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Ok. Here's a quick update on what's going on with my books and life.

I'm currently working on the fourth chapter for Hamilton and Hetalia. Those should come out soon, but I'm not completely sure.

I'm also trying to work on the My Hero Academia book, but I'm having some serious writer's block, and I'm not really sure where to go from the point the book is at.

The updates for chapters are slow, and will continue to be slow. I work upon inspiration, so I work on something that I'm inspired to actually work on.

I've been really stressed out and depressed about what's going on in the world lately, and that directly effects my inspiration. That's the explanation to why posts are slow too.

During this, I've also been trying to help my friends through their problems by just talking to them on the phone, since I can't see them. It's been really hard on one of my friends, but I won't name who out of privacy and respect.

My family has also been pretty harsh about what's going on. We only ever leave the house if we're going to see a family member, checking up on family friends that live near by, or going to the store. Lately, we've been going to my grandparents' house a lot. I don't really like being around people, especially my family because they judge me a lot. This effects the updates as well.

The final thing I have to say is, my drama teacher started to play practices again. I know y'all think that's highly idiotic. However, we were separated into groups up to nine, and were spread out during different points in the day. As soon as I come home, I'm exhausted and don't really feel like doing anything. Not even eat, and I absolutely love food.

That's all I had to say. I really hope y'all understand about what's going on in my life, and that I'm trying my best. Hope y'all are safe and happy.

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