I got my first tag

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I was tagged by kirby_yangire, thanks alot. Wow the sarcasm is real. Anyways, I'm being forced to name 13 facts about myself so...here we go.

1. I'm a fanatic for Anime if you haven't read my bio.

2. I currently have a blanket from when I was a baby that I called "Orange" even though there isn't a single bit of orange on it. Ironic, I know. Don't judge me. I was a weird kid.

3. I'm a total tomboy and only wear t-shirts and bell bottom jeans. I think skinny jeans were made by the devil, don't understand why girls like them because they're so uncomfortable.

4. I'm a sophomore in highschool and I'm always questioned by one boy on the bus if I really am. Yes. Yes I am.

5. My favorite subjects in school are Math (yes! And yes I'm Asian so I'm good at it. (Self inflicted racism I know)) and art if you can't tell from my art book. Also, I swear if anyone says that Anime isn't art, I'm cutting them with my katana.

6. By the way I have 3 katanas, one real movie sword from the movie "Blade", a Chinese sword I think and a wooden training sword. So I'm not afraid to cut a b*tch.

7. I'm joking. I'm only 5 ft 1 inch and 88 pounds (yes, I checked. Don't ask if I'm lying) I couldn't hurt a fly.

8. Yes I'm a girl. Don't ask again. It's in my damn name. I was asked if I was a girl 3 times and they all said I sounded like a boy...come on... it's on my damn profile name!

9. I have a PS4 account and ps3. Get out of here Xbox users. PS4 PLAYERS UNITE! My profile name is Fionna_cool_girl (shocker I know, it's the same as my Wattpad profile name)

10. I have a YouTube channel called Fionna_ Cool_Girl (once again, shocker) here's a video on my channel


11. I used to have depression but I got over it. No thanks to my parents. It was thanks to my friends, the only people I knew would be there for me.

12. I have talked 3 people out from committing suicide. If you have any trouble, you can talk to me. I'll always be here for you guys. I'll always be nice and sympathetic, if you're having a tough time, please tell me. I can be your light when nobody else has. That's what people tell me that's what I'm like to them. Please reach out to me or someone else. There are people out there who want to help. I may not know you but I want to help any way I can. I mean it with all my heart. 

13. I want to become an artist/cartoonist or a video game designer. I'm taking a digital art class at school and I want to work hard to get my goals.

(Bonus fact because it's almost Christmas.)

14. I want Copic markers for Christmas!! Although those are very expensive so I'd be fine with the "Dark and Grimm" trilogy shown down below. The first book was really good. I loved the dark and evil themes of the book. I was in a book club during 7th grade and I read it and it was a wonder to read. I really recommend it. I really want to re-read the first book and read the other ones so I know what happens next. It's been several years since I've read it and I hope to get the trilogy this holiday season.

Anyways these are my 13 (14) facts about myself. I won't tag anyone no matter what anyone says because I'm not like that. Anyways see y'all in the next chapter of any of my books!

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