Queen Ghidorah leaves the seven commandments

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The seven commandments would be sitting in a field after Queen Ghidorah wanted to tell them something.

Tamera: *would be glance over at her dragon friend* So Ghid, what do you want to tell us?

The rest of girls would rise a brow at watching the golden dragon girl rubbing her hair with a nervous look before she would take a deep breath.

Queen Ghidorah: Okay, I can do this. *would be looking away from them* I want to leave the commandments.

She would close her eyes at hearing their gasps briefly then glance back at them.

Queen Ghidorah: *rubs her hair again* It's not that I dislike you girls of anything like that but I want to go on my own for a bit. *look over at her leaders* Is that okay with you, Tamera, Haku that I leave the commandments?

Haku would glance over at Tamera who had her eyes close, wanting to hear her on first.

Tamera: *her tail moves calmly* Well, I don't mind that you leave the commandments but we won't be able to be call the seven commandments.

Corrin would quickly hold her hand up gaining her friends's attention.

Corrin: *in a bit of excitement tone* Oh, I know someone who can take her place.

The commandments would rise a brow at hearing this coming from her and turn to her.

Corrin: *claps her hands together, closing her eyes* I'll be right back.

She would teleport and reappear with Toki.

Corrin: *her hands would presenting the redhead* I present you, Toki.

Toki: *would be looking around before looking over at seeing Corrin and narrowed her eyes* Why did you take me from my home?

Haku: *would be checking her out, sensing her power before looking over at their leader* She's not bad. She's feel strong.

Tamera: *nods over to her second in command, having also sensing the redhead's power* Indeed. *towards Corrin* Corrin..what is Toki?

Corrin: *smiles with her eyes closed* Toki here is a Shi clan member. *put her hands behind her back* I think she'll make a great addition to the commandments.

Haku would cross her arms while glancing over at Tamera who was thinking to herself, her tail and ears twitching unknowingly cute.

Tusa: *to the other's girls's mind while staring at her leader* Should we tell about her old habits when thinking?

Tulsi: *shakes her head with her hand resting on chin* Nah.

Tamera: *would soon open her eyes* It would be great to have a Shi clan member on the commandments but if only she's want to join.

After those words, they would look over at the redhead who would flinched a bit at this and would rubbed her hair, thinking to herself. She could hangout with Corrin more and have chance to make a few more friends hopefully.

Toki: *would look at the commandments and give them a nod* Okay. I'll join you so *looks away from them while holding her hand out* please take care of me.

The seven commandments would smirk welcoming towards her with Tamera shaking her hand while queen Ghidorah would smile lightly at this and would wave goodbye to her sisters who give her a hug while telling her be careful before the dragon girl would fly off, head off into the atmosphere.

Queen Ghidorah: *would wipe her eyes a bit* Dammit, I said I wouldn't cry.

In the mansion, Hinata would slowly open her eyes and sat up.

Hinata: *winces lightly, having a small headache before noticing she was in a bed and looking around* Oh, I-I'm back h-home. *tilts her head* H-How did I get back here?

She would look over at seeing the door being open as it would be Irene who notice her younger sister was up.

Irene: *would been holding a cup of water with a reliefful sigh* You are up.

She would place the cup beside the shy girl who thanked her in return.

Irene: *would cross her legs* I see you gotten your dark form. *smiles proudly* Congrats.

Hinata: *blushed lightly from this* T-Thanks.

The witch would nod to her as Sora and Mikoshin would walk in with the angel doing a quick check up on the shy girl.

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