Zya and Izuma takes Chika, Yang, and Nagoto out shopping

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Zya and Izuma would be walking out of a store with Chika, Yang and Nagoto following behind them.

Chika: *would be holding a few bags of clothes and supplies and would stare at the two females in front of her* Are you sure that we don't own you anything? You did pay quite a lot.

Zya: *would glance back at her* Yeah, it's fine. I need to spend my money on something anyway.

Izuma: *look over at them with a soft smirk* So what do you think of our outfits?

Chika: *would have a polite smile* We like it though we are suprise that are clothes for your size.

Zya would let out a yawn while Izuma would sweatdrop a bit at hearing this.

Zya: *rubs her hair a bit* That's because most of us are coming out of our realm and into this universe.

Yang: *smiles energetically* I very much like my outfit.

Zya: *glance over at Nagoto* So Nagoto, where is Itachi and other two?

Nagoto: *would look over at her after looking around the city for a bit* Oh, I'm sure Itachi is with Shion at the moment. *shrugs* I have no idea where Tenten and Sasori are at the moment but I'm sure they will come soon.

The lazy female would nod to her at this and glance over at Izuma begin to talk with Chika and Yang.

At the vampire kingdom
Kasumi would sitting on her throne and look to see Legna standing over her.

Legna: *smiles lightly with her eyes close* I'm heading out to train for a few hours, you in?

Kasumi: *shakes her head* No but probably later.

The white female would give a nod and ruffled her hair playfully before quickly walking out, avoid a hit from the vampire shortstack who pouted lightly.

Kasumi: *mumbles to herself* I'll get her back later.

She would lean back into her throne with a bored expression.

Kasumi: *thoughts while checking her nails out* I wonder if Celeste down for a hangout session.

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