Undertale sans: rewrite the stars

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"You know I want you 

it's not a secret I try to hide."

You knew sans loved you. He didn't hide the fact that he did which made it hard for you.

"I know you want me

So don't keep saying our hands are tied"

Sans knew that you loved him back but for some reason you kept telling him that a relationship between the both of you wouldn't work out and that your hands we're tied in this decision.

"You claim it's not in the cards

But fate is pulling you miles away

And out of reach from me"

You knew why you always said fate had other plans for you and sans because you felt like you weren't good enough for him.

"But you're here in my heart

So who can stop me if I decide

That you're my destiny?"

"Hey, kiddo?" Sans said ripping you put of your thoughts. "Um yes sans? What's up? You asked giving him a questioning glance you already had an idea about what he was gonna ask you. "Why won't you give us a chance? You already know your in my heart. So why keep me from the person I was destined to be with?" You sat there I silence for a few minutes

"What if we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing could keep us apart

You'd be the one I was meant to find"

Before you could answer he said " What if i realign the stars to show you that we can make it? It would show who's the light of my life." You giggled at the pun that was well placed.

"It's up to you

And it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

So why don't we rewrite the stars?

Maybe the world could be ours


You spoke up "I wish it were that easy sans but it just wouldn't work" Your soul hurt at your words but your were convinced it wouldn't. "When did someone or something else dictate your happiness? You know as well as I do that its up to you and me. No one tells us who we have to be. Maybe if somehow the I could realign the stars the world could be ours. "

"You think it's easy

You think I don't want to run to you

But there are mountains

And there are doors that we can't walk through"

As you say there you mumbled to yourself " Sans, you really think I don't wanna run to you? But there are other people and situations we can't tackle together " You didn't realize sans heard you.

"I know you're wondering why

Because we're able to be

Just you and me

Within these walls"

"(Y/n) why do you say that? Look it's just us right now. Paps is gone to train with undyne." He said you game him this as a response

"But when we go outside

You're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all"

"Sans when we leave these four walls together you know it's hopeless. No one seems to like human and monster relationships and I'm not going to put you through almost getting killed because of it." You said almost in tears because couldn't he just see?!

"No one can rewrite the stars

How can you say you'll be mine

Everything keeps us apart"

He looked at you with an unreadable emotion it was like he was at a loss for words but maybe he just needed to listen to you. You spoke " Sans how can you say that I'll be yours when everyone around us and everything is keeping us torn apart?!"

"And I'm not the one you were meant to find

It's not up to you

It's not up to me"

Sand opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off " Maybe I'm not the one you were destined to find its no up to us sans." You say with tears running down your face sans looks at you with sadness in his eyelights.

"When everyone tells us what we can be

How can we rewrite the stars?

Say that the world can be ours


He let's you finish saying what you need to. " Everyone says we have to date our own race. How can the stars be realigned so we could say the world is ours? "You had finally finished and cleared your soul and mind.

"All I want is to fly with you

All I want is to fall with you

So just give me all of you"

Sans spoke up " All I want is to spend life's ups and downs with you. Why can't you give me all of you? It's not impossible (y/n)." Oh how you wanted to believe that.

"It feels impossible

It's not impossible

Is it impossible?

Say that it's possible"

You spoke with a cracking voice

" Yes it is sans haven't you seen the way people treat humans with monster lovers and vice versa?" He looked at you and thought for a bit.

"How do we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine?

Nothing can keep us apart"

"(Y/n) we can realign the stars. And I can call you mine. Nothing can keep us apart." You slowly starting believing him.

"Cause you are the one I was meant to find It's up to you And it's up to me"

"You wanna know why I believe that?" He asked. You turned and looked at him questioningly.

"No one can say what we get to be

Why don't we rewrite the stars?

Changing the world to be ours"

" Because no one can dictate our choices nor who we belong with. So why can't we realign the stars? "

The more he spoke the more you believed him.

"You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide"

You stared at the floor for a bit thinking. " You know I love you. I don't hide it".

"But I can't have you

We're bound to break and

My hands are tied"

" Sans I want you but I can't have you it's bound to end and my hands are tied." You said. he looks at you. "(Y/n) I know you feel like that's how it's gonna play out. if it does end won't the time we spent together be worth it? Won't the companionship we create be worth it? And what it we make it to the point where marriage is a possibility? Wouldn't it be worth the trials and troubles to get to that point? " He said and hugged you. You made the decision to go for it and date sans even though the voice in your head kept telling you that it's gonna end. You didn't let it bother you you wanted to see how the journey would go. 

*let me know what y'all think!*

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