Ligerv meet Mei

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After being told that she was allow to live where her twin was, Ligerv would be in the livingroom, on the couch, watching the other girls talk and want to talk but felt she wouldn't fit in.

???: *had came out bathroom, after taking a bath g out of the bathroom,  and notice her* Oh my, who are you? You're certainly not Yamato.

The blonde warrior would look over at the voice that was female.

Mei: *give a polite and welcome smile* You must be Ligerv. *held her hand out* My name is Mei.

The blond warrior would slowly nod to her and reach out of her hand where they shook hands.

Hexia: *would walk in and look around before finding who she was looking* Ah, Ligerv, there you are. *saw Mei standing behind the women* I see that you meet Mei. *snap her fingers, gaining the rest of the girls attention* We have a new girl that'll be living with us. Treat her well. Her name is Ligerv.

The other girls would nod at this and look over at the blond warrior who felt a bit nervous but didn't show it.

Nermuri: *give her a wave as her tail twitched* Sup, Nermuri.

Circe: *had crossed her leg over the other* Circe.

Casa: *smile towards her* Casa.

Cassidy: *had her arms cross* Cassidy.

Nina: *smile politely to her* Nina, I think we going to get along just well.

The blond warrior nod to them before looking over at Hexia and bow to her, making the kaiju women rise a brow at this.

Hexia: *put one hand on her hip* Why are you bowing to me? We haven't even fought yet.

Ligerv: *wouldn't look up at her* It's just to show my appreciation for you allowing me to stay here.

The kaiju women would stare at her before nodding with a small smirk.

Ligerv: *look up at her* May I get your name?

Hexia: *look down at her, staring down at her* Hexia.

Annie and her group would be walking out of the theater, having watching the Mario movie for the ten time.

Annie: *stretched her arms* What a great movie.

Zya: *would let out a small yawn, having slept throughout the movie* I suppose so.

Izuma: *had close her eyes and would look over at Annie while carrying Shion who had fallen asleep* Now that I think about it, how is Oden doing? I'm sure it's been a while since you have saw.

The white hair female would stop at this, remember that name.

Zya: *look over at the maid* Is her and Hanabi enemies?

Shion twitch slightly, hearing this while in her sleep.

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