Tenshi finishing a workout

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Tenshi and her mother would walk into the medical room while both mother and daughter would be drying themself off with a towel as both had finished a bit of a rough workout.

Tenshi: *rubs her neck lightly while letting out a satisfied smile* That felt fucking great to do.

Taoreta: *nods a bit while flapping her wings* Indeed.

They look up beside them at Britana who had a light smile at working out with the two angels.

Britana: *pulls her hair out of the way* That sure was fun. Don't you agree Amira?

Amira: *panting a bit heavily but would give the dark elf a slow nod* Yes, it was but please to keep it a bit lower for me please.

Tenshi: *scoffs a bit* Well, I damn well need a bit of intense workout.

The nurse would sweatdrop at this while Britana and Taoreta shared a giggle at hearing this.

Britana: *glance over at the fallen angel* So how's the grandmother thing going.

Taoreta: *smiles warmly at being ask that* It's going pretty well honestly. It's not hard being a grandmother as I thought it would. I may was just panicking at the time.

The dark elf would give a slightly at this and glance over to see that Kanna sitting on a chair before looking back at them.

Kanna: *had a playfully smirk* Ah, Britana, welcome back.

Britana: *would let out a soft sigh but had a soft smile* Kanna, your skirt.

Kanna: *look back at herself and noticing that her panties were showing and pouted lightly* It's not my fault that the skirt is small.

Amira would have went over to her desk and grab a water bottle.

Amira: *takes a small sip while glancing over at the pink hair female and mumbled to herself* Big.

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