Zya meet Yamato

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Wya would be near lake, having a her feet in it while her sister would be sleeping against a tree until the lazy girl would crack one eye at sensing someone approaching them as the ground would be shaking a bit*

Wya: *would stood up with a large grin, knowing who it was* Yamato!

Zya would rise a brow at this before her eyes widen at seeing a tall female.

Yamato: *would stop in her step, looking down at the ribbon girl* Yo.

She would catch the ribbon girl who lung at her into a hug.

Wya: *looks up at her happily* You keep your promise!

Yamato: *nods lightly* I told you I'll come see you.

The ribbon girl would giggle lightly and notice the tall warrior would be looking pass her and at her sister.

Wya: *would pull herself off and landed on her feet and point her hand over* Yamato, this is my sister, Zya. *would look at her sister* Zya, this is Yamato, she the person that has been helping me with training.

Both females would stare at each other with ribbon girl looking between them, a bit nervous, hoping a fight don't break between them.

Yamato: *would put her hand on her hip* Sister huh?

Zya: *would stand up and dusted herself off while letting out a small yawn* I'm her older sister figure.

Yamato: *would bow her head slightly respectfully* Well, it's nice to meet you.

Zya: *would let out a yawn while looking at the warrior* You are one super size bitch huh.

Wya: *would gasp in shock and pout lightly* Zya!

Zya: *would glance over at her in confusion* What? I'm just saying.

The tall warrior would stared down at the lazy girl and shook her head with a smirk of amusement.

Meanwhile, with Hanabi
Hanabi would be sitting with Uzaki, Lolita and Rouge before glancing over at her brother and Luci as the succubus would be sitting the demon hybrid's lap and the female shortstack would growl lowly at seeing this, gripping her fist a bit.

Hanabi: *scoffs while standing up* Fuck it!

She would headed over to the two demons who looked down at her with a rise brow.

Luci: *would smile at her* H-

She would pushed out of Drago's lap.

Drago: *would frown lightly* Now H-

He pale slightly at seeing her foot step between his leg before Hanabi grabbed his shirt and pulled him down.

Hanabi: *would mumbled lowly while looking down* Mine.

Drago: *didn't hear her* Huh?

Hanabi: *would look up at him, revealing a blush* I SAID YOU'RE MINE, DAMMIT!

The female shortstack would soon slammed her lips against the demon hybrid who was surprised by this before she would pull away and place herself in his lap with pout as Luci would stand up, giggling at seeing this and would go behind her childhood friend, putting her breast on his head as he let out an amusement sigh.

Neo and Lin Lin: *would be watching with a soft smile* About time.

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