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Ew I hate that title XD

hey y'all it's been so long since I've posted in this book.

I'm not very interesting or as weird as I used to be.... holy shit XD

8th grade - 9th grade was just me going through a bunch of awkward phases

First I was a "yandere" (let's not)

Oh yeah fnaf was huge for me in 7th grade

Then I was "#random lolz" (ew)

The ponies....

Then I was gay (heartbreak maybe?)

I think I thought I was bi first it when t back and forth (I'm straight now tho)

Went through a vocaloid phase

Went through a bad sjw phase (bad times man... bad times)

Lonely and sad (still am XD)

And now I'm just kind of here and very much a scene kid because Rawr XD

Hahahahaha lolz and there's some stuff none cared about

Don't take a offense that I buy being gay as a phase I don't think it's a phase it something you are born with I was just at the wrong part of the internet at the wrong time and at the lowest point of my vulnerability.

(The pic above is my bearded dragons, spike and razor)

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