Merry Christmas

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Emily would grin proudly at herself as she had would be in her Christmas outfit.

Emily: *puffs her chest proudly* I did it. I somehow convinced a few girls around here to wear some sexy things for this year.

She would glance over at Wya, Zya, Shion, Izuma, and Yami.

Emily: *would have a small mosebleed while wiping the tear off her eye* I never get tired of making fanservice for the readers

The pervy female would chuckle to herself and shook her head.

Outside the mansion, Hinata would be building a snowman with Sora helping her out while Irene and Tamiko would be watching their sister with Kanna.

Sora: *would be rolling another ball of snow as her eyes glance over at the shy girl* So what did you get?

Hinata: *would have a small smile while holding two sticks* I-I gotten a few games. You?

Sora: *shakes her head* Nothing. There was nothing I wanted this time. *glance over at her other two sisters* What did you two get?

Irene: *would hold up a book while shivering a bit since her wings were a bit sensitive to the cold* An other spell book.

Tamiko: *scratch her cheek a bit* I..I got a cook book.

Sora would stay silent for a bit at this and noted to ask her sister for cooking lesson since she was a bit of a bad at it.

Kanna: *hums lightly while staring at the emtionless girl* I didn't get anything either.

Sora would glance over at her and give a nod.

Tenshi: *would peek out of the window, having hearing everything while holding her daughter* The hell are you talking about Sora? Taoreta give you a gift. It's that a Vegeta plushie that you wouldn't stop bugging me about.

Kanna would glance back over at the emotionless girl who would be looking away from them.

Charlene woulc be sitting down on top of a hill before her ears twitched a bit at the sound of footsteps and glance over to see it would be Maurice.

Charlene: *smirked slightly and chuckles* Well, well, if it isn't shorty. *her tails would move lightly* What are you here?

Maurice: *would give the insane ten tail female a grin while holding a gift in his hand before putting down beside her* Here you go.

Charlene: *would look over at the gift and rise a brow before glancing back at the shortstack* The fuck is that?

Maurice: *chuckles to himself and turn away* Open it. *scratchs his cheek a bit* Though it's probably not something you want.

Charlene: *would look back over at the sky* No.

The shortstack would let out another chuckle at this, having a feeling that the ten tail women wouldn't won't a gift.

Maurice: *turns away while giving a goodbye wave* Well Alright then. You can destroy it if you want.

He would start walking down the mountain as the ten tail female would glance at the gift then look away again as her one of her tail would wrapped around it.

Meanwhile, with Saki and Hilda
Saki and Hilda would be talking with each other before both would notice a gift laying on the ground with both female picking it and share a look at seeing who it was.

Saki and Hilda:

Saki would soon be hit by a snowball that made her take a few step back and glare to see it was Hanabi who smirked smug towards her with Rouge and Uzaki standing beside her.

Rouge: *gulps nervously at seeing Saki and would look away from her* Oh no, It's her.

Hanabi: *would be toss a snowball up and down* Yo.

Saki would growl lightly towards the female shortstack before making her own snowball and a snowball fight would occur.

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