The end of Random book 22

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Hanabi, Drago and Uzaki would be watching Rouge and Lolita fighting each other until both would look behind themselves, sensing someone who would smirk at them.

Drago: *rise a brow of amusement* So you decide to train as well, Luci.

Luci: *would giggle softly while covering her mouth for a bit* Yeah.

Hanabi: *would smirk over at the succubus* So you got a new form in process.

Luci: *nods to the female shortstack* Yeah. *would glance over at Uzaki* So Uzaki, are you a demon by any chance? I'm just curious is all.

Uzaki: *nods* Yeah, I am a demon but I prefer to be call a fiend if you girls don't mind.

Hanabi: *would blink a few times at this reveal and look over at the horned shortstack* You serious?

Uzaki would nod to her while tilting her head.

Hanabi: *would rub her hair a bit* Never know that.

Uzaki: *shrugs with a playful smirk* You never ask so it's good.

Drago would smirk slightly as a burst of demon ki would shot up in the air along with a demonic roar as the other three females would look back to see it was Rouge.

At the flower universe
Zalona and Saik would be looking at the sky until the demon loli would hold her hand up, staring at it and sense that her ki was a bit different.

Saik: *would glance over at her friend* So, what's on your mind?

Zalona: *would look over at the loli fox* I'm sure you know.

Saik: *would smirk slightly* So what's going on with your demon ki?

Zalona: *would shrugs a bit while forming a small demon ki blast in her hand* Don't know. It's been odd ever since our spar.

Saik would stare at the blasts for a second and would start to sense it.

Saik: *closed one eye with a look of curiosity at what she had sense* Seem like your demon ki evolve.

Zalona: *rise a brow at this* Huh? What do you mean?

Saik: *would sat up slightly while stretching and laid down on her side* Exactly what it means, Zalona. Your demon ki is now in the divine area.

Zalona: *would stare at the fox loli in the eyes* So what are you saying that I have demon god ki?

Saik: *nods* Yeah, pretty much.

Zalona: *would have a small surprise look* And how do you think I got it?

The fox loli would remain silent for a bit and look back at the demon loli.

Saik: *her tail would wag around* I guess during our spar, you must absorb a bit of my god ki. Its the only I can think of that makes the most sense to me. There could be another way but who knows.

The demon loli would stare at her for a bit before looking back at the sky in silence.

Saik: *smirks playfully* You aren't bothered, you are?

Zalona: *scoffs over at her* Fuck you, I'm not.

The fox loli would chuckle lightly at this and look back up at the sky.

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