They won't ever

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(how darkest got his scar)

Darkest : *sits in his too holding right eye* 

Fury:Hey son alright?

Darkest: *jumps blood drips from arm* Oh heh hey father 

Fury: ......what happened 

Darkest:.....*lift's shirt showing cuts and bruises * M-my sibling's .....F-father it was my fault ....i...i * tears feel in eyes and sobs * I KILLED THEM IF I HAVE NEVER LET death was my own doing .

Fury: *hugs darkest* Son it's not your fault don't blame yourself 

Darkest: my sibs blame me i told them i was sorry.....t-they don't ..

Fury: *kisses darkest sil's forehead pulling him close * Just rest 

Darkest: they won't forgive me 

Fury: Then that's there fault you need rest my boy sleep 

Darkest: *closes his eyes going to sleep in fury's arms*

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