The Inner Spirits of Zaydon

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As Zaydon was meditating in his bedroom, he begins to listen Jiren's mixtape, Meditate.

Zaydon: 🎵 Meditate, gotta meditate. Meditate, gotta meditate🎵 Gotta rest, gotta-

*10 seconds later*

Surrounded by pure energy as he was resting, Zaydon looks around in a ruined castle and found many white orbs on the floor. He was about to pick one on the floor until he hears a mysterious voice.

??? 1: Hello there, my descendent.

Zaydon: What?!

??? 2: Don't be alarm, Zaydon. You may have encountered one of us before, but you have encountered me for a long time.

Zaydon: What are you talking about? What do you mean, "you have encountered me for a long time" ?

??? 3: Look, we're are like you and we're related to you. Besides, we've encountered FrostWing's spirits before.

Zaydon: I know that he has a high spirit and hope for others.

??? 3: No, I'm talking about the three spirits inside of him.

Zaydon: Um, who are they and who are you, guys?

??? 3: A young, little girl named Glare. Glare's mother is Cynder and her father's is Silver. They are a part of FrostWing and we are a part of you, Zaydon. Also, we're your ancestors and we know everything about you.

Zaydon: Alright, just show yourselves.

??? 3: Very well.

As the light begins to shine bright, Zaydon stands back and met the eyes of his ancestors.

Zaydon: So you're my ancestors?!

Deane:  Yes Zaydon, we're your ancestors. I'm Lord Azura the 2nd.

Edamame:  I'm Edamame, Deane's wife.

Shiso:  And I'm Shiso.

    Zaydon smiles warmly as he saw a white orb and picks up until white orb turns blue.

Shiso:  That's incredible, Zaydon. Your pure heart, soul, and energy are the same as mine, but our time is coming to the end.

Edamame:  Yes, it's time to give you our full power-

Deane:  And become a part of you.

    The souls of Deane, Edamame, and Shiso begins to transform into an energy of pure light and went straight inside of Zaydon.


Shiso:  *in Zaydon's mind*  Zaydon, just relax and calm down.

Zaydon:  I-It hurts! I'm aching!!!

Edamame:  Alright, just try to look at our memories and use them to learn about us.

Deane:  Remember everyone that loved and cared about you. You promised them that you will stay alive and become stronger for them.

Zaydon:  *sees many memories and felt many powers inside of him*

    As they finally merged inside of Zaydon, Zaydon begins to surround himself in a blue aura and woke up from his dream. Zaydon was looking outside from the window and see many Saiyans were walking with each other until he saw a mirror next to him.

Zaydon:  It's time that I'll change my new looks.

    A couple of minutes later, Zaydon begins to look at the mirror and saw Shiso in front of him.

Shiso:  Zaydon, are you okay?

Zaydon:  ..........Yeah, I'm okay. It's just that.....I want to get use to this stuff like FrostWing.

Shiso:  Well, I'll just communicate with you and you'll just test out your new powers.

Zaydon:  Alright.

Shiso:  Also, look at yourself in the mirror.

Zaydon:  Why? *sees himself in the mirror and looked at his new looks*

Zaydon:  Damn, I need to test these powers out and train harder.

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