DEATH BATTLE: Galactus VS Unicron

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A/N: Season 10 ends with two multiverse-level planet eaters fighting.

Adam: I am SO glad we got our version wrong because it was a heavily outdated. And considering the size difference between the Marvel and Transformers multiverses Unicron had no viable way of killing Galactus. Basically a Skyrim VS Dark Souls situation; hard to kill but had no way of winning.

Vanessa: Speaking of Skyrim VS Dark Souls, this is the second episode of Season 10 that swapped the series name with ChosenBorn being the first.

Randy: To be fair, Marvel made Transformers comics in G1 but yeah, still an error on their part.

Shadow: Now that I think about, only certain things can actually kill Galactus, one of which was Thor's Godblast which Unicron had no way of replicating.

Sara: Wait, Galactus one-shot DARKSEID?! What comics is that from?

Vanessa: The crossover "Darkseid vs Galactus: The Hunger". It's not canon but considering they nearly composite Unicron, it's fair to use it.

Randy: Wait, I forgot what we did with our version of Galactus VS Unicron. How did Unicron win again?

Adam: Basically we said that Unicron can outlast Galactus in a battle of attrition as Unicron doesn't need to eat to survive while Galactus while starve in the long run. We also said Unicron can poison Galactus with the Dark Energon prior to the official episode. And lastly, we compared the Matrix of Leadership, which Unicron has survived against, to the Ultimate Nullifier which is a massive lowball on our part. So yeah, a lot of mistakes there.

Greg: Well with that, Season 10 ends. We'll be writing our thoughts on the episodes while waiting for Season 11.

Adam: Hm, I noticed something with the cards right before they announced Wile E. Coyote VS Tom Cat. Possible combatants confirmed?

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