What it means to be a soul hunter

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Darkest was in a battle on his own saving a realm but takes deadly hits to his chest but to his surprise portals open around him 

Darkest : *coughs * W-what now 

Then another portal opens darkest jumps up to his feet weakly his gem glows and Jason,Hope , And Storm come running out them. Darkest sits against a tree and watches them fight the demons trying to enter the sky walker realm Jason gets shot down and a portal opens next to him Dream shot comes out of it growling he cuts his arms and spins splatting his poisons on the demons making them hiss and unable to see . A portal opens near darkest Jj stands the protecting him with ice walls soon another portal opens Kaylee fly's out of it hitting the demons with fire and with that the fight was over . Jj helps darkest stand and so does dream shot 

This is what it means to be a soul hunter we all are different but again we are the same , We all come from many places with many other laws but we all come together and help one another this is what it means Soul Hunters must have each others backs in order to keep peace in this world . 

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