.

Hanabi: *rise a brow* Think you can take them both on your own?

Saki: *turns to her with her own rise  brow* Got something to do?

Hanabi: *nods while walking away* Yep. My own fight.

Saki: *smirks slightly* Then you do that. I can handle them on my own.

The smaller girl would nod to this and would teleport to her destination.

Hanabi: *would put one hand on her hip with a slight smirk, hearing footsteps stopping in front of her* Uzaki.

Uzaki: *waves slightly towards the shortstack* Hanabi.

Both would stared at each other as the ground would start to form cracks beneath them as Hanabi would appear behind the girl.

Hanabi: *would pulled her gun and look back with a grin* Think you can keep up?

Uzaki: *would have her own grin and glance back a bit* Of course I can.

Back with Saki, the swordwomen would look back and forth at Tenten and Sasori with a bloodlust grin.

Saki: *put her hand near her blade* Two vs one. I like those odds.

Tenten: *grins with slightly battle crazed expression* Not only I meet you again which is nice but you destroyed my temporary home which I also don't mind but it was still my home. *grips her blade a bit*

Saki: *would giggle darkly at this* And what are you going to do about it?

Sasori: *twirls her spear around before smiling with her eyes closed* I think you know.

The tall swordwomen would grin slightly before stopping with a frown.

Saki: *would hold her hand out* Time out for a second. Can we fight in a dimension? Someone watch my last fight so I would like to fight somewhere private.

Tenten and Sasori would share a look at this before shrugging and open a portal, creating a dimension and went inside with the swordwomen follow behind them as the dimension would have a forest, buildings, mountains, etc.

Saki: *grin lightly* Thanks.

She would quickly pulled her blade, blocking a slash from Tenten while ducking under another one from Sasori.

Tenten: *would turn after sliding a bit*Saki, let's see who sword is better and stronger. My nanoblade or your kaeshite.

Saki: *smirks slightly* You're on.

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