Shadow's pastime

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Sonic: you know, I always do wonder what shadow ever looks at if he's on a computer.

Issei: I always assumed he just looks at a shit ton of guns.

Blaze: Hey, have you guys seen dad anywhere.

Sonic: He's Outside fighting some demented tails right now.

Blaze:........ what?

Outside, Austin was currently fighting off against the creepy deranged tails, who was wielding some sort of hammer to try and bash Austin with. However, he was easily able to dodge the swings while leaving a message to Frostwing.

Austin: Hey cousin, I know this might sound a bit random to ask, but is there by any chance a crazy, tall looking amy over at your house right now? Not particular reason. Just thought I'd ask.

After dodging another swing from tails, Austin hit him in the face with the hand he was holding his phone in, knocking the tails down.

Austin: and please pick up!

He yelled before finishing his message.

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