Hilda helping Saki out

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Hilda would be walking towards her sister's room and open her door to see the swordwomen who look back at her.

Saki: *would smirk at her younger sister* Ah, Hilda, perfect timing. *turns around to her, showing her back* Can you help me out? *looks back at her* I can't reach my bandages across my back.

Her younger female would stare at her and went to the older female and started to help her out with her bandage.

Hilda: *would rise a brow while crossing the bandages across her back* Do you have any bras?

Saki: *shakes her head* Nope. Every time I try to put one on, it's rips or going smacking into the wall. *close one eye lightly at the bandage being pull slightly tightly on her breasts* I think they grow again.

Hilda: *shakes her head with a small smile that went away* Or you haven't found the right side. *close her right eye* You know you could just have someone you make a custom size bra?

Saki: *looks back at her with a curious look* Seriously?

The younger female would nod to her at this while finishing up with the bandage.

Saki: *shook her head after thinking about it* Nah, I like bandages more. They are more comfortable.

The swordwomen would smirk down at the younger female who smirk slightly back to him.

Meanwhile, With Tenten
Tenten would be training by herself as she was in the mountains.

Tenten: *wiped the sweat under her nose while smirking to herself* Well that was fun to do.

The eyepatch swordwomen would sense someone behind her and look back to see Laxus who was sitting on a destroyed mountain that was covered in slash marks.

Laxus: *her tail wag up and down while staring down at the eyepatch swordwomen* Tenten.

Tenten: *would rise a brow towards the dragon girl* Yo, Laxus. *tilts her head* What's up? You need something?

Laxus: *uncross her legs and stood up, putting her left hand on her hip* You are Saki's rival right?

Tenten: *nods towards the orange hair dragon girl with an curious look* Yeah and you're her archrival.

Laxus: *nods and popped her neck and remain silent for a few seconds before shruvging and look down at the female* You wanna fight? *tilts her head slightly, waiting on her answer*

Tenten would snickered lightly at this and look over at her, a bit curious at how strong the dragon girl was and grin lightly.

Tenten: *nods* Sure I-

The eyepatch female would quick to avoid a stomp that slammed into the ground, forming a massive crater.

Laxus: *hovering out of the crater, cracking her knuckles* Good. *give the eyepatch a small battle craze smirk* I need a bit of a warm-up before that swordwomen show up. You're or anyone else are welcome to join she gets here.

The eyepatch swordwomen would nod to the dragon girl who smirk grow a bit more before dashing forward towards her.

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