Who needs Alexa?

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Her: Who needs Alexa when you can have a Kat?

Random person: What?

Her: Observe.  *Turns to me*

Her: Kat, what is my schedule for today?

Me: At 11:30 am, you have a doctors' appointment.  Shall I give you the precise address?

Her: Nah, that's okay.  Continue.

Me: At 1:30 pm, you will watch three episodes of Ninjago, while snacking on: Chips, plain popcorn, a fruit salad, yogurt, and a watermelon beverage.  May I recommend a healthier alternative to the former item?

Her: Uh, no.

Me: Very well.  At 2:36, you will go outside and exercise.  At 6:00 o'clock, you will have dinner.  Would you like todays' menu?

Her: No, thanks.

Me: At 10:30, you shall visit me and beg for food.  At 11:30, you will retire for the night.

Random person: Cool!

Her: That's not all.  Kat, what class of animal is a rabbit in?

Me: The taxonomic order Lagomorpha.

Her: How many eggs do I have at home in my fridge?

Me: Seven.

Her: What Queen was on the throne during the Industrial Revolution?

Me: Queen Victoria.

Her: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?

Me: Mild, slightly cloudy, with a high of sixteen degrees Celsius.

Random person: I want a Kat!  😢

Her: You can't have her.  She's my prototype.  Though she does get defective sometimes.

Me: *Glaring at her*  Alert!  Alert!  Fatal error!  Total system failure!  Files corrupted!...Deleting files... Files deleted.  Data removal complete!

Her: Oh, come on!

Me: Access denied!

Her: Please?

Me: Access denied!  Total system reboot!

Her: Darn it!

Me: Password accepted!

Her: YES!

Me: Access denied!

Her: #!$%^*&@ 

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