Zaydon Returns to Scavadania

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    When Zaydon and Kira landed on Scavadania, many Saiyans were ready to fight them.

Saiyan 1:  Who are you and where's Lord Anpu?!

Zaydon:  If guys don't remember my mother and father, they're King Zukin and Queen Lia. I'm their 3rd child, Zero.

    Many of them were shocked that the 2nd Prince of all Saiyans in Scavadania returns home.

Zaydon:  You are now freed from the tyrannies of my uncle and my cousins. Rejoice, celebrate, and remember this day as I have returned and became more powerful than before.

    As others celebrated the return of Prince Zero, they spread the news to everyone on the planet that Zero has returned. Zaydon looks up and saw a palace as he was astonished by its height.

    Many hours later, Zaydon was sitting on his throne and relaxed until he felt that someone is watching him.

Zaydon:  You may come out now, I know that you're here.

    A female Saiyan revealed herself as she looked like pure-hearted and kind to others.

Zaydon:  What's your name?

Herma:  I'm Herma, Lord Zero. I am one of the servants in your palace.

Zaydon:  Well Herma, can you tell me where a person named Yala is?

Herma:  Of course, she's at the nursing place where she's keeping an eye on the babies.

Zaydon:  Thank you.

    Zaydon teleported to Yala and saw many Saiyan babies were sleeping.

Zaydon:  *gasps* The babies. They're so cute and adorable.

???:  Excuse me, but who are you?

    Zaydon looks back and met the eyes of a Saiyan who is a nurse.

Zaydon:  I'm Lord Zero, madam.

Yala:  Zero? Are you Zukin and Princess Lia's son?

Zaydon:  Yes.

    Yala begins to hug Zaydon as she remembers him by his eyes and hair.

Yala:  Well Lord Zero, I'm your aunt from your father's side.

Zaydon:  It's nice to meet you, Aunt Yala. Anyways, I got to go back and check on Aunt Kira.

Yala:  Kira? I thought that she's been dead including your parents and her children.

Zaydon:  Shiva resurrected our parents and my mom resurrected everyone.

Yala:  I'm glad that they're alive and get to meet you.

Zaydon:  Me too. Come by my palace when the coronation begins.

Yala:  Okay, bye.

Zaydon:  Bye. 

    Zaydon teleported back to his palace and rest inside of his parents' bedroom.

Zaydon:  Night....guys? Right, I forgot that they're still on Earth.

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